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Top 5 Joes/top 5 Cobras


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(I swear, I went looking with the search engine for a topic like this that already exist. I searched under Favorite 5, Favorite five, Top 5, and Top five. The closest thing I could find was Top 5 Underappreciated But Way Cool Figures!. However, that's somewhat different from what I'm wanting to know. So,:)


List your top five favorite G.I. Joe male characters, your top five favorite COBRA male individual characters, list the G.I. Joe female characters in order of least favorite to favorite, and list the COBRA female characters ,also, in order from least favorite to favorite. Please, exclude generic infantry soldiers, and foreign figures that used existing molds of characters used in the US. I'm looking only for characters that are individuals and have a figure made of them. Plus, beside each character list your favorite figure version of them.

Here's mine:


Top five favorite G.I. Joe male characters:


5. Joseph Colton (Code Named: G.I. Joe)

4. Low-Light

3. Mutt & Junkyard (V1)

2. Sci-Fi (V1)

1. Snake-Eyes (V2) (V)


Top five favorite COBRA male characters:


5. Tomax (V2) (I like V2 better than V1 because it is made of the softer plastic.)

4. Xamot (V2) (See, above.)

3. Zartan (V6)

2. Firefly (V1)

1. Storm Shadow (V1)


G.I. Joe female characters:


4. Lady Jaye (V3)

3. Jinx (However, I think I'm going to like the next version better, whenever it comes out.)

2. Cover Girl

1. Scarlett (Agent Scarlett V1)


COBRA female characters:


3. Vypra

2. Zarana (V2)

1. Baroness (V4)

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5 Shipwreck v1

4 Spirit v1

3 BBQ v1

2 Flint v1

1 Snake Eyes v2




5 Wild Weasel v1

4 FireFly v1

3 Zartan v1

2 Cobra Commander v1

1 Storm Shadow v1


Female Joes


3 Cover Girl

2 Lady Jaye spytroops

1 Scarlett VvV


Female Cobra


2 Baroness v3

1 Zarana v2


Draven #US1#

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5. Lifeline (Yes...sadly this is one my new favorite Joes @lol@ )

4. Shockwave V1

3. Outback V1

2. Hit & Run V1

1. Low-Light V1




5. Destro V1

4. Buzzer

3. Scrap Iron

2. Zartan V1

1. Storm Shadow V1


Female Joes:


3. Lady Jaye V1

2. Jinx V1

1. Scarlett V1


Famale Cobra:


2. Zarana V1

1. Baroness V1

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Top 5 Joes:


5. Flint

4. Recondo

3. Roadblock

2. Tunnel Rat

1. Snake Eyes v2


Top 5 Cobra dudes:


5. Cobra EELS

4. Crimson Guard

3. Firefly

2. Storm Shadow v1

1. Zartan


Joe Ladies:




Lady Jaye


Cobra ladies:


Baroness of course!

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5. Low Light V1

4. Flint V1

3. Roadblock V1

2. Hit & Run V1

1. Snake Eyes V2




5. Night Creeper V1

4. Srap Iron v1

3. Storm Shadow V1

2. Zartan V1

1. Firefly V1


Female Joes:


4. Scarlett V1

3. Jinx V1

2. Cover Girl V1

1. Lady Jaye V1


Famale Cobra:


3.Vypra V1

2. Zarana V1

1. Baroness V1

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5. Barrel Roll

4. Low-Light v5

3. Wide Scope(I liked him because he shared similar colors to v1)

2. Shockwave v2

1. Shockwave v3




5. Black Out

4. Firefly v5(awesome camouflauge look)

3. Firefly v4(he didn't look like a bad guy)

2. Zartan v1

1. COBRA Commander v1


GIJOE females:

3. Cover Girl v1

2. Scarlett v1

1. Valor Vs. Venom Scarlett


COBRA females:

3. Vypra v1

2. Baroness v1

1. Zarana v2

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5) Outback v1

4) Thunder

3) Cross Country v2

2) Snake Eyes v2

1) Rock 'n Roll v2



5) Copperhead v1

4) Scrap Iron

3) Darklon

2) Zanzibar

1) Firefly v1


Joe Females:

4) Jynx v1

3) Cover Girl

2) Scarlett v4 (VvV)

1) Lady Jaye v1


Cobra Females:

3) Vypra

2) Zarana v1

1) Baroness v1

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I love these topics! So much that I'm addicted to them all! :D


Here goes:




GI Joes


5) Hit & Run

4) Storm Shadow v2

3) Beachhead v1

2)Steel Brigade (vD)

1) Snake Eyes v2




5) Zartan v1

4) Firefly v1

3) Crimson Guards

2) Storm Shadow v1

1) Cobra Commander v1


Female Joes


4)Jinx v1

3)Lady Jaye v1


1)Scarlett v1


Female Cobras


3) Vypra

2) Zarana v1

1) Baroness v1 (v2 looks cool too though)



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5 LT. Falcon (Night Force)

4 Tunnel Rat v1

3 Sci Fi

2 Rock N Roll V2

1 Snake Eyes V2






5 Torch

4 orange slice the figure not the drink :D

3 FireFly v5

2 Zartan V3

1 Storm Shadow v1




Joe chicks


3 Cover Girl

2 Jynx v1

1 Scarlett VvV



Cobra babes


3 Baroness

2 Zarana v2

1 Vypra

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