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I Have An Addiction...


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Hey guys...


I just want to get your opinions on this and tell me if you all have similar situations. I am seriously thinking I may have a real addiction to buying GI Joes. I mean Yeah I guess I could live with out them and I think i wouldn't go through withdrawls if I couldn't buy any more, but I can't seem to stop myself from buying more even when i don't really "need" them and don't really have the money. I, like many others here like to army build. Usually I put a cap on how many I will let myself buy and when I reach that number I am fine. So no problem there BUT The problem comes when I don't really have the extra mony but I keep buying anyway. I guess I just look at it as $7.99 here and $7.99 there is really not that big of a deal in the grand scheme of things.... but that adds up. If i put all the money I have spent on GI Joes in to savings instead, I could probably have my truck paid off by now!!!


I guess what I am saying is I am starting to feel like my collecting of Joes is starting to interfere with my financial wellbeing.


So what do you guys think... am I over reacting?

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Guest gunslingercbr

if you can afford to pay your truck payments, buy Joes, pay your bills, and SAVE, you are doing fine. if buying Joes intereferes with any of those, you have a problem. and I mean that sincerely. and saving money is probably the most important of all.

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I totally know what you're going through, believe me. When I'm on "the hunt", I'll army build like a madman. If I go to Wallyworld or Target or TRU and they don't have what I'm specifically looking for (currently the Mechs), then I'll just buy more troops, or another vehicle, or a couple more Corps! tanks (to repaint and make 'em sweeter like so many others on here have done). I spent nearly my whole tax refund (which was $700 on 'em. I've quite a HUGE army now, let me tell you, both GIJoe and Cobra. I'm going to be making a really sweet (I hope) dio this summer and I've already started building sets and designing locales for it. So, not only am I buying Joe stuff like crazy, but equipment for my dio. It's fun, though. I am paying off bills, but not saving money, which sucks. Plus, I've a girlfriend, so I like to take her out and do things. So, I'm broke as a joke until next Friday. If I see Joe stuff I need (like I NEED anymore of it...), I just put it on layaway. I'm an addiction, too!

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