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GI Joe Resolute Test Footage Online

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Now THAT looks very cool! :o


I'm not up to speed on the whole "internet" thing though, at least as far as to WHERE it's going to be shown??? @hmmm@ How's this suppose to work?

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i'll just copy my post from the other thread that pit viper mentioned it was on hisstank to this in....


(Pit Viper @ Aug 6 2008, 10:01 PM) *

If you guys haven't seen it, go over to Hisstank.com. I have no doubt that this guy will handle the series correctly.




I don't really see what it has to do with the writers ability to tell a gi joe story (in a way the collectors on here think it should be told smile2.gif) As most of that was "run through the woods, shoot at stuff, stab some stuff(awesome more violence!!! i doubt we'll be seeing troopers parachuting away from blown up fangs!) and make a stupid joke".... you don't see much characterization or plot in a one minute action preview. It does look promising and I like the animation for the characters i've seen pics of so far... duke, however, looks kinda wimpy to me. you can't really say anything about the writing of the story until you actually see the whole thing.


On a side note... so when this comes out it will be on the internet in five minute episodes that will equal one full hour. will it be like an episode once a week like red vs blue?


oh and you guys who are saying he doesn't know anything about gi joe.... he said that he didn't going into the project but that he did extensive research, which i'm guessing is reading comics and cartoon scripts/watching the cartoons. i'm sure hasbro supplied him with the characters and their general characteristics. how pissed would we all be if snake eyes could talk?


anyway yeah looks good.


and vh, i'm guessing it will be on hasbros gi joe website once a week. much like the red vs blue show that's on every monday? online (the one made using the xbox game Halo) thats the only example i can think of of short made for online episodes. those are each about 4-7 min long and quite funny if you've never seen them and have played the game :Dwww.redvsblue.com

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