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G.I.Joe 25th Anniversary Series 7 Images Online


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Holy Spit!


Wow... this line just keeps lapping itself in awesomeosity! Spirit, Wild Bill and the HISS Driver make my tummy flip-flop... it must be love!


The Viper is decent, but not perfect. He's missing his goggles, for one, and his wrists have a strange bend on them... I guess to hold the rifle better, but unless they're two-fisting that weapon, it's an odd angle for his hand to stay in. HATE HATE HATE!!! The gray rifle, no matter how accurate it is. Some things in the original line *were* mistakes, and colored weapons (especially Roadblock's Ma-Deuce and this rifle) were a big mistake. It worked with Buzzer's chainsaw, and silver paint on knives and swords roxxors my soxxors, but man, Marauder Joe's gonna make a killing once I get my Viper Platoon up and running!


Also, glad to see I was right about "Snake-Eyes #4" being indicative of nothing much at all. This is an iconic Snake-Eyes uniform, even coming so late in the line, and I forsee wonderful Paine Brothers customs coming from this. I plan to lead the pack! If those knives are part of a removable harness, I also forsee a bunch of DDP Snake-Eyeses, with the V2 head, Wave 1 '08 Black SE body, and these knives... Homina, homina!!!


Sad that we're not seeing Major Bludd yet. I get the feeling either Hasbro buggered him up big time, or they think he's something really special, and are holding off showing him until Toy Fair. Hopefully, it's just something simple, like the photo wasnt done yet.


Hasbro's already sold 12 HISS Drivers, if they wanna keep count. And man, those Vipers are gonna be expensive... Pottersville, here I come!

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All the figures look amazing...except Duke!


The Viper and HISS Driver are my favorites of the bunch. One thing about the original Viper mold: What use would he have for goggles? How would he use these over the face plate? Although I can see Hasbro adding removable ones to the figure, I prefer the new mold without them.

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All the figures look amazing...except Duke!


The Viper and HISS Driver are my favorites of the bunch. One thing about the original Viper mold: What use would he have for goggles? How would he use these over the face plate? Although I can see Hasbro adding removable ones to the figure, I prefer the new mold without them.


No thanks - sure it was weird that the original came with them, but after releasing the Viper time and time again with the goggles on, I agree with the others - it's part of the iconic look. I hope Hasbro gets some removable ones for it.

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The goggles on the Viper never made any sense but he looks weird without them. I think it would be a perfect figure otherwise. Wild Bill looks excellent and the HISS Driver and the new Snakes-Eyes look cool too but I'm not really feeling Spirit. Cool that his "arrow" cartridges are removable and that he comes with extras though. Only cool thing about the Duke is the flag he comes with. A white shirt? Sorry but that's lame. They are just making stuff up now. Good thing I'm not a completest.

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Looks like the viper has a lower torso artculation instead of the mid torso.


Nah, looks like there's a whole removable vest thing going on there. It's probably the Duke torso underneath.


As far as the goggles, I always liked the idea that the blast shield was removable, and the goggles could then be lowered over the troops' eyes. Also makes a nice back-up if the face shield is ever smashed.


That said, if the vest, helmet, and goggles all wind up being removable, it could make for an interesting variation on the Cobra Trooper, which I've always maintained were the same things as Vipers, just with rolled up sleeves and and extra armor/padding.

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these guys look pretty great for the most part... and I am gld that we seem to be seeing new Joe pics every 2 weeks!


Duke - kinda boring, we don't really need that figure. I would have rather had Tiger Force Duke.

Wild Bill - everything is great except for the holsters. If he was an original mold, they would be correctly done... but they are blocks! weird.

Spirit - he is cool, but looks off for some reason. His face is strange too. I don't like him as much as I thought I would.

Snake Eyes - my favorite figure from the wave. He's fantastic.

Viper - has weird wrist bends, neeps his goggles, and has skinny legs. but still cool.

Hiss driver - WOW - the original was kinda boring, but this guy is awesome

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I think that its a very strong wave, I have been waiting for the viper for a long time, I don't like how their hands are scuplted (like Gung Ho) can't hold a gun, but I am still exctremely happy with the figures.


I will get 5 vipers

and 2 hiss drivers

1 snake eyes

1 wild bill

1 spirit

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those look fantastic! spirit does look odd. i like them, but am really looking forward to wild bill, despite the blocky holsters, and the hiss driver and viper. i can't wait to see what 25Amajor bludd looks like.

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Awesome I cant wait to get these, very suprised buy the coolness of SE though when i first heard he was in the line i was like "great thats an awesome idea another SE" but i think he's a stand out figure.

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I think the viper might be made with a certain pose in mind.. and I hate when companies do that.. just make him nutral and let me pose him.. it looks like he's one arms is pre-turned so he can hold the rifle and look at his hands, they swivel at teh end of the pad, not the wrists.. but look at the angles of the hands.. I'm betting he'll look good in one pose holding the rifle and not that good in any other pose

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All the figures are pretty cool, but I agree about the goggles on the Viper. He needs them on his helmet. I do not like the wrists on the viper. Snake Eyes is freaking cool! Spirit is pretty cool, but his jaw lines is just a little to square. Maybe it is just the angle of the picture, or maybe not. Wild Bills is pretty cool, but he just seems to have a little too much accessaries on the vest. Overall, the line is pretty cool.

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