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What Toys Are You


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My self...


Holo Leia

Jango silver bust up

Catwoman the batman

king randor motu

Startrek DS9 Trials & tribles dax, & sisko if he is there.. (just love them in the classic outfits)

Dark phoenix hero clicks thingy whatever


House of M spiderman #1 comic

gijoe #1


Uhmm... damn I duno anything else really, hard to keep track! Thats the main stuff I'm after from this years con though!

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Are you going man?


I want the Dark Phoenix Cyclops Minimates

and Catwoman (The Batman)

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How are you going to get thoes things you are after then man?

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Either evil bay or hookups man :D There are allways ways :D

god you could at least give me credit for helping you.



btw is that all you want?


cuz i dotn know how often im goign to be online between now and sdcc

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Well, none. There's no way I could possibly go, but if I were there are many great exclusives I'm dying to have.


-She-Hulk (this things still at conventions?)

-Sota Cannon Spike Cammy

-Sota All-American Guile

-Bandai Teen Titans Beast Boy

-Cyclops & Dark Phoenix Mini-Mates

-Napster Metal Kitty

-Blank Minimates

-Silver Batmobile Hotwheel

-Aqua Teen 4-pack

-The Ghost of Lobster Johnson


I assume I would also pick up a few comics, but none of this is really an option due to my money situations, and location.

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Either evil bay or hookups man :D There are allways ways :D

god you could at least give me credit for helping you.



btw is that all you want?


cuz i dotn know how often im goign to be online between now and sdcc

JJ <----------- hookssssssupppppppsssssssssssss @loll@




& I was gona for sureessss when I actaully got the stuff lol, I can't wait :)

#party# #party# #party# #party# @band@ & I totaly can't wait till next freakn year!! the seattle 2006 con should tide me over though till then :)

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Thanks to JJ, I'll be getting the Monogram Green Arrow Minibust/Paperweight! :)




JJ rockers our sockers

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Anything Marvel Legends or SOTA Street Fighter.



You would think there would be ... but there are no sdcc ML exclusives...

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Anything Marvel Legends or SOTA Street Fighter.



You would think there would be ... but there are no sdcc ML exclusives...


I thought the topic was "What Toys Are You after ?" not "What SDCC Exclusive Toys are you After ? " LOL.



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Anything Marvel Legends or SOTA Street Fighter.



You would think there would be ... but there are no sdcc ML exclusives...


I thought the topic was "What Toys Are You after ?" not "What SDCC Exclusive Toys are you After ? " LOL.













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ive got pages of toys, including exclusives, i want to pick up at the con. i havent been ordering from bbts since thier latest price hike on shipping and have got some catching up to do. i need to find myself another reliable online toy store.

im mainly looking for binaltech 11- up, mp magnus, transformers reissues, marvel legneds, and sota streetfighter

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Either evil bay or hookups man :D There are allways ways :D

Yeah! JJ gonna hook me up too! I hope he gets my money before he leaves!

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