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We want Green Shirts!


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We need Green Shirts! My Cobra Army Dwarfs my Joe army. I have severl Crimson Guards, Troopers, and soon Ill have many Vipers. Then my cobra army will surely take over North America and my Joes will end up in prison camps. Baroness will fall in love with Steeler, and the monuments across America will feature Cobra faces and statues. That's not cool. We need Green Shirts!

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ok, let me rephrase that....we need "25th" Green Shirts



There is supposedly a 25th green shirts vs firefly 5 pack coming out, BBTS had the preorder listed for awhile but it was taken down and it was up for preorder on TRUs website

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ok, let me rephrase that....we need "25th" Green Shirts



There is supposedly a 25th green shirts vs firefly 5 pack coming out, BBTS had the preorder listed for awhile but it was taken down and it was up for preorder on TRUs website


Patience! :)

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Meh, can do without for awhile. Cobra IS supposed to "dwarf" the Joes.


All "army" shows are like that. Makes it more heroic to see the "good guys" going up against the (usually faceless) hordes of badguys, be they Nazis, Cobras, Storm Troopers or whatever.


I just think there will be a limited number of 25th figures to do that.

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Meh, can do without for awhile. Cobra IS supposed to "dwarf" the Joes.


All "army" shows are like that. Makes it more heroic to see the "good guys" going up against the (usually faceless) hordes of badguys, be they Nazis, Cobras, Storm Troopers or whatever.


I just think there will be a limited number of 25th figures to do that.

what, that's crazy. Rambo was always more exciting because it was him and a thousand troops versus the enemy...wait, no it wasn't. well, Die Hard, it was McClain and an entire police force versus the bad guys...nope, wait, it was usually just him and outnumbered. Classic westerns, it's never one or two guys outnumbered versus a gang of enemies...wait, maybe it was. Star Wars, the rebellion was just as large as the empire...no, wait, that's wrong too.


yeah, pesatyel hit it on the head. part of being the hero is being outnumbered and overcoming insurmountable odds because you are better trained, alot more highly skilled, and you simply are backed by being on the right side. if Cobra didn't outnumber the Joes, where would the drama and tension be -- that lies in the Joes ability to defeat larger numbers of enemies with skill, grit and heroics. greenshirts kill the very hero/villain dynamic that makes the battle between Joe and Cobra exciting.

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Yeah I remember bbts had this a a pre order, i really hope it comes out though. i want these figs. i rememebr they were supposed to be out for march, thsi month. I hope we see pics soon.

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Count me in with the liking joe outnumbered crew. Joe a special unit, if it needs back up it will call the real army in, just use PTE guys or something.

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No...no we don't.


GI Joe wasn't meant for green shirts. It was meant to be an elite unit of specialized soldiers from all branches that could accomplish the impossible missions with limited man power and just enough fire power. Cobra has always been about strength in numbers loosly 'ruled' by higher ranking, specialized mercenaries.


Green shirts would imply that the Joe team isn't good enough to make due on their own, and they need to call in cannon fodder for the Cobra troops, thus making them more like the Cobra team, instead of being it's opposite.


You can keep the green shirts. I'll take a highly trained, special mission force. It's purpose, to defend human freedom against Cobra, a ruthless, terrorist organization determined to rule the world.

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No...no we don't.


GI Joe wasn't meant for green shirts. It was meant to be an elite unit of specialized soldiers from all branches that could accomplish the impossible missions with limited man power and just enough fire power. Cobra has always been about strength in numbers loosly 'ruled' by higher ranking, specialized mercenaries.


Green shirts would imply that the Joe team isn't good enough to make due on their own, and they need to call in cannon fodder for the Cobra troops, thus making them more like the Cobra team, instead of being it's opposite.


You can keep the green shirts. I'll take a highly trained, special mission force. It's purpose, to defend human freedom against Cobra, a ruthless, terrorist organization determined to rule the world.

