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Is it wrong to hide action figures at the store?


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Is it wrong to hide action figures at the store with the intent to go back and purchase them later? It's a question that has caused some debate in other forums, and I wanted to see how GI Joe fans felt. In all my collecting years, it is a practice I subscribe to and don't have a problem with it. I've hidden things and gone back to buy them the next day, I've hidden things and have found them back out on the shelves, and I've hidden things and never saw them again, the impression being someone found them and bought them. I've also found other people's stashes which certainly enhances the thrill of the hunt.


What is everyone else's opinion?

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Generally, I'll only hide something if I intend to be back within 6 hours. I usually go on toy-runs with a full walet, but if something large or a lot of things come in at the same time, I'll have to run to the bank to make up the difference.


Otherwise, for me its fair game for others and I just leave it.


Similarly, if someone finds my stash in the time I'm gone, they're free to take it. It isn't exclusively mine, and to that end I usually hide it in the vacinity. Scalpers usually won't take the time to hunt around for something not on the pegs, kids and collectors will, so I know that if my stash disappeared it probably went to a good home. Similarly, if I find another stash, I may take a couple things that I've looked long and hard for (usually though I'll just leave it or return it to the pegs).


I know there's a bit of a double standard in there but....








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Well, the "problem" might not be what you are thinking.


Most major retailers have video surveillance coverage of most of the store, so someone stashing something from one part of the store to another can be ( and is likely being) observed.

The problem comes with how that is interpreted by store security.

The assumption can be made that the perp ( in this case the stasher) is placing goods for someone else to retrieve in hard-to-see sections of the store, as a prelude to shop-lifting.




Obviously, even the suggestion that you might be shop-lifting can set you at stark odds with that store, and end your patronage real quick.

It might be advisable to just take your chances like the rest of the folks that do not stash stuff.

After all, it is first come first served.

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I've stashed in the past, but only cause I wasn't sure a local collected needed it or not, there's been times where I stashed an item, found out they didn't need it and when I went back, it was still there, so I put it back on the pegs. I feel, if you can't afford it at the time, you don't deserve it and should leave it for someone else.

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Many stores are getting rid of layaway, with the assumption that customers can get the item online if they need more time to get the money. This assumption just doesn't hold true when it comes to toys. Toy stashing used to be something that was looked down upon by those who said 'you should put it in layaway'. Now I think we'll see more and more of it. Barring putting a lot of time and effort into networking (as Arrow often advocates) or simply being 'first in line', stashing is really the only recourse left if you don't have the dough at the exact moment you find the toy.


Another, less used alternative is to keep a credit card 'in reserve' for exactly that situation, which I've taken to doing and highly recommend. As long as you make your payments on time, you can build your credit score and your toy collection at the same time. :)

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honestly, this has never bothered me. Granted, I haven't had any reason to do this since I was in middle school, but if someone needs to run to the bank, go ahead and stash the figure. Its still there, so if someone looks for it, they'll find it.


And honestly, yes most stores have security cameras, but very few are willing to pay an employee to sit at a desk all day and watch the cameras. Most stores have policies that they can't even initiate dialog or take action against a potential shoplifter unless they physically see the shoplifter destroy packaging or place the item in a pocket/backpack/jacket and walk past the front residents. People do weird stuff all the time at retail. No one is too concerned that someone is putting a 10 dollar action figure Marvel Legends behind the Monopoly boxes.


Off topic, but this is a great way to get your store cleared of peg warming figures. I've resorted to this on two occassions; when stores were flooded with Gollum action figures (we're talking stores were getting nothing but cases of Gollums) and when Walmarts were flooded with Sigma 6 Heavy Duty v1s. By hiding a few of these in random non toy places, my local Walmart started restocking with new stuff that people actually wanted to buy.

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honestly, this has never bothered me. Granted, I haven't had any reason to do this since I was in middle school, but if someone needs to run to the bank, go ahead and stash the figure. Its still there, so if someone looks for it, they'll find it.


oh.. really?


Off topic, but this is a great way to get your store cleared of peg warming figures. I've resorted to this on two occassions; when stores were flooded with Gollum action figures (we're talking stores were getting nothing but cases of Gollums) and when Walmarts were flooded with Sigma 6 Heavy Duty v1s. By hiding a few of these in random non toy places, my local Walmart started restocking with new stuff that people actually wanted to buy.




The Target by my house said they wont get stuff from their back cause some guy would do that, he'd clear the pegs of Star Wars figures, hide them throughout the stores and then ask if someone could bring some out cause "they were out"

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Y'know what you could do is buy up a the peg warmers from Wal Mart(hypothetically), and return them to another Wal Mart. Maybe space it out between a few different stores so as not to clog one too badly. That way, the inventory would register that the product had been sold and they'd restock the shelves.

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Y'know what you could do is buy up a the peg warmers from Wal Mart(hypothetically), and return them to another Wal Mart. Maybe space it out between a few different stores so as not to clog one too badly. That way, the inventory would register that the product had been sold and they'd restock the shelves.


I actually do this on a semi frequent basis. I will never buy up a WHOLE peg of figures but if there are one or two still hanging on the pegs and they haven't moved in a few weeks, I'll buy them to clear the pegs and return them to another store. I have one target that I consider "mine" that I stop at most every morning that I'll do this in. And it works too. Target doesn't like the pegs to stay empty for long. They always restock with in a day or two.


