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The 25 AnniversARY FIGURES


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Our world is about to be shattered. If hasbro Makes the Crimson Guard , like they are the Infantry it may be Time to Build massive armies. We the Army Bulding Community make a bulk of hasbro profit, Endlesssly buying multiple figures snatching up every Cobra viper in sight. Hasbro needs to adress the needs of army building community. What army Builders should they make?



I cant wait to see the Infantry, Vipers, and Crimson Guard with this level of detail.


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Where did you hear that?


If they DO do that, I have faith that hasbro will do us right with the army builders. Or at least won't screw us over totally. If they do a 6 pack or something like it, they seem to have a pretty good understanding of what we want in an army builder pack. All generic soliders and very few if any "named" characters.


And if they go back to 2 packs... well I got used to having to buy 10 gung ho's if I wanted 10 Vipers. It sucked but I accepted that as part of the hobby. I'll survive if I have to do it again.

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You do realize that these figures are reported as being planned to be sold in multi-packs, possibly from 2 to as many as 5 figures per pack??

You may end up with multiples of non-army building characters.


Hasbro would be CRAZY if they didn't take advantage of the army-building mentality of collectors... They've catered to it countless times, both in the SW line and GI Joe.


I'm not sure what to think of that rumour, either - apparently the retail price will be 24.99 for a five pack, which I see as HIGHLY unlikely. Personally I think we'll see individual one-figure packaging with vintage cards, almost exactly how they did the SW figures, more in the range of 7.99-9.99 each, which they surely know will sell at that price.


If they end up doing the five-packs, I can only imagine that one of them will be an officer and four troopers.

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I don't necessarily mind the idea of 5-packs, if they made one of the 5 packs this:


1 Cobra Officer, 4 Cobra Infantry


They can still pack the Officer and an Infantry figure in with the other 5-packs, just create an Army Builder pack like I mentioned above.

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You know if we get a 5 Pack that's Cobra Commander, Destro, Baroness, Storm Shadow, and Major Bludd. Then I don't have a problem. If they have pack that's a Viper, A Snow Serpent, A Eel, Crimson Guard, and Cobra Trooper. Then I don't have a problem. If they make a 5 pack that is Cobra Commander, Storm Shadow, Desto, Cobra Trooper, and Crimson Guard....then I have a problem.

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To be honest I'd prefer it if they didnt have any army builders. We've got a zillion Vipers and CG's already and if theres only 25 places I'd rather the be filled with characters that are more interesting.


I mean what are the odds of getting the lower tier cobras like Scrap Iron , Mindbender or Doctor Venom?

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To be honest I'd prefer it if they didnt have any army builders. We've got a zillion Vipers and CG's already and if theres only 25 places I'd rather the be filled with characters that are more interesting.


And Im sure the NON army Builders agree with you. But of 25 figures if only 3 are army builders, like Cobra troopers, Vipers and Crimson guard, then you still got 23 figures.


Let me put it a different way, if this line doesnt provide for massive Cobra Trooper legions, This line wont be as exciting as RAH and other previous lines.


Hasbro Make Army BUILDERS!!!!!!

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To be honest I'd prefer it if they didnt have any army builders. We've got a zillion Vipers and CG's already and if theres only 25 places I'd rather the be filled with characters that are more interesting.


And Im sure the NON army Builders agree with you. But of 25 figures if only 3 are army builders, like Cobra troopers, Vipers and Crimson guard, then you still got 23 figures.


Let me put it a different way, if this line doesnt provide for massive Cobra Troopers legions, This line wont be as exciting as RAH and other previous lines.


Hasbro Make Army BUILDERS!!!!!!


I am in complete agreement with you Obi. Hasbro has the opportunity to make some seriously kickass versions of our favorite COBRA troops. The only thing they could do to screw things up would be to revert to the 2-pack stupidity they carried on with from JvC to VvV. If Hasbro is going to do multi-packs for the beginning of this 25th line I think they'll do it just for the initial 10 figures (something like 5 Joes, 5 COBRA members, all uniques) and then sell the rest in singles like the DTC figures. At least that's what I'm hoping for.


Personally I can't wait to get some old-school style Crimson Guards, B.A.T.s, Techno-Vipers, and IRON Grenadiers in this new sculpt design.

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Personally I can't wait to get some old-school style Crimson Guards, B.A.T.s, Techno-Vipers, and IRON Grenadiers in this new sculpt design.



