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New Hasbro Six Pack Idea!


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okay, we all love the hasbro six packs of joes and cobras.


this doesnt really even have to be a six pack more of a new line of toys.

( or an expansion)


hasbro should make medievel verson of gi joe figures. keep the cobra and gi joe theme just bring into the past.


gi joe syle samurai


waring clans like snake eyes and stormshadow and there aprenteces find themselves in a different time somehow ( mindbender made a timemachine andsent them and other joes and cobras back in time by accident.) in japan fighting on the side of different samurai clans in full armor/ninja style garments.


gi joe style english and french knights


on the other hand, some are sent to medievel europe (duke, scarlet, zartan, destro, etc...) and join with the french and english knights waring over france or some other land dispute.


of course we would need two packs of main characters and 6 packs of archers/horses/knights/conscripts instead of vehicles we could have forts and castles and wagons (yeah i know a wagon is a vehicle)


and of course no removable armor on all of them just select few/ helmets


what do you think? someone send this to hasbro im tired of making custom roman and medieval guys.

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mattel sucks, this is a job for HASBRO!!

Thus why it would be an idea only Mattel would make. If you want medival figs go find the old LJN AD&D figs. Great toy line, you see them on ebay sometimes. You can also get the new Narnia figures, although they are a bit lame looking.

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I'd rather see Hasbro sell a line like "Build Your Own G.I. Joe." Where we could buy just various body parts and weapons catered to us customizers. :)

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I would love to see it, I just don't think it would sell. My brothers and I always played games like that though. We had knights that we made from our joes. I used the Lone Ranger's horse as his steed. My knight fought my D&D toys like the Minotaur, ogre and my Sectaur beasts.

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I think it's a great idea. Guys, he's just talking about another 3 3/4" action figure line with Joe-like o-ring construction. I would love to see a line like that. I don't like the idea of trying to make it part of the GI Joe mythos, however.

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LOL some of you guys are harsh to the new b's, lol. It's a good idea, but I wouldn't like it for Joe that much. If the did it though. I would still go along with it for the figures. But keep your mind imagining , use it towards dio's.

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visionaries were made by hasbro.



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I think it's a great idea. Guys, he's just talking about another 3 3/4" action figure line with Joe-like o-ring construction. I would love to see a line like that. I don't like the idea of trying to make it part of the GI Joe mythos, however.

THANK YOU that is what im talking about sorry i forgot i even posted this so i dint reply... thanks for your feedback

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Actually I think it's a prety cool idea. Rather than using the established characters of the GI Joe mythos though, I'd rather they made generic figures of various eras. They could call it the "soldiers of History" line or something like that, and it would be a sub-line to the regular GI Joe line in the same way that the Street Fighters were a sub line to regualr GI Joe in the early 90's.


I personaly would love having a small army of Roman centurions or medieval knights. So long as I can still troop-build Alley Vipers and Crimson Guards at the same time.

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