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Yes After Three Years Of Searching!


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Where abouts were you able to locate it ? Evil bay ?

I ran out of underwear so I had to go to the flea market and there it was for $3. I don't use Ebay, I have heard too many horror stories.











Note: I am kidding about the underwear thing, I was looking for good deals on Transformers.

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Note: I am kidding about the underwear thing, I was looking for good deals on Transformers.

Yeah right you were. That's how you afford all your transformers, buying second hand tighty-whitey's. ;)



The flea market is a grand place to find old toys...some in good condition, some in not-so good condition. Either way I'm glad you were able to find it. Why were you looking for the toy anyways ? Favourite character of yours ?

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Why were you looking for the toy anyways ? Favourite character of yours ?

It's kinda a sad story, I was planning on buying him for my 11th birthday and then my Uncle was killed by a drunk driver and my parents had to pool all their money to get airplane tickets to fly out there for the burial (Both of my parents were out of jobs at the time.), so we couldn't afford to buy him and then a few months later, when my father got a job (We had been surviving on loans from my mother's family.) he was nowhere to be found.

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I hope its the clear blue version I gota say thats the best one ;) I have em displayed in an attempt at kung fu moves my self :D

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Are your flea markets the same as ours? ie: On days when the market is closed, families rent the stalls sorta like a car boot sale, to sell all their old crap

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