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I think I realy surprised my self when I thought up this topic. I'm TOTALY MOC & would never even consider opening any of my figs. But still the question popped in my mind, that wouldn't it be cool if there were DCD 6" scale play sets & dia-o-ramas. Cars & jets & stuff like that.


Like i'd kill for that wicked mussle car The Question drove in JLU. & mabe a dia-o-rama of The Green Arrow & Black Canary on that b*tchin hog from the eps where they had to protech a crime boss from hit men (the Huntress especialy).


So tell me what you think. would any of you guys be interested in play sets (that is that are done way cool & more like a model that a toy), & what scenes would you like to see depicted?

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yeah I know, I'm just realy weird like that. When I was a kid I played with all my toys, & there's no real mystery left.


I do have a small hand full of open transformers & believe me they do nothing but collect dust! & then I look at them either junked up in a toy box, or neatly on display & covered w/an inch of dust & cobwebs. & then I end up saying to my self "boy I wish I had a realy cool curieo to keep them mint & dust free".


That's when I do the "i could'a had a V8 head slap", & remeind my self that DUH the toy its self comes w/its own "curieo". its called its packageing!!! You can't get any more minty & clean than that!


I dig what your saying tho. But I don't feel like I'm depriving myself of fun at all. like I said, I've plaed with a lot of toys in my day. I know how they feel & what to expect. how ever if a toy comes along that's a must have & play w/, i'll buy two & open one.

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No wait! I know. How about a dia-o-rama play set of when Hawkgirl after making an uncomfortable re-emergance to the JLU, goes down in to the sewer to perform the "mercy killing" of Soloman Grundy.


You, know the scene where she softly places her hand over his massive face & says in a beautiful angelic voice, "shhhhh, I know what you need", & the activates her mase to smash his effin skull in to put the poor bloke out of his misery!!!


Now that would be one hell of a dia-o-rame scene.

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DCD, DCUC, Marvel Legends or whatever have you of the 6" variety superhero toys all have the ability and plenty of history to put out a ton of vehicles, bases, playsets, dioramas, etc... But the biggest problem is and has been - they don't sell because the price point would be so high on such large scale items.


The only reason GI Joe and Star Wars gets away with vehicles is smaller scale and also they are more integral to the actual toy line and characters. Plus kids don't care about playsets and other larger items anymore. And yes, I Know DCD isn't a kiddie line - but the point still remains that those items would take up massive amounts of shelf space and cost quite the pretty penny.


And I don't know where I'd put large items like that either. Cool idea in a Utopian world where we the collectors have money raining down from the heavens and mansions to fill up with our booty - but otherwise? Naw.

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look, its not like I'm suggesting that the things be mass distrubted to stored like TRU TARGET WAL-MART ect.


just that it'd be nice if they did something cool for the fanboys. & a diorama or playset w/2 or 3 figs in it depicted in a cool scene would not be that expensive.


like who of us wouldn't want a diorama of Superman standing in the oval office, only mins after having killed Pres. Luthor w/his heat vision. Picture it! WW looks on in utter shock, while Batman feels its a job well done. Man I'm telling you, there money here!

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look, its not like I'm suggesting that the things be mass distrubted to stored like TRU TARGET WAL-MART ect.


just that it'd be nice if they did something cool for the fanboys. & a diorama or playset w/2 or 3 figs in it depicted in a cool scene would not be that expensive.


like who of us wouldn't want a diorama of Superman standing in the oval office, only mins after having killed Pres. Luthor w/his heat vision. Picture it! WW looks on in utter shock, while Batman feels its a job well done. Man I'm telling you, there money here!


Yeah, I know. Its more of a fun hypothetical. I understand it. It would be neat. But in this hypothetical I'm rich and have plenty of display space too. @smilepunch@


And not being distributed by the major 3 definitely means they are 'collectors' pieces and raises the prices. Playset with 2 -3 figures would easily be in the $50 + range depending on the scene. But I would like to have a Dark Knight Returns final fight between Batman and Superman. Or a Kingdom Come scene with Superman's return flying high with both fists full of the mock-teenage superheroes.


Although I think a lot of these would be better in a statue format with them looking like the specific artist that drew the scene.

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I would definitely enjoy some diorama packs containg a bit of scenery or a backdrop, some diorama pieces, and maybe two or three dramatically posed figures. At around 50 bucks, they'd be no more expensive or cumbersome than a statue.

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I would definitely enjoy some diorama packs containg a bit of scenery or a backdrop, some diorama pieces, and maybe two or three dramatically posed figures. At around 50 bucks, they'd be no more expensive or cumbersome than a statue.