Yes the B.A.T.S. and Grenadiers are excellent suggestions.


Even a night Viper, that would be Sweet.


Keep the suggestions coming please.

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It will never happen but I would love to see updated versions of:


Headhunter Storm Troopers



Iron Grenadiers (best chance I guess)

and Night Creepers


If Hasbro did a companion line after the 25 of Army Builders I'd wet my pants. There is just so many possibilities.

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I think Hasbro could do with 3 3/4 figures what they did with Transformers, REBUILD it from the ground up and make it everything it was and more

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It will never happen but I would love to see updated versions of:


Headhunter Storm Troopers



Iron Grenadiers (best chance I guess)

and Night Creepers


If Hasbro did a companion line after the 25 of Army Builders I'd wet my pants. There is just so many possibilities.


The Headhunters are a great suggestion, they were always one of my favorite COBRA troop-types. Well we now know that the COBRA Trooper will be the first of COBRA's masked soldiers to be produced in this new sculpt-style. But if rumors of the first 10 figures being sold in 5 packs is true don't get your hopes up about army building this guy. So let's all cross our fingers that Hasbro is going to make the smart decision to sell these figures in singles.

As for other COBRA troops I'd like to see get this treatment . . .






Night Vulture

Snow Serpent



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I hate to say it, but depending on how these are going to be avalible,and howmuch they're going to be ,I may not Army build any of them..... there's just somany Star Wars Clone troopers coming out this year, and on top of that...... the Transformers movie is going to have alot of toys revolving around it.

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As soon as we find out how the Cobra trooper is going to be shipped, a coordinated campaign should be started to urge Hasbro to make these available in a fashion that will make troop building relatively painless. Even if they're single packed, I don't really want to see them being scalped at two or three times retail as has occurred with many other troop builders in the past.

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I hate to say it, but depending on how these are going to be avalible,and howmuch they're going to be ,I may not Army build any of them..... there's just somany Star Wars Clone troopers coming out this year, and on top of that...... the Transformers movie is going to have alot of toys revolving around it.


C'mon, really... Who do you think you're fooling? @smilepunch@


If this line continues, we need these at a minimum:

Cobra Soldiers (check)

Cobra Officers


Crimson Guards



And I'd like to see these too:

Stinger Drivers

Viper Pilots

HISS Drivers


Snow Serpents


Night Vipers

Iron Grenadiers


Maybe Alley Vipers too, but if they're going to subdue Gung-Ho's blue camo, they'd better do the same for these...

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C'mon, really... Who do you think you're fooling? @smilepunch@


If this line continues, we need these at a minimum:

Cobra Soldiers (check)

Cobra Officers


Crimson Guards



And I'd like to see these too:

Stinger Drivers

Viper Pilots

HISS Drivers


Snow Serpents


Night Vipers

Iron Grenadiers


Maybe Alley Vipers too, but if they're going to subdue Gung-Ho's blue camo, they'd better do the same for these...



Yeah thats about what I would want to especially the vipers, CGs, and Cobra soldiers n officers

Heres hoping

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To be honest I'd prefer it if they didnt have any army builders. We've got a zillion Vipers and CG's already and if theres only 25 places I'd rather the be filled with characters that are more interesting.


And Im sure the NON army Builders agree with you. But of 25 figures if only 3 are army builders, like Cobra troopers, Vipers and Crimson guard, then you still got 23 figures.


Let me put it a different way, if this line doesnt provide for massive Cobra Troopers legions, This line wont be as exciting as RAH and other previous lines.


Hasbro Make Army BUILDERS!!!!!!


I am in complete agreement with you Obi. Hasbro has the opportunity to make some seriously kickass versions of our favorite COBRA troops. The only thing they could do to screw things up would be to revert to the 2-pack stupidity they carried on with from JvC to VvV. If Hasbro is going to do multi-packs for the beginning of this 25th line I think they'll do it just for the initial 10 figures (something like 5 Joes, 5 COBRA members, all uniques) and then sell the rest in singles like the DTC figures. At least that's what I'm hoping for.


Personally I can't wait to get some old-school style Crimson Guards, B.A.T.s, Techno-Vipers, and IRON Grenadiers in this new sculpt design.


Holy crap, that's something I didn't even consider! Everyone else, so far, is "version 1" so B.A.T.s and others would be kick ass!

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