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Do You Guys Think We Could See A Terrordrome


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The reason I ask this is because,


After seeeing the Star Wars Millinium Falcon at Wal-Mart for a $149.00, do you think there is a possiabilty that we might see a Cobra Terrordrome.


If were getting a Firebat. I think that a Terrordrome could be in the works.


And also if Hasbro did realease a Terrordrome for a price of 149.00 - 199.00 would you by it at that price.

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no because 1. i just bought an old one for $60... 2.you can get old ones for around that price (149.00 - 199.00 ) or cheaper online....


the original came with the firebat. why would they sell it separate now if they had plans for a terror drome.

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I'd never say never. I never thought they'd fix the Vamp mold and they did. I never thought they'd rerelease the Imperial Shuttle and they did....so never is a strong word.


I hope they do I'd love to have one.

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I already have the original, bought it brand new at a Meijers back when, but if they did release a newer version of it, even if it's merely the same exact thing, just re-released (like they're doing with all the vehicles right now) I'd probably pick another up at the suggested price range.


Problem is, they'll release one or two as a Target exclusive and...well, we all KNOW what that means. I wouldn't even SEE one, let alone try and buy one.

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Sure, it's possible! If the Joe line continues on this path why not? It seems to just get hotter, and with the movie coming out retailers will be more willing to have larger playsets and vehicles on the shelves, no doubt.

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Why just settel for a rerelease, Hasbro knows what kinda of money we put into these toys. You can't compar the BA Falcone to the Terror dorme from 22 years ago?


I want my Terrodrome to be double level, Make it higher with rooms on top of the 6 sides. They can leave the botom bays as is just make them so I can close up a hiss in one of them. The second level can be set up as such.


Throne room

Air Traffic Control

Blank room for the Firbat slide



Command room with one of those Tact screens in it


This time make it so two Firebats shoot out of it.



Cobra Col. Base commander Blue Cg body with a generick head able to fit the Cobra officer helmet.

AVAC (don't piss me off Hasbro leave it the same) though blue highlights instead of read hmm........

Blue Tele Viiper.


Then they could have a wave of add ons to come out.

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I asked this very question of the Hasbro guy at the Joe booth at SDCC. He said he had just found the casts for the Terrordrome. He said there were no plans at this point for a Terrordrome, but it is a possibility for the future.

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I do think that they'll go about this in steps though. That if the Rattler and Conquest go well...I could see something from the next size up like the Whale or Moray being made and gauge how well that does before moving on to something like the Terrordrome or 83 HQ.

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Never thought we'd see the larger vehicles again at all an' look what happened with those. I do think the new Falcon set is a bit of a "let's test the waters" run. Hasbro knows the Star Wars franchise is a lot larger so they can see how well a large playset would go over to give them some idea of what might be comparable or different with a large Joe playset.


I'd love it myself, but already bleeding dry from all the other releases. =)

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I'd love it myself, but already bleeding dry from all the other releases. =)


Ya, I'm kinda in the same boat. I'd love to get the new Falcon, but there's so many other toy related things that I want right now, I can't quite justify dropping $150 on it. If this would've came out around a year and a half ago...when new toy releases were kinda stale...I would've picked it up in an instant.

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I don't know man; I would have never guessed that they would have re-released the MCC, but they did surprisingly. So who knows...


Well, the MCC failed as a re-release when it came out a few years back. This it the thing that's weighing against large items: their foot print on the shelves, and thus their high price-point.

Offering them is a risk......whether they sell or not is a gamble and retailers are understandably skittish.

Star Wars is still a hugely attractive property with consumers, and the new vehicles are not just re-releases, but all-new toys.

A Terrordrome could be a decent seller today, imo...........BUT........a newly designed Terrordrome could be a better seller.

The thing is..........how much faith is their in GIJOE as a brand?



We are getting a LOT of re-used and recycled characters, and vehicles in the 25th Anniversary line--which is a sign of a somewhat timid approach.

When the MCC was re-released, another set also debuted: COBRA Mountain......and I think we all remember what THAT thing was like. Again, that was a sign of not-a-lot of faith in GIJOE.

I think the Rattler and Conquest are "test" items--in that they are mid-sized but "large" enough that they can set the stage for larger items IF they sell well at their MSRP.

If they go the way of the MCC, that is.........selling mostly on discount, then forget about a Terrordrome and larger sets like it.

However, if............IF, they are remade into something uber-cool, and not a straight re-release ( perhaps a more detailed re-interpretation) then they MIGHT stand a good chance of appearing.

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If the sales for the BMF & AT-TE are successful, and Hasbro see's the demad is there for these higher priced items, I think we'll see these things in the Joe line. But if the SW vehicles fail, movie or not, I doubt we'll see the big stuff in the Joe line.

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Im still waiting for the brand new "mold" vehicles they talked about awhile ago.. where is the new versions of the old classics?


I dont want a Vintage Terror dome, i want a whole new one done, like the BMF.

the old toys are outdated, after seeing what happened to Starwars and updates, i'd like to see some

from Joe.

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I don't know man; I would have never guessed that they would have re-released the MCC, but they did surprisingly. So who knows...


Well, the MCC failed as a re-release when it came out a few years back. This it the thing that's weighing against large items: their foot print on the shelves, and thus their high price-point.

Offering them is a risk......whether they sell or not is a gamble and retailers are understandably skittish.

Star Wars is still a hugely attractive property with consumers, and the new vehicles are not just re-releases, but all-new toys.

