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Jonathan Ross finds Steve Ditko...


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At the moment the BBC is having a comics' season on BBC 4 and with it a documentary on Steve Ditko with interviews by some of the industy's heavy hitters. To be honest I didn't know much about Ditko from the start other than some bare facts and by watching it realised why that was.


But it was a really good documentary, even Alan Moore gave an interview and spoke of his love for Ditko, along with Neil Gaimen, John Romita Snr, Stan the Man, Joe Q and a few others. The thing that came out the most about it was the fact that even though Ditko didn't submit anything to the documentary (and they did try) it seemed that the man himself was as much in the spotlight as his artwork, which is a huge contrast to any interview with Stan Lee (!!).


The mysterious thing was that when Jonathan Ross actually went to meet Ditko (minus the cameras) he came back saying that he couldn't talk about what had been said, or any answers Ditko had given to his questions.


It also shed some light on the Lee/Ditko relationship in that Lee says that he is happy to share creative credit for spider-man, but says that due to the fact that Lee had the initial idea and took it to Ditko, that Lee essentially is the creator of Spider-man. Interesting point considering it comes from a guy that said he would take credit for anything that 'wasn't nailed down.'

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