I'm so with you, but i can't help but point out that what your qouting from (the toon) did indeed have greenshirts and that is where a lot of the problem comes from for us who don't want them. They really seemed to be there as a way to save animation of all kinds of background characters, but that argument won't do for some folk.

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No...no we don't.


GI Joe wasn't meant for green shirts. It was meant to be an elite unit of specialized soldiers from all branches that could accomplish the impossible missions with limited man power and just enough fire power. Cobra has always been about strength in numbers loosly 'ruled' by higher ranking, specialized mercenaries.


Green shirts would imply that the Joe team isn't good enough to make due on their own, and they need to call in cannon fodder for the Cobra troops, thus making them more like the Cobra team, instead of being it's opposite.


You can keep the green shirts. I'll take a highly trained, special mission force. It's purpose, to defend human freedom against Cobra, a ruthless, terrorist organization determined to rule the world.

I'm so with you, but i can't help but point out that what your qouting from (the toon) did indeed have greenshirts and that is where a lot of the problem comes from for us who don't want them. They really seemed to be there as a way to save animation of all kinds of background characters, but that argument won't do for some folk.



Actually G.I. Joe DOES need green shirts. G.I. Joe ISN'T the military (or the whole military,you know what I mean). It's team members come from the "regular" branches of the military. That implies the other branches of the military still exist. G.I. Joes doesn't

replace them, it co-exists with them because it has a specialized nature. The same way the other branches have specialized natures.


The "greenshirts" are used to represent two things:

1) G.I. Joe recruits before they are given (allowed?) their own distinctive uniforms. I think that was the intent with that 6 Pack from VvV with the way they setup the filecards (and gave them distinctive looks rather than just "generic" ones).

2) The OTHER branches of the military. Most specifically the Army and Marines, but they DID have generic Naval and Air Force figures too.


The presumption, I think, might be that Cobra ONLY interacts with G.I. Joe, whichi is not always the case. If Cobra attacks some military base or cargo transport, G.I. Joe team members may or may not be there, depending on the nature of the location.


I mean if Firefly is going to break into a military compound to do some mischief, is he ALWAYS going to encounter G.I. Joe team members? Yeah, there may be some there, but, most likley, they would only be there if there was a suspicion Cobra would do something there,or they were there coincidentally. That being the case, just who would Firefly encounter?


Another good example might be the Flagg. Keel-Haul, Topside and Shipwreck can't be the only ones to run a ship that has a normal crew compliment of a few thousand. And even if you include all the Joe pilots, there is still 50+ aircraft being unused.


Now that I think about it, a greenshirt pack might not be a bad idea. After all, the bodies are generic enough to work. It is the webgear and all that make the "individuals" stand out. Just make the heads "generic" enough (no facial hair). After all, look at the "choices" they made for the current crop of 5 packs. Red Ninjas? Night Troopers?

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I always thought that there are so many Joes that they are the "green shirts" in themselves, its just that since they are the good guys they get more attention to individual depth and character and get to wear whatever they want. I mean, if they wanted to they can randomly pick a few troopers, give them their own unique names and a background story to them.


But hey I love seeing displays of mass armies of soldiers, so I'm ok with having an excuse to have some green shirts. They can go against my cobra troopers, and if I can army build vipers, they can go up against my small army of Beachheads.

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No...no we don't.


GI Joe wasn't meant for green shirts. It was meant to be an elite unit of specialized soldiers from all branches that could accomplish the impossible missions with limited man power and just enough fire power. Cobra has always been about strength in numbers loosly 'ruled' by higher ranking, specialized mercenaries.


Green shirts would imply that the Joe team isn't good enough to make due on their own, and they need to call in cannon fodder for the Cobra troops, thus making them more like the Cobra team, instead of being it's opposite.


You can keep the green shirts. I'll take a highly trained, special mission force. It's purpose, to defend human freedom against Cobra, a ruthless, terrorist organization determined to rule the world.

