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comics into movies opinion :)


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Yes i'm a fan of comics, yes i'm a fan of Marvel and Yes i like Spiderman, but i'm sick and tired of stupid directors and actors that dont know #$@# about comics and yet they make their movies!!

I did this picture manipulation as an expected reaction from the real Spiderman if he saw his movies smile.gif




After watching superman i was really disappointed that i had to do this. The movie is lame lame lame and for the love of god give superman a villain to fight. And whats with the kid. AAARGH




My 3rd take on the Heroes revenge series, and now its catwoman's turn. What the hell is Hale berry doing as Catwoman? I mean for the love of god leonardo de carpio would fit more as a catwoman smile.gif

Anyway she's getting her punishment now for taking that part wink.gif

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Well, you could be saddled with "stupid" fans of comics that don't know #$@# about how to make movies.......


You can make a good movie and still stay true to the comics. But spiderman 3 was a disgrace and so was catwoman, electra, superman, and the list goes on. If you actualy enjoy the movies then there's something wrong with u. But then again spiderman did make money so i guess the globe is full of morons.

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by the way marvel isnot including dc superman and catwoman, though halle berry as catwoman was awsome, i love halle as storm, i personally like all the marvel movies so far apart from hulk and punisher, punisher was too gory, :(, i didnt like it, but x men is great, they shuld consider marvel ultimate alliance the movie, would be awsome, with doom and apocaypse wooow!!!!!!!!!!!!!


or x men 4

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If you actualy enjoy the movies then there's something wrong with u. But then again spiderman did make money so i guess the globe is full of morons.


Or maybe most of the audience that sees these movies do not read comics and wouldn't know the difference anyway?


See, heres the thing you clearly don't understand: these films are movie adaptations of comic book stories and characters.

They are movies first, and adaptations second.

Yea, some of them are horrible movies and more than a few are quite different from their source material.

That's because they are not comic books on the screen--the translation from one media to the other isn't always so smooth.

The first Spiderman movie is probably the best all-round translation of a comicbook story to film, unless one counts Road to Perdition. Spiderman took liberties with the material, but it kept the essence of the story and characters it was translating.

That's about the best one can hope for.

The first Superman film ( 1979) is a HORRIBLE movie, really very dumb when all things are considered--but the essence of it was captivating. That's why its so loved.


The thing that betrays a lot of these films is actually the stuff they source from.

Take any.......ANY of the really dumb moments in any of these films, and you'll find that the same stupid story points also turn up in comics. The movies might come across as dumb, but that's because comics also consistently come across as dumb. They make the same story decisions on screen that they'll make on the page, and people think one is dumber than the other. Its the same thing, just translated into a different media.


So, yea.......Catwoman stinks, so does Spiderman 3........but then so do the stories those movies stemmed from.

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If you actualy enjoy the movies then there's something wrong with u. But then again spiderman did make money so i guess the globe is full of morons.


Or maybe most of the audience that sees these movies do not read comics and wouldn't know the difference anyway?


See, heres the thing you clearly don't understand: these films are movie adaptations of comic book stories and characters.

They are movies first, and adaptations second.

Yea, some of them are horrible movies and more than a few are quite different from their source material.

That's because they are not comic books on the screen--the translation from one media to the other isn't always so smooth.

The first Spiderman movie is probably the best all-round translation of a comicbook story to film, unless one counts Road to Perdition. Spiderman took liberties with the material, but it kept the essence of the story and characters it was translating.

That's about the best one can hope for.

The first Superman film ( 1979) is a HORRIBLE movie, really very dumb when all things are considered--but the essence of it was captivating. That's why its so loved.


The thing that betrays a lot of these films is actually the stuff they source from.

Take any.......ANY of the really dumb moments in any of these films, and you'll find that the same stupid story points also turn up in comics. The movies might come across as dumb, but that's because comics also consistently come across as dumb. They make the same story decisions on screen that they'll make on the page, and people think one is dumber than the other. Its the same thing, just translated into a different media.


So, yea.......Catwoman stinks, so does Spiderman 3........but then so do the stories those movies stemmed from.


ya i agree with most ur points


Well you see the problem is after watching spiderman 1 your expectations increase for the sequels cause spiderman 1 was superb. Spiderman 2 was ok and then spiderman 3 was a nightmare.


problems with spiderman 3 werent really comic related, i think the director and writers were drunk.

1- Peter parker cried more than a housewife watching opera

2- Remove or keep venom in the movie it wont make a differece ( the director actually said in an interview that he thinks venom is a shallow character and wont give him a big part)

3- How harry transformed from hating spiderman to loving spiderman was REALLY stupid, come on why didnt the servant buttler dood tell him earlier about how his father died. Did he have to wait till he almost killed himself 5 times during the 2 movies?

4- Sandman suddenly decides life is good and says sorry, and thats it? if this was a disney cartoon it would've been more developed.

5- And plz dont let me talk about the dancing part or i will get nightmares.. peter parker's fusion with micheal jackson

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who cares if u want a movie that is completely accurate to the comics then u have 300 or Sin City but these are not just for us, they are for the next generation fans of kids who believe in superheroes who cares if peter parker cries wolverine cried in the last stand it didn't ruin the movie to me, and I bet you are going to be the first one to say something bad about iron man

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ya i agree with most ur points


Well you see the problem is after watching spiderman 1 your expectations increase for the sequels cause spiderman 1 was superb. Spiderman 2 was ok and then spiderman 3 was a nightmare.


problems with spiderman 3 werent really comic related, i think the director and writers were drunk.

