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Gentle Giant Clone Commander Bust Exclusives

Ghost of QG

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From Gentle Giants blog:




Five Special Clone Trooper Commanders, Other Items Only Available on Worldwide Tour



February 10, 2007, Burbank, Ca. – Gentle Giant Ltd. is ready to take the world and collectors by storm with an unprecedented five-city worldwide tour. While traveling the globe, the company will make a special, exclusive Star Wars Clone Trooper Commander mini-bust available at each of the five locations.


“Why should rock stars and movie celebrities have all the fun?” asked Gentle Giant Vice President of Product Development and Design Dev Gilmore. “We figure it’s high time the collectibles industry had its own world tour, so we’re taking the lead and having a lot of fun. And of course, we want to invite everyone to come join us, so we’re making it worth your while thanks to some very cool, exclusive Clone Trooper Commander mini-busts.”




As amazing as the Clone Trooper Commanders are, Gentle Giant knows that a single exclusive does not a party make. So the company is offering multiple tour exclusives to go along with the specific location exclusives. The Gentle Giant Worldwide Tour 2007 Exclusives include a Yoda/R2-D2 Animated-style maquette and a special Bust-Ups 2-pack of Han and Luke in Stormtrooper armor. There will also be other exclusives at some of the five events, which will be announced soon.


As to those Clone Trooper Commanders… They’ll be available in the following cities:




* Event #1 -- Star Wars Celebration IV (Los Angeles, CA): Commander Gree

* Event #2 -- Gentle Giant @ Blister (Tokyo, Japan): Commander Neyo

* Event #3 -- Gentle Giant @ Forbidden Planet (London, England): Commander Bly

* Event #4 -- San Diego Comic-Con (San Diego, CA): Commander Cody

* Event #5 – Special fifth location to be announced!: Commander Baraca




“This will be a lot of fun and a great opportunity for collectors to score some exclusive Star Wars collectibles,” said Gilmore. “But we also know that not everyone can follow us around the world, and we figure everyone deserves a shot at these cool mini-busts. So we’ll be making 500 limited edition box sets of all five mini-busts, and those will be available exclusively on our web site at the end of the year.”




The Gentle Giant Worldwide Tour 2007 begins on May 24, 2007 at Star Wars Celebration IV in Los Angeles, Ca. and continues throughout the summer. Check the Gentle Giant web site at www.gentlegiantltd.com for tour updates and more information on tour exclusives.



So if you've got the first 5 clones you pretty much have to go to E-Bay or get one of the 500 sets. I'm sorry, but GG really knows how to tick off its fanbase.

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oh son of a bitc* !! Can anyone help me out with some of these?.. If anything I need a couple sets of the starwars bustups!


Gentle Giant has got to be the least!! collector friendly company out there with all these damned exclusives!! I wonder how many more bustups will pop up along the line $(*#&!!!

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This sucks.. Like a normal collector has the scratch to go to all of those locations.. Way to be collector friendly guys.


Gentle Giant = major pricks


They can take their clone busts and shove them up their ass.

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