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Disgustingly disappointed with Geordi/Barclay/Data


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Oh man oh man! What a disappointment. My favorite line, messed up beyond belief with this series. I’m frankly utterly bothers by what DST did to this line. It looks as if it were made by a different company, in fact they look as if they were made by gasp Mattel!


1) SCALE WAY TOO SMALL! Geordi looks like a little child and you just know they will reuse this body for Wes. Geordi is a short guy, but his build is a lot stockier and full than this figure, it’s just wrong, wrong. That being said Data and Barclay are way too short too, Picard’s head is massive compared to them

2) LACK OF ACESSORIES. Data faired well with the Violin and Spot but what the hell is with Lore coming with NOTHING? That and the fact that Geordi/Barclay come with the same TWO items and not even a PHASER was included. And no bases?

3) OVERALL CHEAP SHINY LOOK: The plastic looks atrocious. They stick out like a sore thumb because they are so shiny and small. Like I said these look closer to Mattel than AA.

4) BAD QUALITY CONTROL: Take data, his circuit cover on his head comes off. Cool feature. But not when it won’t fit on enough to look half decent no matter how hard you try.


That and the exclusives are nowhere to be found. Nemesis Geordi is only being made in a run of FIFTEEN HUNDRED? No FC Data?


It just sucks, especially with all of the AWESOME figures shown at TF. DS9, Movie Classic Trek, S1 TNG…


Expensive plastic costs or not they had damn well better shape up for the next wave. It’s too bad I’ll have the hate these four and have them look like garbage compared to the rest but if they screw up DS9 I will go snakey.

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I just logged in to post almost the exact same thing you just did. I just got Geordi, Data and Barclay today as well. I am VERY disappointed in this wave. Now I have come to expect colors not matching from wave to wave from DST so it is no surprise that these three don't match the yellow on Worf... AT ALL. But that is fine. I am pretty good at customizing so I feel like I can fix that some day. But they are all WAY too shiny. And you are 100% right about Geordi being to small. It does look like Wesley's body, not Geordi's.


And to top it all off my Data has one leg about a 1/4 inch shorter than the other. Looks like they put a Geordi leg on instead of the one he was supposed to come with. I'm going to see if BBTS will let me exchange it. Bad QC on DST's part.


And I am also VERY disappointed in the lack of 1st Contact figures.


I have to say that DST really needs to do these figures better or they may loose my business all together. I collect far too much stuff to waste my money on POS's like this

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I just got the Data and LaForge so I don't know about Barkley.

LaForge is a bit small, but standing him next to Data, Picard, or Troi, I don't notice any major size issues. Riker and Worf are taller people on the show anyway.

Their blacks are shinier than on the previous guys, but again, I guess that just doesn't matter to me. My Data's head plate stays on just fine.


I can understand why some people my be PO about this wave, but I'm no where NEAR ready to start worrying that AA/DST is going to be putting out crap from now on. Look at all that came before AND what we're going to be getting.....

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I got Data, Geordi, Barclay and Lore. I have complaints too. Pretty much the same as you guys plus one of Barclays legs is loose at the hip and mives outward and one arm will not move, period.


The removable hair on Data really bothers me the way the hair sticks out when it is on him.


I did not notice the missing bases until Bigsexy mentioned it.


I really want the Nemesis Geordi too. I feel like having the other guys is a wast of time if I end up missing him.


Hopefully the next wave will be better.

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  • 1 month later...

Bump -


I was late picking up these figures (ironic since Levar Burton is what got me into Star Trek & Data is one of my favorite characters), and was kinda "whoa" when I put them next to the rest of the crew.


I knew my other figures needed some dusting, but I started dusting & realized that they still looked a bit too "cloudy" in color compared to Geordi and Data. It almost makes me want to say my paint is fading on the rest of them.....but...surely not.


I was just wondering if the black uniform paint looked a bit washed out on your Riker, Picard, Worf compared to Geordi and La Forge.


Maybe I can get some pics up soon. I am due for some TNG action figure pics on TNI anyway. heh heh.

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The Geordi and Data DO have a glossier black than the rest of them which have flat black. Not sure which I like better. On the other hand.......not sure I care that much!


Keep you Geordi and Data on the shelf for a while, let them collect dust. Then they'll fit in!

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I don't collect the TV uniform figures just the Nemesis ones, and did pick up Geordi at NYCC. Over all he fits in with the others. I did notice that on all the other figures they except Troi the black overshirts have a zipper molded in to them, yet on Geordi its doesn't. I was also a little disapinted in it having no phaser. The stands I don't use so it's no big loss for me. Paint wise it fits pretty well with the other DST ones. The Picard and Data I use are from the AA Nemesis line and the blue/grey on their shoulders is noticeably different from that on the other figures, but other then that I have no complaints, scale wise next to the others, he's pretty accurate. All I need now is Crusher and I will be ready to move on to WOK figures.

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  • 2 weeks later...

And its not better. Why would you say its better? I spend hours taking the cheap plasticy shine OFF my figures with dullcoat. Of all of the episodes of TNG I watched i don't recall them ever wearing pants that gave off a plasticy glare.

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Exactly. If these were supposed to be the spandex uniforms, I suppose you could make a case....but they aren't.

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  • 2 weeks later...

We'll be biting our nails down to nothing as Wave 4 is released.


The wave has now been pushed back around 6 months (July)...& if they quality issues from wave 3 are not addressed, DST is going to have a lot of bloody angry Trek fans on their back.

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  • 2 months later...

My Data's left leg seems a bit shorter and what's up with the fist? The pic shows Data with an open left hand, not a fist. It works however if you want him to be playing the violin. I haven't noticed the size issue yet. I just him. The comic/collectable shop did have a few Nemesis Geordi's. I don't have the number for you but the name is Cliff Road Collectables in Eagan, Minnesota if you're interested. BTW, I paid $4.99 for Data!

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