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Some Pics Of My Collection "post Yours"


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Damn very sweet stuff Tai95 that is an impressive collection especially your Destro stuff #US1#

Thanks. That's about a 1/4 of my collection. I'll take more pics one of these days and post them. I think I'm addicted @loll@

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Hey Punichu, TUR's are clearing out BTR moray sets for $2, if your interested.

Yeah, I saw that last Saturday, but thanks. If I can get another Mantis to complete a squad, then I'll go buy three more Moccasins. Really like the paint sceme on the BTR version, just wish Hasbro would make an o-ring version of this great sculpt.

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Cool collection man-3-faces. Tai, yo your colection is awesome, even though I have a ton more figures than that , i know you said that was about 1/4 of your collection but I have 751 figures, so I think I might have you beat by just a little. But having all of those MOC figures inspires me to collect MOC figures. Now I really want to start collectiong them and ThumbTacking them to my wall. I only have to MOC figures on the wall. They are The Stalker with the talking backpack from 1991 and from 2000 or 2001 I think 2001, I have the Wet-Suit with Wet-Down packs, and the only reasont hat I have them MOC was because the package has a mistake and instead of those names, it has the names LowLight with SureFire. I found that interesting so I kept it MOC and bought another regular set. Thanks for the pics guys. One more thing, Tai, if you are ever going to sell some MOC figures and you won't rip me off then, PM me and I will see if I want anything. Thanks again for the pics guys.



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