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Good Bye HD-DVD


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I think its hard to say whose the winner in this yet.


The buying public and consumer demand will dictate which way this goes, and all it would take is some clamour against Warners to get them to backtrack on the decision.

Back when the debate was over Betamax and VHS, VHS tapes won out because they were cheaper, not better. The public makes the call with their wallet.

A years worth of soft-sales on blu-ray players and discs and Warner's will seriously look at their decision, if it comes to that.

Hell, Toshiba negotiating a base-line price cut for HD-DVD players and discs could get consumers solidly back in their camp and the short-terms losses they may take would be minimal to the long-terms gains if enough film distributors and studio sign on with them. Hell, getting Disney to sign on with HD-DVD would be enough to tip the balance in their favour.


I don't think this is the move that tips the scales, I think its still to early to call this one.

Its definitely heating up though.

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I think they're both going to be in trouble in 6 months to a year, with the lack of movies and TV shows to put out, it's gonna be interesting to see what they do, I guess they can just start to put out older shows/movies for the people switching over.

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I think they're both going to be in trouble in 6 months to a year, with the lack of movies and TV shows to put out, it's gonna be interesting to see what they do, I guess they can just start to put out older shows/movies for the people switching over.


No, Joe, the current writers strike will have to go on for a couple of years before it affects feature film productions. Right now its adversely affecting only TV production.

The studio took steps in the previous year to make sure they had scripts and screenplays filed before the strike and any proposed films that have scripts would presumably go into production in the interim until the strike is settled.

The other thing is that studios could take in scripts from OUTSIDE WAG jurisdiction ( though WAG would be right pissed about that) if they needed to, but that might bring in other guilds and unions into the whole mess.


The major studios can starve out the writers for some time yet, and the individual deals being struck with various studios and productions is a sign they are willing to do just that.


One thing of note: TV revenues are NOT down as a result of the strike--which is a worrying thing to WAG. Sponsors are still lining up for commercial time, and viewers are still tuning in. If the strike carries on into the depths of 2008, its conceivable that they could re-run older series, and not see any detriment to their income. This would be a very sobering thing for the writers, because the studio would see them as superfluous even if the strike were to end or be settled.


The DVD releases that are still possible are many, it really depends on what's in the studios' inventory and the condition of the material. Plus there's an enormous amount of foreign material that can be brought in, for both TV broadcast and DVD release.


The only time-line/deadline active here is how long the writers can hold out on strike pay.

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It looks like Blu-Ray is winning, so far. There's a lot of companies jumping on the Blu-Ray bandwagon now, it seems.

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Well, i guess they are making the decision for us? Or towards the one that will make them more money, maybe?

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"The loss of support from Paramount, which is owned by Viacom Inc (VIAb.N: Quote, Profile, Research), would likely deal the final blow to the HD DVD format backed by Toshiba Corp (6502.T: Quote, Profile, Research) and put an end to the format war, the newspaper said on its Web site"


yup, they are done.

cool. Now I can wait for Transformers the movie on blue ray. and perhaps consider buying a ps3

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Ah well, that kinda sucks.


And I say that for personal reasons--I have a 300+ DVD collection thus far, and I HOPE Blu-ray/DVD compatible players come out because I DO NOT want to buy a second player just for Blu-ray flicks.

My understanding that HD-DVD and regular DVD were more compatible, but please correct me on that if I'm wrong.


If combo players to emerge, then really emerge, then I think I'll eventually embrace Blu-ray--as I really do enjoy a good cinematic experience. If the medium supports that better, I'll come around to being all for it.

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I think in a perfect world to have a player that can play both formats would be great, but business is business and I'm sure blue ray would like to have all of the cake and eat it.


I didn't care for Blue ray at all. I was hoping (rooting) for HD DVD. I mean, the name alone sounds more legit when dealing with High Definition (HD) and blu ray sounded...stupid.


It's too early too tell anyway, but the next few weeks should be interesting ones for Toshiba.

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Well from what I've seen, actually Blu Ray seems to be better quality, especially when it comes to owning a HDTV and everything. Was watching something on Blu Ray, it was AMAZING!!


I hope that my dvd's will play with the Blu Ray set, too, but I'm not sure really. It'd be nice, since I have gazillions of regular dvd's. :

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I think in a perfect world to have a player that can play both formats would be great, but business is business and I'm sure blue ray would like to have all of the cake and eat it.



Well, unless both formats are addressed in a single player, I'll be sticking with DVD until that happens.

I 've smarted too much from my kids demanding every new console game platform that comes along and I refuse to be held-hostage to having to buy completely new games systems every year or so. With the trends being what they are, Blu-ray will be supplanted by another format in a few years and the cycle will start all over again.

Nope, I ain't playing until I have to.

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I feel the same way. I was one of those 'few' that actually went all BETA when VHS and Beta were going at it. At this point, paying 400 bucks for a DVD player aint' on my top of the list, but having one format figure it all out would be easier. I ain't getting beta-burned...

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Uh... huh. Okay, I've never heard that before. I'll take your word on it.

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from the internets:


HD DVD's response to being unceremoniously jilted by Warner going into CES was ... nothing. A canceled press conference, downtrodden Toshiba press conference and rumors of further losses left great doubt that red had anything left in 2008, but now HD DVD is firing back. Leveraging its "approximately 50% market share in 2007" -- we're not sure where that number comes from either, we've contacted Toshiba for clarification -- indisputable lead in the notebook market and 100% compatibility with internet-enabled HDi features, Toshiba has announced it is not laying down yet. Effective yesterday, the HD-A3 MSRP has dropped to $149.99, the 1080p-capable HD-A30 to $199.99, and the top of the line HD-A35 to $299.99. Combined with an extended "perfect offer" of 5 free HD DVDs with every purchase, Toshiba's HD DVD Concierge service, and a sudden 50% off sale on Amazon, it seems this format will not go quietly into the dark. Fire sale to clear suddenly obsolete inventory or real chance to hang onto its remaining supporters? This could be the best -- or worst -- time to pick a side in the HD war.


Update: Amazon is also having a 50% off Blu-ray sale, so whatever your format of choice, pick up some discs and let the movie studios know who you rep.

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