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Attention MATTEL: We want JACK KIRBY!!


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As you know, your rivals Hasbro/Marvel produced a Stan Lee action figure as a SDCC exclusive last year. It seemed to be very popular with the collectors. Is it in the realm of possibility that you might make a Jack Kirby commemorative figure for a con exclusive in the future? King Kirby did some of his greatest work at DC comics, and DC has a history of treating him with much more respect than some of his other employers. His Fourth World characters were central in the Super Powers toy line, and they seem to be taking a lead role in the current DCUC line. I know that some of the Four Horsemen are very big fans of his work. I think a Jack Kirby figure would be extremely popular with collectors.

So, how about it Mattel? What do you think?


A great suggestion and something we can look into if there is enough fan interest!


My above question was asked in a recent Mattel Q&A. The answer from Mattel was heartening. Kirby was arguably the greatest comic creator of all time, and I think a special edition Jack Kirby figure would be a fantastic idea. If Stan Lee deserves a figure (and he does!) then Jack deserves one at least as much, if not more. I know I cannot be the only person who would love to have one. So I'm posting this petition on every action figure internet board that I know. Please post in this thread to show your support for the idea. I will make sure the results find their way to the proper people at Mattel (although I'm sure they'll see it themselves as they scan the various boards).


Most likely, a Jack Kirby figure would require a new body "buck". If you're thinking that would rule out Mattel's interest, you may be wrong. A new sculpt could be added to the DC Universe mix that could be used for characters like Perry White, Max Lord, Snapper Carr, or any number of "civilian" type characters. With creativity, I could even see a Question figure providing parts for a Kirby figure. Also, a Kirby figure may not require as many new body parts as you might think. Hasbro used imaginative engineering and soft goods to turn super poseable Spider-Man into Stan Lee/Peter Parker with very little new tooling.




Let's show "Toy Guru" and Mattel that there is more than enough fan interest to at least "look into it"!

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Jack Kirby was quite a short man, not much over 5 feet tall.......so a Question figure would be too tall to base such a figure off of. It would require an all new mold, to be properly proportioned, something that would cost to create the tooling.


As much as I admire Kirby and his contributions to comics..........I don't think he belongs in figure form in the DCUC line.

His contributions to DC really only encompass a few steady years in the 70's and some sporadic parts of the 80's. Arguably, someone like Curt Swan, who was with DC from the 50's up into the 80's, or perhaps even Neal Adams could be considered to be more influential with DC material. Kirby is a better fit in the Marvel stables, because he created more characters there.

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