I'm so with you, but i can't help but point out that what your qouting from (the toon) did indeed have greenshirts and that is where a lot of the problem comes from for us who don't want them. They really seemed to be there as a way to save animation of all kinds of background characters, but that argument won't do for some folk.



Actually G.I. Joe DOES need green shirts. G.I. Joe ISN'T the military (or the whole military,you know what I mean). It's team members come from the "regular" branches of the military. That implies the other branches of the military still exist. G.I. Joes doesn't

replace them, it co-exists with them because it has a specialized nature. The same way the other branches have specialized natures.


The "greenshirts" are used to represent two things:

1) G.I. Joe recruits before they are given (allowed?) their own distinctive uniforms. I think that was the intent with that 6 Pack from VvV with the way they setup the filecards (and gave them distinctive looks rather than just "generic" ones).

2) The OTHER branches of the military. Most specifically the Army and Marines, but they DID have generic Naval and Air Force figures too.


The presumption, I think, might be that Cobra ONLY interacts with G.I. Joe, whichi is not always the case. If Cobra attacks some military base or cargo transport, G.I. Joe team members may or may not be there, depending on the nature of the location.


I mean if Firefly is going to break into a military compound to do some mischief, is he ALWAYS going to encounter G.I. Joe team members? Yeah, there may be some there, but, most likley, they would only be there if there was a suspicion Cobra would do something there,or they were there coincidentally. That being the case, just who would Firefly encounter?


Another good example might be the Flagg. Keel-Haul, Topside and Shipwreck can't be the only ones to run a ship that has a normal crew compliment of a few thousand. And even if you include all the Joe pilots, there is still 50+ aircraft being unused.


Now that I think about it, a greenshirt pack might not be a bad idea. After all, the bodies are generic enough to work. It is the webgear and all that make the "individuals" stand out. Just make the heads "generic" enough (no facial hair). After all, look at the "choices" they made for the current crop of 5 packs. Red Ninjas? Night Troopers?



These are all valid points for why GI Joe would need green shirts if they were a real military entity. As for the toyline, I don't set up elaborate military base dios that need to be run by regular Army greenshirts. When my Cobra army attacks they do only encounter GI Joe. It's not The USA vs Cobra, it's Joe vs. Cobra. And that's the way I think of it. That's how it will always be to me.


As for the Flagg, I don't think of it as being run by the Joes. I don't think the Flagg, if it did exsist, would be a joe exclusive vehicle. It would be owned by the military and used by the Joes. So, yeah, there would be a ton of navy guys on there.


But, like I said, in my Joe world that exsists on my closet shelves, it's stricly Joe vs. Cobra. So, no greenshirts for me.

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No...no we don't.


GI Joe wasn't meant for green shirts. It was meant to be an elite unit of specialized soldiers from all branches that could accomplish the impossible missions with limited man power and just enough fire power. Cobra has always been about strength in numbers loosly 'ruled' by higher ranking, specialized mercenaries.


Green shirts would imply that the Joe team isn't good enough to make due on their own, and they need to call in cannon fodder for the Cobra troops, thus making them more like the Cobra team, instead of being it's opposite.


You can keep the green shirts. I'll take a highly trained, special mission force. It's purpose, to defend human freedom against Cobra, a ruthless, terrorist organization determined to rule the world.

Man I was all about Greenshirts until I read this post. I'm over the fence!


Actually G.I. Joe DOES need green shirts. G.I. Joe ISN'T the military (or the whole military,you know what I mean). It's team members come from the "regular" branches of the military. That implies the other branches of the military still exist. G.I. Joes doesn't

replace them, it co-exists with them because it has a specialized nature. The same way the other branches have specialized natures.


The "greenshirts" are used to represent two things:

1) G.I. Joe recruits before they are given (allowed?) their own distinctive uniforms. I think that was the intent with that 6 Pack from VvV with the way they setup the filecards (and gave them distinctive looks rather than just "generic" ones).

2) The OTHER branches of the military. Most specifically the Army and Marines, but they DID have generic Naval and Air Force figures too.


