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G.I.Joe Counts Down To Big Screen Debut

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Wow, that is alot of product for one year. Were getting almost 100 figs this year all added up. I dont know about you guys but as a kid I would never have gotten all of that...lol. I was lucky to get the 20 or so plus some vehicles as a kid.

The cartoon packs sound very cool, Mass Device, Arise serpentor...oh man im 12 again. Im getting giddy just thinking about the potential. A revised vamp and air chariot, man oh man. Add in all of the exclusives, I think im going to need to put starwars and my other lines on hold this year, because it looks like my budget will be a bit stretched with all of this stuff. Guess im going to have to put all of the JvsC stuff in storage to make some room as well.

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I thought Toy Fair started on Monday? How are we going to get pictures on Saturday? I hope you are right because I have never been so excited for Toy Fair. Could you please explain? Thanks.


I don't believe we've ever said Monday is when coverage begins. There are business aspects between the toy companies and retailers that may offically begin on Monday for Toy Fair, but our main coverage kickes off Saturday with Hasbro. Pics will be going up Sat afternoon/evening, so if you want to be one of the first to see stuff, then Saturday is when you will want to be here.

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With the release of the Entertainment packs.. does anyone else think MASS Device CC/Baroness and Nemesis Enforcer/Falcon/Jetpack Duke may have been miss labeled in where they will appear?


This all in all sounds amazing... and I might as well just have Hasbro garnish my wages because Star Wars/Clone Wars and 25th Joes will break me.

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Your probably right CapnJeffro!


Episode packs, Vehicles, 30+single packs!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!



OH MY GOODNESS................. I JUST THINK I DIED WITH THIS NEWS............

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Wow those are great news... I´m going to buy those five packs of the The MASS Device, Weather Dominator, Arise Serpentor Arise, Pyramid of Darkness, and G.I. JOE The Movie...


I stopped collecting 2 years ago(Just collect RAH).... but now I´m going to start again....


Thanks for the news...

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With the release of the Entertainment packs.. does anyone else think MASS Device CC/Baroness and Nemesis Enforcer/Falcon/Jetpack Duke may have been miss labeled in where they will appear?


This all in all sounds amazing... and I might as well just have Hasbro garnish my wages because Star Wars/Clone Wars and 25th Joes will break me.

I firmly believe it is Hasbro being crafty again. If a kid (or collector) gets the Mass Device pack, there is increased desire to pick up otherwise unnotable versions of Baronness and Cobra Commander (especially if you have to get the CC to get the final element @hmmm@ )

They get the Joe movie, there is an increased desire to get a Duke that emulates that iconic scene.


And the Nem/Falcon set my simply be Hasbro reusing tooling: both may end up mostly new figures, so by doing a comic pack, comic fans will get Nemmy to get Falcon, and they can then repaint them into cartoon colors for the multipack. Everybody wins! (Except completionist. They screwed)

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With the release of the Entertainment packs.. does anyone else think MASS Device CC/Baroness and Nemesis Enforcer/Falcon/Jetpack Duke may have been miss labeled in where they will appear?


This all in all sounds amazing... and I might as well just have Hasbro garnish my wages because Star Wars/Clone Wars and 25th Joes will break me.

I firmly believe it is Hasbro being crafty again. If a kid (or collector) gets the Mass Device pack, there is increased desire to pick up otherwise unnotable versions of Baronness and Cobra Commander (especially if you have to get the CC to get the final element @hmmm@ )

They get the Joe movie, there is an increased desire to get a Duke that emulates that iconic scene.


And the Nem/Falcon set my simply be Hasbro reusing tooling: both may end up mostly new figures, so by doing a comic pack, comic fans will get Nemmy to get Falcon, and they can then repaint them into cartoon colors for the multipack. Everybody wins! (Except completionist. They screwed)


Looking forward for Sgt.Slaughter, Pythona and Golobulus.... In the Movie Pack!!!

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I'm loving the 5 packs from the cartoon mini-series, especially for Arise, Serpentor, Arise! Hopefully that means we'll be getting an updated Sgt. Slaughter! (I know other people might not be excited about this, but I always loved Slaughter as a kid.) :D


And since we're getting figures from GI Joe: The Movie, does that mean a Big Lob figure is in our future? ROFL!

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I'm loving the 5 packs from the cartoon mini-series, especially for Arise, Serpentor, Arise! Hopefully that means we'll be getting an updated Sgt. Slaughter! (I know other people might not be excited about this, but I always loved Slaughter as a kid.) :D


And since we're getting figures from GI Joe: The Movie, does that mean a Big Lob figure is in our future? ROFL!


Oh man, I didn't even think of that... that'd be great!


I can't wait to see pics of all this.

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That's good news, I wonder if we'll ever get the rest of season 2 on dvd?

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i REALLY hope the comic pack with nemesis enforcer and falcon really is coming out cause that means the movie pack could have more cobra-la figures in it like pythona and golobulus!!! i REALLY hope the pack isnt going to have that duke with the jet pack.



it would be a pretty neat idea if hasbro DID release figures that compliment the packs like the CC with a piece of the MASS device. i for one am amazed that they are packing free dvds in with the toys. THIS to me is the best part of the packs



serpentor with the air chariot should be pretty cool as well. hope these are all new vehicles but if they are not then i will have to see them before i buy them

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The only thing that kind of sucks about all of this, is it's all going to be released in '08, which means I'm gonna be spending a shitload of money on GI Joe stuff, cause I want all of it. @lol@

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The traffic on this site - and others - is gonna be crazy come saturday afternoon. I'm already in shock and awe about how much product their talking about putting out this year.


Think about this - we're 7 weeks into '08 and we already have 8 single-pack figures and 9 comic packs... I might have to start picking and choosing what I pick up and what I don't!

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