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Glass Cabinets/cases


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For those of you who display your figures loose, do you have any suggestions/ideas where to find perhaps something with glass to keep dust off? The reason i ask is because since I am dust paranoid I don't leave any one figure displayed for too long, as I am afraid of discoloration.


Any places/websites to buy them or pics of your own would be helpful.





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That case is nice, Mahzian, but not practical room-wise because figures are only 4 inches tall, and that case only has 4 shelves which would be a ton of wasted room.

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go to joecustoms.com and ask in the "off topic" section of the board... some guys have some real cool acrylic cases, they're real nice.. and someone has a link for them.. they're pricey, but awesome... I actually wanted to get these for my figures from Ikea:


I fell in love with it and I was going to get 3 for my DVDs... they hang on the wall... and have glass shelves... they're mainly made for cd... meaning I'd have some extra shelves.. and I was gonna try to get a couple more for my figures... and seeing I could put the shelves closer together(for my joes/star wars)... I could use the extra shelves from my dvd ones for the ones for my figures... BUT they were recalled last year... and I haven't been back since to see if they still sell them... I'd still like to get them... but at $100 a pop.. right now, I dont see it happening...

they were about 2' x 4-5' real nice looking!

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in the top right picture, the case beside the black robot, that's one of the japanese displaying cases made for 4" capsule figures. you can also buy more cases to stack on top, the case's bottom is transparent, so light can shine through to the bottom level of your collection. They are not expensive too. that company also produces this case, the one in the back, 3 layers, perfect for 4" figures.


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yeah they arnt cheap but they look stylin , Im planning on getting a couple of these from Ikea


click here to see it


not sure how ikea works but they probably stock the same stuff worldwide

Here are pics of my case from IKEA that i posted in the Transfomer section a few days ago



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yeah they arnt cheap but they look stylin , Im planning on getting a couple of these from Ikea


click here to see it


not sure how ikea works but they probably stock the same stuff worldwide

Here are pics of my case from IKEA that i posted in the Transfomer section a few days ago



That is really nice. I wouldn't mind having one of those myself.

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they have real nice stuff at Ikea thats where im goign for mine.

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