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My Redesigned He-man


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Hush, I have been thinking about something. I have a fan art gallery on my MotU fan site that only has a few submissions (by fellow TNI member Mike Bock) and I was wondering if you would allow me to post your He-Man redesign in my fan site's art gallery. It is up to you. If you say it is not okay then I will not post it on my site.

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Go for it.Me and Thulsa Doom from He-Man.org are working together to bring a series of our redesigns together.We are calling it Masters Of The Universe:The Dark Age.He's doing all the bad guys and I'm doing all the good guys.We're gonna have them digitally colored too.As soon as we have a few done we'll post them.I've finished the line art for Fisto and Zodac.I'll be working on Man At Arms and Teela next weekend.

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You are a very good artist Hush. You draw very well. I just don't like you're concept of He-Man. The face is more like the punnishers and the body is caveman like. He-Man never wore an earing and just isn't meant to look that way. Even the Filmation series cartoon He-Man who had the dutch boy haircut who some say looked gay lookes better in my opinion.


Like I said you draw very well and you are a very good artist, but you're vision of He-man worries me. You want to make the defender of Eternia into a biker type warrior. I don't know, it's you're drawing and you have a right to draw him as you see fit but I just think He-Man should be left to the people at Mattel on how he should look.


I'm not picking on you i'm just giving my oppinion is all. Don't take it personally :)

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But who are you to say what He-Man should look like?

Everyone has there own opinion I know but the arogance astounds me!!!!

No,my He-Man doesnt look like the filmation version.No,it doesnt look like the current version.And thats the point.What would be the point of redesigning him to look exactly like he already does?

My version of He-Man takes place on a Eternia at war.A war that has lasted 10 years.He-Man is battle hardened.Mayby thats why he looks like the punisher like you say.He has been affected by war.No,He-Man never wore an ear ring.But does that mean noone is alloud to give him one?

I already took the ear ring off him and made his hair longer and shaggier.So you have nothing to complain about there.Why does my vision of He-Man worriy you???

Relax.It's just my vision.Yeah maybe Mattel should be left to design He-Man.After all they have done a really good job of updateing their looks.But why arnt I allowed to have some fun with an online friend and have a go ourselves?

You really have to lighten up.It's not like we're in charge of redesigning it for real.We are just having some fun.And we thought that some MotU fans would like to see them.I guess not though...

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But who are you to say what He-Man should look like?

Everyone has there own opinion I know but the arogance astounds me!!!!

No,my He-Man doesnt look like the filmation version.No,it doesnt look like the current version.And thats the point.What would be the point of redesigning him to look exactly like he already does?

My version of He-Man takes place on a Eternia at war.A war that has lasted 10 years.He-Man is battle hardened.Mayby thats why he looks like the punisher like you say.He has been affected by war.No,He-Man never wore an ear ring.But does that mean noone is alloud to give him one?

I already took the ear ring off him and made his hair longer and shaggier.So you have nothing to complain about there.Why does my vision of He-Man worriy you???

Relax.It's just my vision.Yeah maybe Mattel should be left to design He-Man.After all they have done a really good job of updateing their looks.But why arnt I allowed to have some fun with an online friend and have a go ourselves?

You really have to lighten up.It's not like we're in charge of redesigning it for real.We are just having some fun.And we thought that some MotU fans would like to see them.I guess not though...

See this is what I was hoping to avoid with you HUSH! I Knew you were going to make it personal, I just knew it. Do you realize that for every oppinion to your drawing you have something to say about it? First off you took what I said the wrong way. I NEVER said How He-Man should look. What I said was I liked the old filmation version of He-Man even though some have said he looked gay compared to the 200 version and that I liked the current one from the now off the air cartoon. All I said was Mattel will deside what form we will see He-Man in because they own the rights to him.


You know it's only an oppinion but the arogance astounds you!!! If oppinions bother you so much then don't put something out there and look for them. There will always be oppinions out there both good and bad. I didn't like your He-Man. I'm sorry if that offends you. I told you not to take it personally and that I thought you were a very good artist and you draw very well. ( That was a compliment ) I guess you missed that part! When I said your version of He-Man worries me I meant that in a funny way like it might end up in a comic book someplace. Chill out HUSH! You can Draw He-Han anyway you like till your fingers bleed for all I care...LOL And when I posted my oppinion it was for your fist version of him only. I didn't look at any other pictures you did of him with any changes to his looks.

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Mate.I posted this for fun and only that.You can hate it all you want.That is your right and privlige to do so.I knew that people would'nt like it.Especially all you old school fans.I posted it to make some of you think outside the box.To challengs all your preconseptions of who and what He-Man is.Why does he have to be a white bread super hero archetype?Why cant he be a cunning,single minded warrior or paladin?Why cant he have a huge body? (albeit and exagerated one).Why cant he be gruff and angry? Why cant he be brutal and harsh in battle? Why does he have to be emblazoned with a cross and big 'H'?

This is just one persons vision of how he would like MotU.If you dont like it thats fine.

But when you say "He-Man never wore an earing and just isn't meant to look that way" That just demonstrates you arogance.No,he never wore an earing but does that mean I cant have him wear one in my fan art?

If my he-man wears an ear ring it is meant to look that way.

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I'm not taking it personally because you didnt attack me personally.Infact you did think my art was good and I thank you for the praise but you come off as saying that I dont have the right to redesign He-Man.It's just for fun.That is all....

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Thanks Hush. I'll post your art as soon as I can. I don't see what the big deal is about the art. You basically have the right to draw He-Man however you want. I have even redesigned a MotU character. I gave Mike Bock some descriptions of my fan fic version of She-Ra and he drew a pretty good pic of her. Check it out along with the other art Mike sent me over at www.geocities.com/hordakalpha/artwork.html

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I'm actually focasing more on sequential art lately.When I'm doing comic art my style is alot different.Much more detailed and rendered.I dont use this cartoony style normally.I'm pencilling a 5 page Batman submission at the moment.Maybe I'll post them when there finished.I'll have to copy them and reduce them first so they fit on my scanner bed.

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