At'ta boy Barbecue! Now that's what I'm talkin about, if GI Joe can mass market all it play sets & vehicules then why not DCD?


So what's your favorite scene from either comic or any of the toons you'd like to see shown in a diorama?

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I never really bought that. Look at the newly upscaled (6") TMNT line. They have a van, Motorcycles, a Skyscraper playset, plus several more vehicles and a new Turtle Lair waiting in the wings. If Playmates can pull that off, then Hasbro and Mattel should be able to.


Do you honstly believe Mattel can make a Batmobile, Batwing, and Batcycle big enough to cart around the Superfriends Batman figure, but they can't do the same for DCUC?


Not enough? How about way back in the '70's and '80's. Castle Grayskulls, Snake Mountains, Six Million Dollar Man Command Centers, Technodromes, and multiple G.I. Joe headquarters were all over the place! And all before action figures became the multi-billion dollar industry we all know and are slave to today.


Just my opinion, but if they sunk some capital into a decent Danger Room or Watchtower playset instead of another permutation of Kung-Fu Wolverine or Samurai Viking Batman, it might just pay off for the toy companies.


You do have a point of the TMNT line - but I also don't know how well those items sell. The best bet would be to sell items like a Batcave, Watchtower, Danger Room, etc... in pieces. As far as the 80's - that was when toys were getting in full swing and every line had accessories, bases, vehicles, etc.


I'm just reiterating what Hasbro, at least, keeps saying. Kids aren't into it so we aren't making it. However the AT-TE that is coming out this year (first new gigantic item in the Star Wars line in well over a decade.) And they are saying there might be a $100-$150 tag on it.


Smaller 3-3/4" lines (SW and later this year GI Joe again) seem to be able to pull off $20 (and the occasional $30-$50 exclusive) mid-sized vehicles. Question is - do we want these bases and sets to be kid friendly with scaled down sizing, lights, sounds, action features?

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"Sell it in pices", NO WAY! Don't be so quick to underestimate the imagination of a child. I remember back in my play days (like they ever ended hehe), ordinary objects in my house or room would turn in to all kinds of things in my mind. The box fan stoped being a fan, & was now a space vortex that my figs & vehicules would teleport & time travel through. The decrotive plastic plants & trees would serve as the back drop of an alien planet. So yeah, I do believe that play sets & diarams would make money. & no, the thing would not have to be so epicly huge that it would require selling in pices. just make it a good size & give it lots of fun compartments & work stations. That's all a kid ever realy need to make an imaginary world come to life.

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Well, I was going more for B-A-B (Build a Base) where you sell smaller parts in $10 - $20 increments. This way the price point would be low and parent friendly, but we could put together massive sets for our enjoyment.





You mean kinda like how Playmates did with Star Treck TNG play sets. The way the bridge connected with the enginering section? Yeah, I think that would be cool!


The way I see it, the play sets could be marketed abroad to all the major retailers. & the dioramas could be smaller but, (how shall we say), more adult orinented & lots more detailed. Like the for mentioned "Mercy Killing" of Soloman Gurndy. Or dare I say the co-ed shower scene when Green Arrow comes out of the shower (looking quite tasty might I add), & sees Black Canary getting dressed ( huba huba)!


& if the sex doesn't sell, there's always scenes like: John purging Oa of the Man Hunter attack (you know when he says the Oath w/such passion), Superman driving the dog sled on the future earth (or if u realy wanna get graphic, how about a scene when he disembowles the leader of the pack & makes a new cape out of the pelt).


& of corse you could pick any scene from Star Crossed & run w/that. So many cool things happend there you realy can't go wrong. Just as long as the quality is DCD level, I'm good.

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I've been wanting this for years. I mean, the BAF concept could easily be applied to a Batmobile, or the Main Man's hog. I can understand how Mattel is worried about making something that won't sell. Every manufacturer thinks about that. But if marketed the right way, to the right segment I think it would work. I'd buy a Batmobile for my 6" DCUC figures, or an Arrow-jet, or the Question's muscle car (even though I don't think we can ever get the Question). I think vehicles have a better chance at working too, because made the right way, and packaged the right way, they'd be no larger than a Leader class TF. Play sets might not work so well considering the cost and size. But how many vehicles could one have for the DCU? I'd think Marvel, with the X-Jet, Quinn Jet, Fantasticar, Spidermobile et al would offer more in the way of vehicles though, assuming Mattel would use existing concepts and not make up a vehicle. I would love to see Wonder Woman's invisible jet though.