A Terrordrome could be a decent seller today, imo...........BUT........a newly designed Terrordrome could be a better seller.

The thing is..........how much faith is their in GIJOE as a brand?



We are getting a LOT of re-used and recycled characters, and vehicles in the 25th Anniversary line--which is a sign of a somewhat timid approach.

When the MCC was re-released, another set also debuted: COBRA Mountain......and I think we all remember what THAT thing was like. Again, that was a sign of not-a-lot of faith in GIJOE.

I think the Rattler and Conquest are "test" items--in that they are mid-sized but "large" enough that they can set the stage for larger items IF they sell well at their MSRP.

If they go the way of the MCC, that is.........selling mostly on discount, then forget about a Terrordrome and larger sets like it.

However, if............IF, they are remade into something uber-cool, and not a straight re-release ( perhaps a more detailed re-interpretation) then they MIGHT stand a good chance of appearing.



kinda reminding me of those gi joe hydrofoils that sat on the shelves and were discounted time and time again at toys r us... at least around here


you think other retailers didn't want to sell the larger vehicles (rattler, conquest) and that is why they are targat exclusives or does hasbro just hate me? (and vh it seems ;)) or is it that they thought they would sell better and faster if there was a smaller amount of them being circulated?


I don't think an even bigger terror drome would sell actually. multiple levels? big enough to hold a couple hiss tanks? it would have to be huge. Bigger means more expensive, and it would be more of a hassle to find space for. If anything they'd just update the old one. like they have most of the vehicles so far. i.e smaller foot pegs @smilepunch@

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As much as I would want a new Terrordrome (though I barely have room for the one I have) and I don't want to be negative, you just can't compare Star Wars and G.I.Joe. While the movie will surely help us get different products out there SW is on another level completely. Do you see stores not carrying SW? Do you see stores doing midnight openings for G.I.Joe? Heck to you see G.I.Joe Resolute getting a theatrical release (since Clone Wars is just a TV show)? The answer to any of the questions is no. Star Wars is a GLOBAL power house that can literally keep several companies afloat during tough times. I'm not sure how Joe sells over seas but my guess would be nowhere near as well as Star Wars. So Hasbro will make it's money back on the BMF and AT-TE several times. Or look at it like this. Target just had a Star Wars Rancor exclusive that sat on the shelves and they are still having a hard time getting rid of it now that it's on clearence. But at SDCC Hasbro showwed off another Target exclusive Rancor that will be coming out right after the beginning of the new year. Do you think any retailer would order a Joe MCC have it sit for several months until they have to clearence it and then turn around and do another MCC exclusive? I doubt it. So here's hoping for a TD or something similiar down the line but I wouldn't bet on it.

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Yeah, SW is just orders of magnitude larger than Joe, just to hazard a guess. The Rattler and Conquest would have to sell extraordinarily well for anything larger to ever be a possibility. On the other hand, if the Millennium Falcon doesn't sell well for a property as well-placed as SW, then it seems nigh impossible that Hasbro would even dare to release a playset (much less a new mold) for a smaller property like GI Joe.

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I don't think Hasbro has much faith in Joe at this point, no. The moderate success of the 25A line is helping to change that (and let's not fool ourselves, the success is only moderate...we may not be able to find them on shelves, but that's because they simply aren't making as much of this line as they do say, Star Wars or Transformers...I think they're afraid that if they did, they'd end up with massive amounts of pegwarmers), but I think we all know that it's the movie and the movie line that will make or break G.I. Joe in the early 21st century. If it bombs horribly, the entire Joe brand will be hurt, and we'll be lucky if we get stuff on the level of the 25A stuff we've seen so far. Joe goes back to being a "starter" brand for Hasbro employees, scales potentially get changed, new themes are tried, or even the entire line going on "hiatus" to try to reinvent itself yet again.


If, on the other hand, the movie/movie line is a big success, the Joe brand will potentially be elevated to "A-List" status at Hasbro, along with Star Wars and Transformers. Once that happens, if the success continues...the sky's the limit....but we'll have to be patient. It took Hasbro about 10 years of interest and badgering by fans to finally resculpt the Millennium Falcon, and about 7 years (and a media tie-in) to get an AT-TE. Terror Dromes and WHALES and whatnot won't come overnight...but the chances go way up that they'll -eventually- show up.

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I don't think Hasbro has much faith in Joe at this point, no. The moderate success of the 25A line is helping to change that (and let's not fool ourselves, the success is only moderate...we may not be able to find them on shelves, but that's because they simply aren't making as much of this line as they do say, Star Wars or Transformers.



I would think that (for Hasbro) G.I.Joe is at it's highest level of "success" since they first relaunched it in 2000 (give or take the '97-'98 stuff) with the 25th anniversary line? Are there reports or stats on the actual sales/profits of the line so far, that would indicate what you're saying is true, as far as being a "moderate success" or have you spoken directly with a hasbro rep (maybe at the recent convention) who stated as much?


Hasbro produces a LOT of toys out there, and they produce a LOT of stuff I see everyday warming the pegs, like Star Wars, Transformers, Indy Jones toys. Why is it G.I.Joe gets all the attention and concern when the question over a toys popularity (or not) is brought up, as though everything G.I.Joe has to be a major seller or it's a bust?


I'm not stating that YOU are making this assertion, just that it appears to be the attitude of Hasbro (especially when I read they've "lost faith") and I wonder why this is, and you seem as though you might know?

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