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So Whats Next On The Horizon - Mastercollector ?


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So with pretty much all the known waves and only speculation, is the next big official type of news the convention set for 05, which I for one hope is much better than last years lame set I skipped.

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Last years was my fav of the 3 as it had the most unique characters used. The 2003 set sucked imo. And well Crimson you can't go wrong with. I personally think we will see a artic themed set next year.


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Last years was my fav of the 3 as it had the most unique characters used. The 2003 set sucked imo. And well Crimson you can't go wrong with. I personally think we will see a artic themed set next year.


I agree with you, I think that we will get a artic theme set. I like all of the con sets they have came out with. I appreciate that gijoe collectors club put on these events and can offer us these exclusive sets. I cannot wait for next years con :).

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I have been impressed with all the sets so far (especially the 03 Falcon). Con 2005 will be the first con that I go to and actually buy the exclusives. I'm really hoping for an armybuilding IGs set with Destro, Voltar, etc.

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I have been impressed with all the sets so far (especially the 03 Falcon). Con 2005 will be the first con that I go to and actually buy the exclusives. I'm really hoping for an armybuilding IGs set with Destro, Voltar, etc.

That would be nice, I also would not mind seeing a serpentor w/ coil set but unfortunately there is not a RAH sculpt that was made for Coil since it was not around back in the RAH years. I am still thinking an artic set, but the destro, ig set would be sweet also!

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I liked both the 2003 Operation Anaconda Set and the 2003 Dreadnok Rampage sets alot..


2002 had some nice troopers and great extra souvenirs. 2004 had some great Noks and the TF figures are growing on me.. the extra souvenirs are great but the colors are kinda wacky... and I didn't like the Dreadheads

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I'm leaning toward guessing the arctic set, but it's a summer convention, just doesn't seem right. Minnesota is also the "Land of 10,000 Lakes" so that could factor in.


You know, with the G.I.Joe "Fishing Strike Team"...


Bazooka (v3 mold)


Cutter (v1 mold) driving the boat


Deep Six (v1) since he hangs out at the bottom of small ponds as shown in the PSA


throw in a few more divers (Torpedo, Wet Suit) or something.


Some EELs (v1). Copperhead.


A Transportable Tactical Battle Platform and a WHALE would make for VERY nice bonus items, and Night Landing Crafts (2) as the attendee bonus


Ok, probably not, but a possibility.

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I'm leaning toward guessing the arctic set, but it's a summer convention, just doesn't seem right. Minnesota is also the "Land of 10,000 Lakes" so that could factor in.


You know, with the G.I.Joe "Fishing Strike Team"...


Bazooka (v3 mold)


Cutter (v1 mold) driving the boat


Deep Six (v1) since he hangs out at the bottom of small ponds as shown in the PSA


throw in a few more divers (Torpedo, Wet Suit) or something.


Some EELs (v1). Copperhead.


A Transportable Tactical Battle Platform and a WHALE would make for VERY nice bonus items, and Night Landing Crafts (2) as the attendee bonus


Ok, probably not, but a possibility.

Nice copperhead would be awesome and so would EELS :)

I like it, I like it a lot :D

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@firedevil@ Serpentor and the COIL. @firedevil@

That would be sweet but as I mentioned the coil were not around during the RAH years, I believe and correct me if I am wrong that GIJOE collectors club puts out sets with RAH molds only? That is an awesome idea however. Then again I guess they could use RAH mold to make the coil right?

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@firedevil@ Serpentor and the COIL.  @firedevil@

That would be sweet but as I mentioned the coil were not around during the RAH years, I believe and correct me if I am wrong that GIJOE collectors club puts out sets with RAH molds only? That is an awesome idea however. Then again I guess they could use RAH mold to make the coil right?

correct, time to frankenstien

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@firedevil@ Serpentor and the COIL.   @firedevil@

That would be sweet but as I mentioned the coil were not around during the RAH years, I believe and correct me if I am wrong that GIJOE collectors club puts out sets with RAH molds only? That is an awesome idea however. Then again I guess they could use RAH mold to make the coil right?

correct, time to frankenstien

Exactly, since when did not having a previous mold stop them from doing a character anyway?

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