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Hey group, I've just become a new member, and I noticed the classic marvel figurine discussion, and had to join in!


I love the series and I get them from the newsagents. One of my friends works for one of the shops that used to sell them. He found out that it was only up to issue 7 that were going to be sent to the shops, and after that they had to be ordered. I have set up a subscription from my newsagents, and they pick them up from the wholesalers.


I gotta agree that the 'tongue in cheek' attitude that is in the issues is a little out of place for some of the issues, especially the issues that are about pretty intense characters, such as magneto, and blade. Having said that, I have learnt loads about the characters that aren't as well known over here. I have to admit to being pleasantly surprised with the Cap America one; he has a lot of history that I wasn't aware of.


I think the best one so far has been the magneto one


Looking forward to the Venom, carnage and Daredevil ones and want them to put a prof X one in there, he is one of the most well rounded characters IMO in the marvel universe, along with Spidey and wolvie.

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