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Transformers Rid Vs. Beast Wars


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@loll@ @loll@ I'm siding with RiD just because there are vehicle bots in there. And did I mentioned the bada$$ Magnus will debut in that comic too, ehhehe.


BW, I may love the cartoon and hate the toys, but I still prefer to see vehicle TFs. For that reason, I have to vote RID.

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but wouldn't the Beasties be tiny compaired with the RID's?

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I'm voting for a Beast Wars comic. I loved Beast Wars and would love to see how DW uses the multitude of characters that never appeared on the show.

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No, they wouldn't RID was downsized to Beast Wars size. I have to go with Beast Wars not only were they much cooler but they were much faster, smarter and stronger. I am sure RID will win the vote since there are all those idiots that hate Beast Wars simply because they had animal forms.

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RID all the way. Bad enough Beast Wars was the dominant form of Transformers toons/toys for half the 90's and RID was only on for one season.

Besides I think we'd all rather see a mini-series featuring fan favorites like Scourge and Ultra-Magnus. I prefer vehicle Transformers more so myself.

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If they continued the storyies from the cartoon about the aliens and their connection to G1 I would rather see a BW comic.

Yeah! The return of The Vok would be awesome!


Beast Wars hands down. The plot was so much better than RID's; and Beast Wars happens to be my favorite series :D.


But a BW comic would be awesome. So many characters that can be used...Like Buzzsaw. I always liked the figure and his character could be done is so many ways...

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all those idiots that hate Beast Wars simply because they had animal forms.

Ouch, that's a little harsh.


I'll likely vote for Beast Wars for the simple fact that RID is the only Transformers series that I've never seen a single episode from.

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here is an idea,why not pin this topic and make it a poll.

the results would give us a good idea what to expect.



btw,yes rid would be far larger than bw,remember the bw episode in which megs enters the arc.



and i may get flamed,but rid produced better characters than bw.

i would love to see the made for rid characters[car bros & omega prime]

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all those idiots that hate Beast Wars simply because they had animal forms.

Ouch, that's a little harsh.


I'll likely vote for Beast Wars for the simple fact that RID is the only Transformers series that I've never seen a single episode from.

You're probably better off that way. The toys were awesome, but the show killed that line for me. It was aimed at too young of an audience and lacked the depth of plot and characterization that made Beast Wars so great.

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I love Beast Wars, so i'm gonna havta say...



RiD should be the comic. Beast Wars is perfect as is, DW will just ruin the storyline by adding in all those crappy characters that werent good enough to make the show, and they'll twist around the backstory and relationship between the characters.


It dont matter if they do that to Rid, cause it wasnt all that great to begin with @smilepunch@

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Think about the very worse episode of Armada and then add the Backstreet Boys as robots AKA the Car robots and you have every episode of RID.

but can you honestly say bw had better characters than rid

Yes. I can. You have obvious either never seen an episode of Beast Wars or RID. RID was all the same funking Anime sterotypes used over and over again while Beast Wars had *GASPS* Characters!

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