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Hey friends, it's me Danny ( Spike ), I need some help, lol. I was really into the Americas Elite comics, and I guess I lost track of time. The last issue I bought and read was # 20. I'm here to ask if maybe some of you can update me on what's been going on. The Things that have happened in them that are important, and stuff I really should know. I left my last job so I don't really have the money to be spending on over 14 comics, lol. But when I get the chance I'll see what I can do. So please, tell me what has been going on from issues 21 - present. Thanks a ton in advance. Also I'd like it if you stated your opinions about what's going on here too, that would be pretty cool.

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60 people read this and nobody can help me out, lmao


Let's see....The Baroness was held captive by the Joe's; she was also pregnant with Destro's baby, which was taken by CC and intended to be his heir....CC managed to blackmail Destro & Baroness into swapping the baby for Alexander McCullen & M.A.R.S....in issue 25 WWIII was started Cobra now controls the world and Gi Joe is basically spread out fighting little wars...CC has command of the White House and the world's nuclear arsenal....Gi Joe is trying to regroup and take back the world.....Devils' Due lost the license to the comic and we have no idea who is going to get it....please anyone who can add to this please do so.

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Skimming real quick to refresh myself


21 - About two weeks fter escaping Baroness kills the new Croc Master and tortures Scalpel. Destro accepts Alexander as his heir. Baroness sets up the bodies of the killed Cobras to have the Joes and Cobras ambush each other. Scalpel gives a warning to the joes before dying The Baroness hires Major Bludd


22 - It is revealed that Wraith had collected the reward for the Baroness from the US government 14 months prior. Destro learns of his son with the Baroness. Major Bludd prepares to attack Saudi Arabia and the Baroness kills Wraith.

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The Joe Team's core roster got expanded with Cover Girl, Wild Bill, Gung Ho, and Spirit. Also there is a new player in the game in the form of a deep cover espionage agent from the US called Agent Delta, and I don't know much about him. Also Cobra has put together the Plague which is their own suped up SF type team to combat GI Joe and they seem to be pretty tough from what I've seen of them so far.

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The reason you initially got no response is because there's been a massive shift in the comic since the issue you left off on. I don't think anyone's really gotten a chance to digest everything that's happened so far as Issue #21 was the beginning of a storyline that has not resolved itself yet, and won't until the Devil' Due comic run ends in May, with AE #36.


Issue #21 began a 4-part story called "Sins of the Mother" which focuses on the Baroness' bloody trail of revenge against the various agents of Cobra in an attempt to retrieve her baby. The result of that storyline leads directly into the 12-issue Conclusion of the series, World War III.


And it'd be easier for you to read those issues, and see what happens than it would *ever* be fore someone to type out all the events that have occured in those two stories!

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I though in one of the latest issues they said Scalpel was alive.



You are probably right, I was just skimming again.


But he definitely got messed up.

I was pretty sure they made it clear that he was dead after he was tortured. In the last issue or two here he was mentioned like he was alive. I'm not too sure what is going on with him. Maybe they changed their minds and decided not to kill him.

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I was pretty sure they made it clear that he was dead after he was tortured. In the last issue or two here he was mentioned like he was alive. I'm not too sure what is going on with him. Maybe they changed their minds and decided not to kill him.


When the Joes arrived at his "offices", they found his face mutilated, and they said he was near-death. But the *Joes were there*, and they wouldnt just let him die. They obviously got him medical attention, and we know there's a medical ward in the Coffin because Xamot was there as well.


When Cobra raided the Coffin and freed Xamot, it's likely Scalpel was nearby and that's why Cobra was able to free him before they were turned away by Storm Shadow.

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As the WWIII storyline begins, all of the reserves are called up. Now, only a few join the core team -- those mentioned before. However, everyone else is shown to be active in various hot spots around the world: Hot spots that Cobra has clandestinely been destabilizing further, in part to keep the reserves busy. That way, when Cobra finally launched an assault on the US and UK, the Joes were too spread out to mount an effective counter-attack.


The bit with Monkeywrench's death (and possibly Scalpel's) is that the Joe core team had been gathering up Cobra operatives and locking them away in the Coffin, a prison in .. Finland, I think? Somewhere cold and remote. As part of the assault, Cobra sends Xamot with a bevy of Night Creepers to break everyone out of that prison. Storm Shadow stops them, primarily by bargaining over Tomax's comatose body. (PS: If I have the twins wrong, then switch them. The important bit is that one's comatose.) Tommy tells Xamot that Cobra can leave with those prisoners already freed, and with Tomax -- or he'll kill Tomax in front of Xamot. Xamot chooses to save his brother and go -- but he has the Creepers execute everyone remaining in the cells rather than allow their knowledge of Cobra ops to aid the Joes. Monkeywrench was one of those still in his cell.

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I was pretty sure they made it clear that he was dead after he was tortured. In the last issue or two here he was mentioned like he was alive. I'm not too sure what is going on with him. Maybe they changed their minds and decided not to kill him.


When the Joes arrived at his "offices", they found his face mutilated, and they said he was near-death. But the *Joes were there*, and they wouldnt just let him die. They obviously got him medical attention, and we know there's a medical ward in the Coffin because Xamot was there as well.