The presumption, I think, might be that Cobra ONLY interacts with G.I. Joe, whichi is not always the case. If Cobra attacks some military base or cargo transport, G.I. Joe team members may or may not be there, depending on the nature of the location.


I mean if Firefly is going to break into a military compound to do some mischief, is he ALWAYS going to encounter G.I. Joe team members? Yeah, there may be some there, but, most likley, they would only be there if there was a suspicion Cobra would do something there,or they were there coincidentally. That being the case, just who would Firefly encounter?


Another good example might be the Flagg. Keel-Haul, Topside and Shipwreck can't be the only ones to run a ship that has a normal crew compliment of a few thousand. And even if you include all the Joe pilots, there is still 50+ aircraft being unused.


Now that I think about it, a greenshirt pack might not be a bad idea. After all, the bodies are generic enough to work. It is the webgear and all that make the "individuals" stand out. Just make the heads "generic" enough (no facial hair). After all, look at the "choices" they made for the current crop of 5 packs. Red Ninjas? Night Troopers?


And now I'm back over the fence!




Excellent points from both of you guys. You've really made me think about army building Greenshirts. Unfortunatley I can't decide as of yet.

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No...no we don't.


GI Joe wasn't meant for green shirts. It was meant to be an elite unit of specialized soldiers from all branches that could accomplish the impossible missions with limited man power and just enough fire power. Cobra has always been about strength in numbers loosly 'ruled' by higher ranking, specialized mercenaries.


Green shirts would imply that the Joe team isn't good enough to make due on their own, and they need to call in cannon fodder for the Cobra troops, thus making them more like the Cobra team, instead of being it's opposite.


You can keep the green shirts. I'll take a highly trained, special mission force. It's purpose, to defend human freedom against Cobra, a ruthless, terrorist organization determined to rule the world.

I'm so with you, but i can't help but point out that what your qouting from (the toon) did indeed have greenshirts and that is where a lot of the problem comes from for us who don't want them. They really seemed to be there as a way to save animation of all kinds of background characters, but that argument won't do for some folk.



Actually G.I. Joe DOES need green shirts. G.I. Joe ISN'T the military (or the whole military,you know what I mean). It's team members come from the "regular" branches of the military. That implies the other branches of the military still exist. G.I. Joes doesn't

replace them, it co-exists with them because it has a specialized nature. The same way the other branches have specialized natures.


The "greenshirts" are used to represent two things:

1) G.I. Joe recruits before they are given (allowed?) their own distinctive uniforms. I think that was the intent with that 6 Pack from VvV with the way they setup the filecards (and gave them distinctive looks rather than just "generic" ones).

2) The OTHER branches of the military. Most specifically the Army and Marines, but they DID have generic Naval and Air Force figures too.


The presumption, I think, might be that Cobra ONLY interacts with G.I. Joe, whichi is not always the case. If Cobra attacks some military base or cargo transport, G.I. Joe team members may or may not be there, depending on the nature of the location.


I mean if Firefly is going to break into a military compound to do some mischief, is he ALWAYS going to encounter G.I. Joe team members? Yeah, there may be some there, but, most likley, they would only be there if there was a suspicion Cobra would do something there,or they were there coincidentally. That being the case, just who would Firefly encounter?


Another good example might be the Flagg. Keel-Haul, Topside and Shipwreck can't be the only ones to run a ship that has a normal crew compliment of a few thousand. And even if you include all the Joe pilots, there is still 50+ aircraft being unused.


Now that I think about it, a greenshirt pack might not be a bad idea. After all, the bodies are generic enough to work. It is the webgear and all that make the "individuals" stand out. Just make the heads "generic" enough (no facial hair). After all, look at the "choices" they made for the current crop of 5 packs. Red Ninjas? Night Troopers?

what is next, Cobra doesn't just attack military personnel, so we need children and school teachers and civilians in the line for collateral damage. huge difference between what you need to play with Joes to make the most realistic scenario and what the toyline is about.


