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Even if your not a fan of GI JOE EXTREME you do not want to miss this interview, It has a little of everything in it, that all fans of all eras of Joes can really find enjoyable !!



Okay so without further ado


THE GI JOE REALM IS PROUD TO PRESENTS A VERY SPECIAL--- THe extreme update of the week for the week of 2-8-07


This week, before we finish up the last 6 Episode reviews of the series, we have a very special interview, with Benjamin Torres, who was the lead designer for the GI JOE Extreme LINE COMICS AND CARTOON, included, it is part 1 of 3 , (with a possible 4th on some 3.75 inch stuff ) as its a lengthy interview so come back next week for part 2 and the following week for part 3


Even if your not a GI JOE EXTREME FAN you will want to read this! Here is the interview with some concept sketches thrown in, all provide by Mr. Torres.


Thanks Mr. Ben Torres for everything, you have been great!!


find the interview here:




When your done please come back here and discuss it here

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