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Should Dc Give Bandai The Batman And Jl License?


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I have been hearing alot of good things about the way Bandai has handled the Teen Titans line so far and was curious if anyone else would like to see DC take the Batman and JL lisence away from Mattel and give it to Bandai?

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The Titans figs are too akward fot my taste, but if they can maintain the Mattel scale and quality, while packing the cases with a bit of intelligence, instead of letting a blind, ##$%$#ed, chimp pack the assortments I'd be up for it.

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I think Mattel should learn from Takara and ToyBiz. Both companoies keep improving themselves.

As a side note, the TT look like fast food toys, with descent articulation.

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I think Mattel should learn from Takara and ToyBiz. Both companoies keep improving themselves.

As a side note, the TT look like fast food toys, with descent articulation.

I hear you there. They look like Happy Meal toys. I am REALLY mad what they have done to Raven. She's my fav character of TT and they screwed her over big time. Mattel doesn't know what they are doing with Batman and JL at all. We have a MILLION different variations of Batman and its worse that He-Man with the way other characters are treated. I think EVERYONE must already have a variation of Batman and are sick of seeing more. If I wanted a Robin, Joker, Batgirl, Mr Freeze, Nightwing, or anyone else I shouldn't have to buy another crappy Batman fig. ANd Mattel needs to learn- WE ACTUALLY WANT WONDER WOMAN AND HAWKGIRL. Kids want them just as much since they are VERY promonently shown on the cartoon. Just go to any toy store and watch when the kids are looking at them. "Where's Wonder Woman? I want a Hawkgirl figure! Daddy, when am I going to get them?"

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Honestly, I agree with everyone here except with the Mattel to Bandai switch. NO WAY!!


I would rather see Batman in a Hot Pink Space-Suit fighting a Neon Orange Alien-Clone-Batman before I let Bandai get away with screwing up the line even more!!


Those Teen Titans figures are Horrible. As for them looking like Happy Meals, I thought the same thing when I first saw them! They look like the cheapest Happy Meal Toys. The MOTU Happy Meal Toys look so much better than this line. I am disappointed.

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I just saw them at TRU and those Teen Titans figures are pretty lame. They do indeed look like Happy Meal toys. I think the he man happy meal toys are way better than these.

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Man, Bandair really botched up the line....I'd hate to see what they'd do with the Full JLA license. That's why I haven't collected too many DC lines cuz they all suck or they are overpriced. DC Direct looks good, but it's overpriced and underarticulated and the Mattel stuff looks okay but they have WAY too many Batman Variations (as does the Spiderman Classics from ToyBiz but at least they are better looking and more articulated) and not enough line variation. Too bad ToyBiz can't get the license (since they are owned by Marvel) but I guess the next best company might be Art Asylum, they would give it a great likeness and playability. The best that could happen is that they do a JLA/Avengers line and let ToyBiz make the figures. That way DC & Marvel make money and we finally get DC toys worth buying.

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I kinda like the Teen Titans figures.. the sculpting is pretty bad on some of the smaller one.. the comic hero packs are cute.. i love the SD style figures... I picked up the three 6 inch figures & i love them.. I'm just sad they didnt make Raven & Starfire. :(

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sd?? btw, welcome to the forums :)

Super Deformed. Little body, big head. Also can be called Chibi sometimes, but that's really midget versions of characters(Which the PVC set versions being refered to are closer too.)

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Thanks for the welcome! :D


In each set of the mini figures there is one (or 2) Super Deformed sorta styled figure..


as you can see in this pic:



I basically just got all the mini figure sets for all 5 of them..


they are too cute. :wub:

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Do what I do make DC figs out of Marvel Legends

@Spidey@ + @Spawnny@ = @bats@

I have not like much of any of the DC stuff for years.

I have one DC Direct

Superman sure he has 21 joints but he can't do crap I would rather have 10 that can move.


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Do what I do make DC figs out of Marvel Legends

@Spidey@ + @Spawnny@ = @bats@

I have not like much of any of the DC stuff for years.

I have one DC Direct

Superman sure he has 21 joints but he can't do crap I would rather have 10 that can move.


Here's some that los5o7 & I did for Custom con. I did series 1 & 3 and Los did 2 &4

Check them out:







It's like most customizing, find a figure body type that's close, pop parts you need, repaint and glue and dremel and....

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