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Unintentionally Funny Parts Of The Saga


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I dunno about you guys, but everytime I watch one of the movies, certain lines/facial expressions crack me up.


Dooku's face when he sees Yoda's shadow.


Anyone wanna go next, as I could list more but wanna see other people's.

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In Return Of The Jedi where the ewoks show the rebels another way to the sheild generator.For my the most unintentional line in ANH was stoken by Han after they break Leia out the detention cell "maybe you want to get back in your cell your highness?"That was funny.

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The time Lucas thought it was a good idea to release the Special Editions of the OT.

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After having seen the fan film Troops, I cannot watch ANH without laughing when Luke races home to his crispy-fried "aunt and uncle".

Where can I download those?:)

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when the stormtrooper bangs his head in ANH

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So, this shoe that people are talking about was at the end of Empire?I will have to take a look at that.

you can't make it out, it's in the rear of the convoy and it's just a mess of white pixels.



I always get a kick out of yoda too, knowing that frank OZ always has his hand up yoda's butt in the originals.

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One of my favorites is when in ESB where they're running from the Empire, and during the chase C-3PO's getting on everyone's nerves, then when the ship swayes he falls over on Chewy, who then lets out a frustrated yelp/growl at him. (lol) It may have been meant to be funny, but it's one of my favorite little scenes.

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Oh, and I also like the part in ROTJ when Palpatine/Sidious is laying on the mindgames thick with Luke, and then he says, "I can assure you, we are quite safe from your friends HERE...", and it's like on that last word he almost cracks and gets frustrated with Luke, like Luke's beginning to get on his nerves. (Hee hee!) I love it.

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Oh, one more: (lol) In ANH, I think it's funny when Garindan hits his own snout when he's showing the stormtroopers where Han and co. went. It's as if the actor wearing the mask didn't realize how long the snout on the mask was. If given the time, I could go on and on with this stuff...

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Here's one.In ESB when Ozzel is being force choked by Vader.There is a tech guy in the background right behind Ozzel.When Ozzel drops dead the guy looks down where he dropped,looks towards the viewscreen and goes back to his station.It is fun to go back and see things that you missed.One funny moment was where After Vader does in Obi-wan,Luke blasts the door controls.When Vader walks towards the door,he is holing the reflective stick that they used for the lightsabers.The blade was not lit up or anything.That was funny.

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