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Returning To Gi Joe...


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Okay, I'm confused. What the heck is with VVV, Joe Vs. Cobra and Spytroops??? Why are there so many lines?


I'm getting confused, because all everyone talks about is wave this and wave that... But these aren't really considered different series, are they?


Are there any waves I should stay away from?


Sorry if this is a dumb question, but I've only started rekindling my interest in the Joes...

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The Joe line has a new "theme" each year right now its Valor Vs Venom (mindbender is blending animal genes with the Cobra troopers to make super troopers). Last year it was Spy Troops (where Joes and Cobras came with gear to look like people from the other side so they could infiltrate). The different waves are subdivisions within the theme. For instance we are on wave 4 right now in Valor Vs Venom. It just means that different figures come out at different times throughout the year.


Hope that helps.

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Yea it is nothing like the good ole days of GI JOE A Real American Hero.


Like we talked about earlier. They come up with these new storylines every year or 2 years to freashen up the line. With each storyline they come out with gimmicks and such.


The first line was just the basic GI JOE v Cobra line. It re-introduced all of the characters in some horrific molds. A smaller variation was that they began to give them sound weapons, but it was still Joe v Cobra.


Then the Spy Troops line came out, which was where the characters given spy gear to masquerade as the enemy. Both teams would do it. But only one of the figures would have the "spy gear"


I think then came Valor v Venom, where Cobra troops were being augmented by animals, by a venom serum??


Supposedly a new line is coming out.

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Yea wach wave is just a mix of old and new figures for that time period. What is the time period, 6 weeks???? If you get the old figures, you'll see that some of them are in the newer waves, only they have been re-painted and paired up with a different character!!!!!!

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The first line was just the basic GI JOE v Cobra line. It re-introduced all of the characters in some horrific molds. A smaller variation was that they began to give them sound weapons, but it was still Joe v Cobra.


So are these crap?


I'm only going by internet photos, so it's hard to tell sometimes. They could look good online, but if the figures are plagued with paint problems, etc... @hmmm@

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The first line was just the basic GI JOE v Cobra line. It re-introduced all of the characters in some horrific molds. A smaller variation was that they began to give them sound weapons, but it was still Joe v Cobra.


So are these crap?


I'm only going by internet photos, so it's hard to tell sometimes. They could look good online, but if the figures are plagued with paint problems, etc... @hmmm@

well in my opinion the first wave of jvc, although t-crotch, sported some of the best DESIGNS ever, wave 2 , and 4 were good, but skip wave 3 other than that se and cc. 2-pack, that is if you wanna try to go back and get em, some of which i really recomand.


my fav ever has been wave 5 (start of spytroops)

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Yea Hasbro tried to make these guys without the o-ring, that was a big mistake!!!! Schmucks!!!!!! I hope they got hit hard for that.


Anyhow there are some gems in all of the lines, but there are some real horrid figures. Just look carefully if you see em, the ones with big hands and feet, they are the biggest POS!!!!


But really it's a great time to jump in, I did. Just keep up with the current lines and forget about the old figures. Unless there is something you reall, really want. Like me I want Scalpel!!!!! But if you do get an old wave, there is always the chance that they will eventually release a better version. That's one of the reasons I haven't gotten a Baroness, all of em have been sub par, especially the Joe v Cobra one, that was f'in ugly!!!!!!

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We have also seen some of the old Subteams revisited as well, with boxed sets:


Tiger Force- Stalker, Dial Tone, Jinx, Wreckage, Big Brawler


Night Force- Action Man, Short-Fuze, Tunnel Rat, Flint, Roadblock, Beachhead


Python Patrol- HEAT Viper, Lamprey, SAW Viper, Major Bludd, Laser Viper, Rock Viper


Plus a few new sets:


Anti-Venom Task Force- Barricade, Duke, Charbroil, Mutt & Junkyard, Roadblock, Lifeline


Desert Patrol- Dusty, Ambush, Gung-Ho, Stalker, Snake-eyes, Tunnel Rat


Cobra Strike Team- Alley Viper, Firefly, Scrap Iron, Nightcreeper, Storm Shadow, Nulifier (Flak Viper)


Aswell as a 6-pack of Cobra Blueshirt troops: 2 Officer molds, 4 Trooper molds.

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Yeah, so far I haven't liked any of those big sets, except maybe the Cobra trooper one... But I don't think the Canadian TRUs carry them, from what I've heard.


What I'd really like to see is a Viper (original) set like that... I actually like those guys better than the old troopers. Crimson Guardsmen would be nice too.


Thanks for all the advice, guys! I appreciate it. If there's anything else you can think of, please let me know!

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What I'd really like to see is a Viper (original) set like that... I actually like those guys better than the old troopers. Crimson Guardsmen would be nice too.


Since they no longer have the mold for the Vipers' lower legs, and have replaced them with the lower legs of the BATS, they could do it.


Make a set of V1 style Vipers, painted to look just like the originals (since the lower legs are different, it won't hurt the value of the originals) Maybe a 6 pack, all with removable helmets (like the crimson guards) Have 4 of them painted identical to V1, 1 painted to be a Sergeant Viper (perhaps the black and red on the vest reversed), and 1 "officer" Viper similar to the others, but with silver stripes and Cobra sigil.


I would also love to see a new Python Patrol set, featuring the figure molds from the original Python Patrol line-up, but painted in the new PP scheme (Viper, Cobra Trooper, Cobra Officer, Crimson Guard, Televiper, Copperhead) How cool would a black, red, and gold Copperhead be?

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Like I said, these are definatley taking a turn for the better!!! I have been a stauch supporter of only the original line, but these guys ahve gotten a hold of me!!!! I love em. But unlike when I was a kid, I only get the ones I like!!!!


I'm waiting on a better mold of:


Beach Head

Baroness (First one ugly as hell, second one great, but the face needs to lose the glasses and big nose)

Gung Ho

Destro (Every new verision has sucked, to me at least. I am waiting for one that reminds me of the classic v 1 or the Iron Grenadiers version.

Cobra Commander (There is just something not right about the ones they have released. I need a one without the goofy skirt. And a much better hooded version!!!)


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Like I said, these are definatley taking a turn for the better!!! I have been a stauch supporter of only the original line, but these guys ahve gotten a hold of me!!!! I love em. But unlike when I was a kid, I only get the ones I like!!!!


I'm waiting on a better mold of:


Beach Head

Baroness (First one ugly as hell, second one great, but the face needs to lose the glasses and big nose)

Gung Ho

Destro (Every new verision has sucked, to me at least. I am waiting for one that reminds me of the classic v 1 or the Iron Grenadiers version.

Cobra Commander (There is just something not right about the ones they have released. I need a one without the goofy skirt. And a much better hooded version!!!)


The new t crotch Gung Ho will be oring and that will make us have a great Gung Ho. As far as Baroness I love the newest figure and don't want another mold for a long time. A blk repaint is fine though. As far as Beach Head like the wave 3 version too. But I agree that Cobra Commander needs to be redon asap.


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I just wish the Baroness looked like her package pic!!!! Then she would be a cool figure. I know with the Joes dimentions, it can be hard. So lose the glasses, that's what makes it hard!!!!!

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