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Does anybody know when they will start selling the SDCC exclusives on hasbrotoyshop.com? Will they do it during the con or after (like monday). I can't remember last year when they did it, other then I was at work when they put them up there, so it had to be a week day.


Well if any body knows, any info will be much appreciated. Thanks

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Word on the street says Monday is the day.


I'm shooting myself in the foot by spreading the word - the more people that know, the more of a cluster&^%# it'll be to actually succeed in getting something of HTS when the time comes. I'm hoping that one of the friends I've made on here will help me obtain one of those Cobra Commanders. :)

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Didn't seem to make a dif last year. She Hulk and Stan the Man were available for quite a while after the con. Those were the only two I knew or cared about.


I bought those last year as well but GI Joe always takes priority with me. I want me some Cobra Commander mighty bad.


My Top choices for the exclusives this year are


1. King Grayskull

2. Cobra Commander (either blue or black ... or both)

3. Doctor Who - Time Crash set

4. Lobo

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Talking to the people in the hasbro and mattel booths they all thought that Cobra Commander, Grayskull and Lobo would sell out at the Con. I dont know if they set aside some for online sales already or not. If they did that will probably be the only stock they have as so far it doesn't look like they will get more from units unsold at the con.

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I just wanted 1....just 1....While I was ordering the blue suited one it sold out by the time I got to the final "Place Order" screen....then I had to go back and place another order for the black one. Luckily, I still got one........it took me like 15-20 minutes though......everyone must be on there. Its 12:00 now.........good luck to you later guys.

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Got a Black suit CC and Snakes Eyes and Timber, Blue suit CC was already sold out.

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I think I got lucky, I had just woke up about a hour ago and checked HTS and it had the CC's listed as "coming soon", by the time I refreshed the page, they were in stock and all the fun began. Took about 10 tries on the step 5 page, but the order for 1 of each finally went through.

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Well I missed out on the Blue Suit but I got 2 Black Suits.


Edit: Wow. Just barely got in. Checked it like 5 minutes later and they are out of stock.

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Damn my brother owes me. I missed out because he needed a ride to see his lawyer. I was only sort of wanting him since he's using and Indiana Jones body, but still it was a cool idea. I did get lobo and Greyskull from Mattel though. Oh and a side thought, all the other exclusives are still there to buy except the CC's. maybe Hasbro should step up and take notice.

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I was only sort of wanting him since he's using and Indiana Jones body, but still it was a cool idea.



Do you know which Indiana figure was used?

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