As for figure stashing, That is something I've never done, generally because I don't worry about if i have the money at the time or not. If my bank card is running low I can just use my credit card and pay it later. It gets me in trouble later when i have to pay the bill. (hehe) but having the toys the minute you see them is worth it.


The only reason toy stashing irrritates me, is because I'm sure I have gone in to a store looking for something and i don't see it and leave when exactly what I'm looking for may be hidden behind a ceral box over in the grocery section. I guess i feel like if I can ALWAYS figure out a way to buy it when I see it, other people should to.


But do I think it's wrong... no.. Just annoying.

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Off topic, but this is a great way to get your store cleared of peg warming figures.




No its not


I work at Target and if it doesn't get rung up at the register according to our computers its still in stock and the backroom team won't pull anymore out because the comp says it still in the store


Meaning they won't pull anymore items from the back and nothing gets reordered


I don't know how TRU,Walmart and Kmart work' but you just made sure your local Target doesn't see anything more for a while

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I know this will tick people off and perhaps rightfully so, but here goes. I am a collector who frequently impulse buys toys, hangs on to them for a little while, and then returns them. Whether it's the hot new wave or a peg warmer that I thought I might like it satiates the craving for new toys. Sometimes I'll keep the purchase, but I also return a lot of stuff too. An example would be that I returned a Shadow Stormtrooper that I've been hanging on to for about a month or so. I already had one and decided I could stand to be with out another especially with all the new product that just came out.


Sometimes when I stash toys(only around the toy section mind you) it's because I may want the toy, but don't feel like dealing with the hassle of buying and then returning it later. So if I go back in a few days and still want it, I'll buy it, if not I'll put it back on the shelves. Case in point, a few months back I had stashed a McQuarrie Rebel Trooper and didn't check back to that Wal Mart for about two weeks. I couldn't believe it was still there, but didn't feel like buying it so I put it back on the shelf.


Oh boy, I have a feeling this is gonna create some backlash.

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Is it wrong to hide action figures at the store with the intent to go back and purchase them later? It's a question that has caused some debate in other forums, and I wanted to see how GI Joe fans felt. In all my collecting years, it is a practice I subscribe to and don't have a problem with it. I've hidden things and gone back to buy them the next day, I've hidden things and have found them back out on the shelves, and I've hidden things and never saw them again, the impression being someone found them and bought them. I've also found other people's stashes which certainly enhances the thrill of the hunt.


What is everyone else's opinion?



^_^ Ah heck....it's been a LONG time since I've "hidden" toys for later purchase, but the fact still remains that I have in fact done it, on a FEW occasions, back in the day.


It's not something I think I would feel compelled to do again though, I dunno, maybe I'm not as desperate about it anymore or just not INTO them like I once was that would make me go that far to SECURE an item, which is all it really is, a desperate act of 'securing" a highly sought after item for yourself, when no other options are available (or so we think).


Not enough cash at the moment and no layaway to toss it in (most store don't have layaway now) leaves hiding it as a desperate LAST alternative. It's a pretty silly thing though, and a shame that we'd have to go there, but with the way things are anymore, and how QUICKLY such things come and go and never return, I can understand it, and wouldn't totally berate somebody on it.

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I used to hide toys too


What made me stop was this kid looking for a figure that I hid


It was his birthday and he was looking for it for a longtime


I took it from my hiding spot and let him have it


I just leave them be if I can't get them nowadays I figure let somebody have it

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Off topic, but this is a great way to get your store cleared of peg warming figures.




No its not


I work at Target and if it doesn't get rung up at the register according to our computers its still in stock and the backroom team won't pull anymore out because the comp says it still in the store


Meaning they won't pull anymore items from the back and nothing gets reordered


I don't know how TRU,Walmart and Kmart work' but you just made sure your local Target doesn't see anything more for a while

What does your Target do when your pegs are empty and inventory still shows some on hand but their stashed and noe one finds them? The pegs stay empty or you tear down the place looking for missing inventory?

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I say, hide the figs and duck tape a scorpion to it so if any one find it they will half to fight the scorpion in a death match in the octagon, and the winner will get the fig. Muhhahahaha!!!!!!!!!!!!!! @optimus@ @twisted@ @loll@

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Off topic, but this is a great way to get your store cleared of peg warming figures.




No its not


I work at Target and if it doesn't get rung up at the register according to our computers its still in stock and the backroom team won't pull anymore out because the comp says it still in the store


Meaning they won't pull anymore items from the back and nothing gets reordered


I don't know how TRU,Walmart and Kmart work' but you just made sure your local Target doesn't see anything more for a while

What does your Target do when your pegs are empty and inventory still shows some on hand but their stashed and no one finds them? The pegs stay empty or you tear down the place looking for missing inventory?


We have what is called an outs team they go through and if they can't find it they order more but that doesn't happen all the time


Or my pog team leader who posts here sometimes does it himself to make sure we get the items

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I equate stashing with misdemeanors such as grafiti and jaywalking. And scalping as a felony like bank robbery.


I hate scalpers. :angry: <_<




Or how 'bout...


Hiding (or stashing) is like masterbation,


while scalping is like prostitution?






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So what happens if someone steals a bunch of figures? The store waits with empty pegs until the shoplifters bring these back?


Besides, I pretty explicitly mentioned that i did this at Walmart. They don't have a fancy set up, they just seem to put stuff out when it is empty (sometimes)

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