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I HATE pre-applied stickers.


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I just got a HISS, and the stickers look pretty bad. They might as well be upside-down as far as I'm concerned. I mean, when most vintage vehicles have better applied stickers than the 25th ones, there's something wrong. I'm sorry, but if a six year old kid back in 1985 can put stickers on straight so can the people in Hasbro factories. If not, DON'T PRE-APPLY THEM! Let us do it Hasbro!


Anyone with me on this?

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If they are put on well enough, I do not mind the 1/2 and 1/2 that we are getting now.

I'd rather put the stickers on myself and have complete control--and that is the biggest part of the fun for me.


Heck, I loved assembling the vehicles of old as well.

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If they didn't put the stickers on them, you just know that the MIB collectors would have a fit because the vehicles all come pre assembled and viewable thru the clear plastic. "DISPLAYable IN BOX just for the MIB collectors" but without the stickers pre applied...they'd all look, incomplete and plain. <_<


I like to assemble and apply the stickers....MYSELF! That's all part of the fun I get out of collecting the vehicles, then if you have a figure that can actually SIT or RIDE in them after you've put it all together.....whyyyyy, that's just the BANG for the buck! ^_^



I've ordered sheets of HISS emblems from cobrastickers and plan on redoing all my HISS tanks with the original stickers and emblems.

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Okay, it's not so much the fact that the stickers are applied - it's that every single vehicle I've seen has them applied all crooked. If they're not going to do it right, they shouldn't do it at all, right?

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I agree, I hate it as well. It also seems the sticker quality isn't very good (the Target exclusives weren't for sure).

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I don't mind the pre-applied stickers if they're on straight. a couple of the hiss tanks I got have crooked stickers and one of them is very messed up. I didn't even bother to put the other stickers on my vamp, pods, and ram's because i think they look good as is. You know what else sucks... that cobra sticker on the top of the flight pods bubble. its all wrinkly

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Don't mind the help, as some of those things are tiny and dang pesky, but as you all have said, I just wish they took more care in their application techniques. I can deal with a little crooked, but some of what I've seen is just absurd.

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Okay, it's not so much the fact that the stickers are applied - it's that every single vehicle I've seen has them applied all crooked. If they're not going to do it right, they shouldn't do it at all, right?


Right! ^_^


I don't know exactly HOW they apply these stickers, if it's a machine or 8 year old Mexican children, but they sure do a sloppy job of it and that's why I'd prefer the "not at all" alternative.

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I don't mind pre-applied stickers if they're applied right, but that seems to be a difficult task for Hasbro. The Cobra symbol on the Trouble Bubble canopy was full of air bubbles. I tried to remove it and reapply it but the exposed parts of the decal were useless. I'd much rather have a had one on a sheet to afix myself.

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