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I've been wanting this for years. I mean, the BAF concept could easily be applied to a Batmobile, or the Main Man's hog. I can understand how Mattel is worried about making something that won't sell. Every manufacturer thinks about that. But if marketed the right way, to the right segment I think it would work. I'd buy a Batmobile for my 6" DCUC figures, or an Arrow-jet, or the Question's muscle car (even though I don't think we can ever get the Question). I think vehicles have a better chance at working too, because made the right way, and packaged the right way, they'd be no larger than a Leader class TF. Play sets might not work so well considering the cost and size. But how many vehicles could one have for the DCU? I'd think Marvel, with the X-Jet, Quinn Jet, Fantasticar, Spidermobile et al would offer more in the way of vehicles though, assuming Mattel would use existing concepts and not make up a vehicle. I would love to see Wonder Woman's invisible jet though.





AW MAN! HELL TO THE YEAH!!! Now your talking. I'd cream my jock if they were to ever come out w/an invisiable jet scaled for a 6" WW. Even tho I never played w/Barbies or dolls (what can I say, I'm not that kind of homo), but i'd damn sure have my grown ass out on my porch playing w/it if they ever did make WW's jet!


Also I for got just where I saw it but later this month Hotwheels is gonna be releasing a 1:18 scale Batmobile. Retail was slated for $29.99. Not to bad if you ask me.

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I was thinking if they did put out a base it would not be a build a base.... it would be a base playset! Which would be generally complete .... but then the next wave along side it could contain accessory's to with that base and make it even better! & I would so buy bases & cars and such for this line... even more so if they were all similar to the old bases and cars! Lets face it the lexor still rocks today in looks and style :P and so does the batcar and sups jet!

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I was thinking if they did put out a base it would not be a build a base.... it would be a base playset! Which would be generally complete .... but then the next wave along side it could contain accessory's to with that base and make it even better! & I would so buy bases & cars and such for this line... even more so if they were all similar to the old bases and cars! Lets face it the lexor still rocks today in looks and style :P and so does the batcar and sups jet!



Ok, there's something I've been meaning to say about Sups jet (aka "Supermobil"). & not only Superman but also Spiderman's car/motercycle. These are heros that over the decades have been merch w/vehicules & playset. Yet neve once has any of there movies (live action or animated), have EVER featured any such things. & yet when they mrech these heros, there's never a problem movieing their cars & playsets. So that's why I'm pretty sure cars & playsets will work for DCD. disclaimer: I feel it nessary to point out that I've never watched any of the new Spiderman animated stuff that's come out lately. & also I'm excluding the few times Superman used his Supermobile in 80ies shows like "The Superfriends".

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I'd literally kill for a Batcave scaled for DCUC. With all the trophies and such. Heck just give me the base, I'll find the trophies myself if thats what it takes.

Man that would be cool...can't see it happening though.....but it would be great.

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I was thinking if they did put out a base it would not be a build a base.... it would be a base playset! Which would be generally complete .... but then the next wave along side it could contain accessory's to with that base and make it even better! & I would so buy bases & cars and such for this line... even more so if they were all similar to the old bases and cars! Lets face it the lexor still rocks today in looks and style :P and so does the batcar and sups jet!



Ok, there's something I've been meaning to say about Sups jet (aka "Supermobil"). & not only Superman but also Spiderman's car/motercycle. These are heros that over the decades have been merch w/vehicules & playset. Yet neve once has any of there movies (live action or animated), have EVER featured any such things. & yet when they mrech these heros, there's never a problem movieing their cars & playsets. So that's why I'm pretty sure cars & playsets will work for DCD. disclaimer: I feel it nessary to point out that I've never watched any of the new Spiderman animated stuff that's come out lately. & also I'm excluding the few times Superman used his Supermobile in 80ies shows like "The Superfriends".


Hmmm I duno about the DCU but I have seen the spidercar in comics that I know! Granted they are regularly just one shots or cross overs like torch/spiderman ect which count for jack all but still :D & they will sell! They do sell! Like you said look at the spiderman stuff they do :D I know as I kid I loved playing with the superjet whatever it was called! & I Loved playing with the the HOJ play set as well until me & my sis trashed the thing doing so!


I'd literally kill for a Batcave scaled for DCUC. With all the trophies and such. Heck just give me the base, I'll find the trophies myself if thats what it takes.


See thats the kind of thing they could do for the extra parts! Just do the batcave! & then a wave with goodies to fill the batcave up :)

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amazing ideas here. i would love to see playsets. what i dont get, it is impossible that those playsets will be so expensive. now look at barbie dolls? she has everything. cars, planes, over 100 playsets where she lives and everything. it is the same company mattel. so why does a 12 insh doll have amazing playsets and a 6 insh simple figure line not? come on mattel, you did such an amazing work with the dc line, give me some batmobil and batcave :D

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