When Cobra raided the Coffin and freed Xamot, it's likely Scalpel was nearby and that's why Cobra was able to free him before they were turned away by Storm Shadow.

OK, thanks for clearing that up. I sort of rebember them saying he was near death now.

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As the WWIII storyline begins, all of the reserves are called up. Now, only a few join the core team -- those mentioned before. However, everyone else is shown to be active in various hot spots around the world: Hot spots that Cobra has clandestinely been destabilizing further, in part to keep the reserves busy. That way, when Cobra finally launched an assault on the US and UK, the Joes were too spread out to mount an effective counter-attack.


The bit with Monkeywrench's death (and possibly Scalpel's) is that the Joe core team had been gathering up Cobra operatives and locking them away in the Coffin, a prison in .. Finland, I think? Somewhere cold and remote. As part of the assault, Cobra sends Xamot with a bevy of Night Creepers to break everyone out of that prison. Storm Shadow stops them, primarily by bargaining over Tomax's comatose body. (PS: If I have the twins wrong, then switch them. The important bit is that one's comatose.) Tommy tells Xamot that Cobra can leave with those prisoners already freed, and with Tomax -- or he'll kill Tomax in front of Xamot. Xamot chooses to save his brother and go -- but he has the Creepers execute everyone remaining in the cells rather than allow their knowledge of Cobra ops to aid the Joes. Monkeywrench was one of those still in his cell.




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Xamot chooses to save his brother and go -- but he has the Creepers execute everyone remaining in the cells rather than allow their knowledge of Cobra ops to aid the Joes. Monkeywrench was one of those still in his cell.


Not exactly the way it went, but I can understand your confusion. Everything is so muddled about the Coffin jail-break because there was supposed to be a one-shot comic dealing solely with that storyline, but Hasbro nixed it as part of the paring down of DDp's license as it nears the end. There's also a (seemingly) strict policy that they cannot show people being killed (the actual showing of it), so everything is left ambiguous or mentioned after the fact. So the few scenes we got just don't convey the story properly.


The intention was for Tomax to assault the prison, release those Cobra Commander ordered, and purge the rest. The other characters Tomax killed in the prison were pure nobodies. Headman and Cesspool are reviled for their connection to the DEF and Eco-Warriors sub-lines. Artur Kulik and Sei-Tin are both DDP-created characters that readers don't seem to like much (Sei-Tin was also part of a *very* unresolved plot involving Storm Shadow and Tj'bang). And Overkill (formerly the SAW-Viper who killed 4 Joes in the Marvel run) shares infamy with Vance Wingfield, Dr Biggles-Jones and the Paine Brothers as being characters who flat-out died/disappeared in the Marvel run, and were inexplicably alive again in the DDp run.


So really, only Monkeywrench's death carries any weight. To have it be a random act of violence as the Cobras retreat doesn't accomplish what that single death needs to accomplish (incensing Zartan and motivating him to act against Cobra). Storm Shadow's dialogue seems to confirm what DDp wanted us to know: "Though Tomax did fail to free a vast majority of the prisoners, he was able to eliminate those Cobra considered to be loose ends." So that proves that the murdered few were pre-meditated, and not targets of opportunity after initial plan failed. Also, there were *many* prisoners that Cobra left behind.

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It kinda bothered me that they killed Monkeywrench that way. Just what would he even know about Cobra? I hate that they killed him anyway but it does not make much sense. I do want to see Zartan and the Dreadnoks get revenge but thye could have killed one of DDP's Dreadnoks, I don't even remember their names or even Zanya.


All these deaths are why I want whoever gets the comic rights to throw out the DDP stuff and keep most of the Marvel history.

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Wow crazy stuff man, lol . I understand it but Im still confused cuz i havent read it myself you know? Wow, that's nuts tho, so Headman, Cesspool, and the new overkill dude are gone as well huh? Even though they arent huge characters I still think its interesting on how they did that. I wouldn't want them to restart anything, Just don't mess around with anything else, lol. But also didnt they Show serpentor snap that guys neck a while back, and didnt they show someone kill chuckles? So I don't see why theyd hide the rest.

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It kinda bothered me that they killed Monkeywrench that way. Just what would he even know about Cobra?


They werent killed for what they knew. They were killed because Cobra Commander wanted them dead. Again, aside from Monkeywrench, none of these guys were Cobra big-wigs. Cesspool was in a coma before AE#1, and Sei-Tin (if he was in the Coffin, Storm Shadow probably found a way to switch his and Tj'bang's minds back) was paralyzed and dying already. Biggles-Jones and the Paine Brothers were all found by the Joes in a Cobra hospital... meaning they were all sick/dying/wounded... lame ducks as it were. Overkill had a nervous breakdown in Bhadikstan during Volume 2 #35-ish, and begged the Joes to kill him.


According to Zartan's concerns, once Cobra Commander secured his new power, he'd likely come after the Dreadnoks. The Commander wants order and total control... Zartan's boys represent anarchy. The news of Monkeywrench's death seems to confirm this line of thinking: IE Cobra killed him as a message to Zartan that his forces are on the firing-line, equal in status to enemy forces (Artur Kulik of the Red Shadows), the sick, (pretty much everyone else), and the worthless (Headman, Overkill).

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