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Taking bets! ML- $11, $12, or $15 retail price?


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There can be no doubt that when ML waves start hitting again they will NOT be $10. Check it out:


ALL 3 3/4" figures are now EIGHT DOLLARS (!?) (Star Wars, GI Joe, Indiana Jones)


DC Universe Classics and Movie Masters (both of which are 6") just got a bump to $12.


Other high end stuff like Hellboy figures are $15 at retail.


So how much do yo think we'll be paying for the new ML when they come out?

Personally, I'm going with the safe bet, $12. However, I can see them doing $15 (I KNOW they only said Hulk Legends would be $15 becasue of the excessive amount of plastic used, but I just have this feeling....) At least I only need the Astonishing Beast. (He IS still coming out right? Or has that changed?)


Just remember that when the price hike does happen, DO NOT call for Hasbro's head. This is an expensive hobby, with or without shipping costs and ebay.

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yup they use to cost around $15 here after the tax and you're guys $$ is about the same as ours now... & that was when they were cheap when toybiz was making them... maybe more around the $13 range with hasbro in charge

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yup they use to cost around $15 here after the tax and you're guys $ is about the same as ours now... & that was when they were cheap when toybiz was making them... maybe more around the $13 range with hasbro in charge.
The price you pay will vary, depending on where you shop. But considering that both Target and Wal*Mart are charging $14.99 for the figures in the current Marvel Legends Hulk Wave, I'm going with $15... OR MORE. If Wally World and Target are charging $15, you know that places like KB Toys and your local comic shop may be charging closer to $20 for them!


Good thing I only buy the occasional ML figure here and there, when it's a character I just absolutely HAVE to have... like Skaar, Son of Hulk or the new King Hulk figure! All the rest get left on the shelf/hook for other collectors that have more money, and more importantly, more ROOM for ML figures than I have at the moment. ^_^

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except Marvel Legends can't afford to hike their prices because they dont even sell for 10 bucks... This line is crawling on its belly. Hasbro admitted at SDCC that keeping this line going is a challenge (because sales are soooo poor).


If we don't buy them for 10 bucks, why would we buy them for 12?



Where are all the people who said Hasbro wouldnt kill this line?


And it can only be blamed on the changes they made from what Toybiz was doing. Toybiz ML was a revolutionary and highly successful toyline. Hasbro ML tried to mimic Toybiz legends, while cutting every corner and tweaking all the good things about ML figures.... bad idea Hasbro.

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I'm just tired of seeing those stupid Hasbro joints.



exactly. Hasbro's articulation design (especially ELBOWS and knees) is ruining all of their action figures. Its kinda okay on StarWars, but then they put them on everything. They are terrible on GiJoes, and even worse on Marvel figures.

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I think once they start putting out waves with out build a figures the line is done ... no one will have a reason to buy them all anymore ... that was really quite the catch with toybiz...

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  • 1 month later...

This thread gets a bump because I was recently at Target where I saw your common Hulk Legends figures with a lone empty peg under it which read "Marvel Legends" ( NOT "Hulk Legends") $14.99.


Almost time to say "Bye, bye, modern toy collecting".

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i think mls will stay at like 10-12 range...the only reason target costs so high is cuz uts an exclusive....(like sw exclusive figures are 15 even though reg gigs are like 7)....as for fury files i think they will be like 7-8 bucks

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I hate it but I'm thinking of getting the target wave even at the current price :S I duno though I keep changing my mind :S I don't really want to support them when they are at this price its like saying yes please screw us again!

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Come again?... that wave is out already I just saw/found out about it at sdcc :D???!!! well thats good if its just target being insane ****nuts! may almost make me want to pick up the wave a little more. The fact that the ares wave is out so fast is freaking insane as well!

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Its simple, Foom wave was $15 cause it needed to be, Ares wave is normal price with an added dollar because of the higher costs and such, Target = scalpers for the price of their wave.

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You guys know I haven't set foot in this board since I left Albany, NY and quit the line because of the switch to Hasbro!! While I love the choices they are coming out with, I don't like the cuts on corners, nor do I like the exuberant price hike, which I know we would have had with Toy Biz, but not that freaking much!! I was in Target and my jaw dropped when I saw Spiral, she would look so boss next to Mojo, but no way in hell that is happening at 14.99 a pop!! Mojo will have no guard!!


Look Toy Biz wasn't perfect, good lord we all know that! But there was something just that clicked with them!!

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I used to want the Adam Warlock. Finally saw him the other day but I had to pass. I couldn't justify the price.


I mean, this guy has a reused mold (I'm sure that's a Wolverine torso). His thigh high boots are painted on. If I'm going to think about droping unreasonable amounts of money, I need some effort in the actual product.

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I don't know what the **** Target's problem is. The Ares wave goes for like $10.44 a figure at Wal-Mart. Target is just being heartless.

My little 2 cents on Target. How can Target not only charge that much, but try to pick us clean with a set of figures that are impossible to find. Just for the frustration of trying to hunt the Red Hulk wave down and Target NEVER restocking these figures means that Target should discount this wave if they ever do get them in again! Nuff said!

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except Marvel Legends can't afford to hike their prices because they dont even sell for 10 bucks... This line is crawling on its belly. Hasbro admitted at SDCC that keeping this line going is a challenge (because sales are soooo poor).


If we don't buy them for 10 bucks, why would we buy them for 12?



Where are all the people who said Hasbro wouldnt kill this line?


And it can only be blamed on the changes they made from what Toybiz was doing. Toybiz ML was a revolutionary and highly successful toyline. Hasbro ML tried to mimic Toybiz legends, while cutting every corner and tweaking all the good things about ML figures.... bad idea Hasbro.



I guarantee you Toybiz's profit margin anticipation isn't as high as Hasbro's. Toybiz (and other smaller toy manufacturers) are probably satisfied with 40-50 cents profit on the dollar, while greedy Hasbro insists on 70, 80, or even 90. And they pass that onto the consumer. Because their shareholders demand it. If Hasbro was slightly less greedy, we could have Legends, more legends, and original Legends all the time. Instead of using the same mold 50 times and rereleasing the tired old Spider-Man molds for the umpteenth time. But then somebody somewhere wouldn't be able to buy another yacht. And we can't have that.

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Over here on in the PAC Northwest we don't see any of the Legends. We see plenty of G.I.Joe's and Transformers but Hasbro doesn't seem to send any of the Legends our way and if they do is really horrible paint aps, or horrible characters that no one wants. I have never seen any of the exclusive lines in any of the stores I have been to and finding the Hulk wave is next to impossible.

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