1- Peter parker cried more than a housewife watching opera

2- Remove or keep venom in the movie it wont make a differece ( the director actually said in an interview that he thinks venom is a shallow character and wont give him a big part)

3- How harry transformed from hating spiderman to loving spiderman was REALLY stupid, come on why didnt the servant buttler dood tell him earlier about how his father died. Did he have to wait till he almost killed himself 5 times during the 2 movies?

4- Sandman suddenly decides life is good and says sorry, and thats it? if this was a disney cartoon it would've been more developed.

5- And plz dont let me talk about the dancing part or i will get nightmares.. peter parker's fusion with micheal jackson


Oh, I agree with those criticisms. Most movies do not survive a second sequel unscathed, usually because the third movie has so little new to tell about the characters.

Films like Superman 3, Star Trek 3, Robocop 3......heh, they all stank.

Usually this is because they are created soley as a money-making venture--and not part of a genuine overall story arc--like say Lord of the Rings.

I wouldn't blame Sam Raimi though, because he clearly "got it" on the first two Spiderman movies. Blame the writers, and more importantly the studio execs that greenlight these films. The director is more often just the facilitator of the movie--they have to try to make sense of the "mess" if there is one, and cannot really change the story on their own.

Venom was inserted against Raimi's wishes because of marketing........pure and simple. Venom really is a shallow character at its core, and I agree with Raimi's dislike for the character. Because the only major character theme for Spiderman was the duality aspect, and the stark contrast of the black costume in selling that duality--they went with that story. In terms of strong storylines for Spiderman...well, he's not go too many, unfortunately.

Alot of other themes that could be addressed already were in sub-threads in previous films. You can only put MJ, or Aunt May or whomever in danger so many times before it becomes trite. Really the logical route for Spidey 3 SHOULD have been JJ Jameson putting a bounty on Spidey's head, and bring in Kraven--but Venon and Sandman were just too good a gimmick in business terms to pass up.


Sadly, Sandman was visually strong, but thematically weak as a character, and that reflects badly on the writing in the story.

There's a couple of other classic Spiderman villains that would have worked better in the story, but for the marketing of the film, Venom got the call.

Hey, that's part of the business of moviemaking.

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who cares if u want a movie that is completely accurate to the comics then u have 300 or Sin City but these are not just for us, they are for the next generation fans of kids who believe in superheroes who cares if peter parker cries wolverine cried in the last stand it didn't ruin the movie to me, and I bet you are going to be the first one to say something bad about iron man


Are you saying you liked spiderman 3? and plz dont compare sin city to such trash. As for i think that it really needed some more story even if it wasnt in the comic. Which means its ok to add/remove stuff to the movie aslong as it makes it better... NOT WORST

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The thing that betrays a lot of these films is actually the stuff they source from.

Take any.......ANY of the really dumb moments in any of these films, and you'll find that the same stupid story points also turn up in comics. The movies might come across as dumb, but that's because comics also consistently come across as dumb. They make the same story decisions on screen that they'll make on the page, and people think one is dumber than the other. Its the same thing, just translated into a different media.


So, yea.......Catwoman stinks, so does Spiderman 3........but then so do the stories those movies stemmed from.


I have to completely agree with you ARROW!


I was reading some Volume 1 Daredevil comics the other day from the tpb and I really was finding myself saying "my gosh some of these lines are so dumb it's not even funny."


Catwoman was so bad because they took a character who shouldn't have its own movie in the first place and created something that every time I think about I cringe. Spiderman 3 on the other hand was a case of getting too excited with success. There were many signs that this movie was going to be bad. Spiderman and Spiderman 2 had one villain in each film and allowed time for them to unravel/develop into their own evil selves.


Spiderman 3 introduced Sandman and gave 5 mins to introduce Venom which in the end killed the greatness of both characters all together. I think that in a way Raimi did a great job using techniques that I saw from the 90s Spiderman cartoon that featured one character for the whole episode which is what the first two did.


In the 3rd installment Raimi seemed to overlook the time a character in the hero world needs to become who he or she is and created another X-men 3 which to date seemed like the biggest disaster in sense of developing characters.


Films like Superman 3, Star Trek 3, Robocop 3......heh, they all stank.


Now I can't agree with you here.


Star Trek 3 didn't stank. @smilepunch@ lol I think lots of people just didn't like the fact that it wasn't as AMAZING as Wrath of Khan. It still was entertaining as a Trek film and I enjoyed it more than 4 as a matter a fact.


Just my opinion... ;)

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It's painful to say it guys but comics are for kids. There i said it, and i know it's a shocker. yeah they could do these movies better, stay true to the chars and everything but the truth of the matter is they are only going to put forth enough effort to make money. These are not Artistic films, these are cash cows, they aren't going to overthink these things and the truth is, kids like a giant splash of too much suger in the ceral and i think that is what both X3 and spidy3 were about, craming in as much as they could for the kids so the Kids would go in expecting everything. You just have to get them in one once to sale a ticket don't you? or to buyt he dvd once don't you? Kids will buy the toys before hand, or even after a bad movie. Marketing is simply more important than story telling.

Spidy 3 also reaked of Raimi giving execs just what they asked for.

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It's painful to say it guys but comics are for kids. There I said it, and I know it's a shocker.

Comics haven't been for kids for almost 15-20 years now they reckon. It was acknowledged for sure after the speculator implosion in the early 90's, and they figure the threshold was when cover prices climbed past $1 an issue.

Kids no longer predominate the comics buying audience, its adults, mostly early 30-somethings with disposable cash.

People assume its otherwise, by the comics industry and retailers do track this sort of things.

Comics are no longer for kids.

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