G.I. Joe isn't about the "greenshirts" from the other branches that exist outside of G.I. Joe but may work in conjunction with them anymore than it is about the citizens the Joes interact with in civilian life when off duty or Cobra will attack. it is about the G.I. Joe team versus the Cobra organization and its allies.

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No...no we don't.


GI Joe wasn't meant for green shirts. It was meant to be an elite unit of specialized soldiers from all branches that could accomplish the impossible missions with limited man power and just enough fire power. Cobra has always been about strength in numbers loosly 'ruled' by higher ranking, specialized mercenaries.


Green shirts would imply that the Joe team isn't good enough to make due on their own, and they need to call in cannon fodder for the Cobra troops, thus making them more like the Cobra team, instead of being it's opposite.


You can keep the green shirts. I'll take a highly trained, special mission force. It's purpose, to defend human freedom against Cobra, a ruthless, terrorist organization determined to rule the world.

I'm so with you, but i can't help but point out that what your qouting from (the toon) did indeed have greenshirts and that is where a lot of the problem comes from for us who don't want them. They really seemed to be there as a way to save animation of all kinds of background characters, but that argument won't do for some folk.



Actually G.I. Joe DOES need green shirts. G.I. Joe ISN'T the military (or the whole military,you know what I mean). It's team members come from the "regular" branches of the military. That implies the other branches of the military still exist. G.I. Joes doesn't

replace them, it co-exists with them because it has a specialized nature. The same way the other branches have specialized natures.


The "greenshirts" are used to represent two things:

1) G.I. Joe recruits before they are given (allowed?) their own distinctive uniforms. I think that was the intent with that 6 Pack from VvV with the way they setup the filecards (and gave them distinctive looks rather than just "generic" ones).

2) The OTHER branches of the military. Most specifically the Army and Marines, but they DID have generic Naval and Air Force figures too.


The presumption, I think, might be that Cobra ONLY interacts with G.I. Joe, whichi is not always the case. If Cobra attacks some military base or cargo transport, G.I. Joe team members may or may not be there, depending on the nature of the location.


I mean if Firefly is going to break into a military compound to do some mischief, is he ALWAYS going to encounter G.I. Joe team members? Yeah, there may be some there, but, most likley, they would only be there if there was a suspicion Cobra would do something there,or they were there coincidentally. That being the case, just who would Firefly encounter?


Another good example might be the Flagg. Keel-Haul, Topside and Shipwreck can't be the only ones to run a ship that has a normal crew compliment of a few thousand. And even if you include all the Joe pilots, there is still 50+ aircraft being unused.


Now that I think about it, a greenshirt pack might not be a bad idea. After all, the bodies are generic enough to work. It is the webgear and all that make the "individuals" stand out. Just make the heads "generic" enough (no facial hair). After all, look at the "choices" they made for the current crop of 5 packs. Red Ninjas? Night Troopers?

what is next, Cobra doesn't just attack military personnel, so we need children and school teachers and civilians in the line for collateral damage. huge difference between what you need to play with Joes to make the most realistic scenario and what the toyline is about.


G.I. Joe isn't about the "greenshirts" from the other branches that exist outside of G.I. Joe but may work in conjunction with them anymore than it is about the citizens the Joes interact with in civilian life when off duty or Cobra will attack. it is about the G.I. Joe team versus the Cobra organization and its allies.



Actually, I see a LOT of "generic" non-military figures and vehicles that would work with G.I. Joe figures. Check out the stuff at TRU, for example. I just don't see a lot of "child" figures, of course.


Thing is, it IS primarily about G.I. Joe vs Cobra.


My original comment was that there are only so many "slots" available to waste one on a "generic" Joe. However, I think having Greenshirts would work for dio makers. It worked adequately enough for them to put out a set back in VvV. I think a Greenshirt pack here is not a bad idea, given the somewhat lackluster pickings for the Cobra 5-packs.


But, again, if its a choice between generics and "real" guys, I'll take the real guys.

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