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Where Is The Best Place Online To Buy Minimates?


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I haven't bought any minimates yet, but all of series 5 looks good to me and I'd like to get them all, so where is the best place to get them according to price?

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So no one knows a good place online? I find that hard to believe. I dont have series 4 or 5 yet, and I dont really want to go to ebay for them. They are just not available in my area. I know amoktime.com has them, but I want to get the variants as well. I think they were 18.95. Bigbadtoystore is no longer carrying them, they did sell sets with all 4, but I nead somewhere else to go now. Killertoys has series 6 and 7 availanle for preorder. But other than that I cant help you out to much.

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I bought a case of series 4 and 5 from toynk.com. They have a flat shipping rate of $4.99, so I ended up paying $69.98 for series 4 and $64.98 for series 5. I don't know why series 5 was $5 cheaper, but I'm not complaining. :)


It's a good way for me to buy minimates because my kids also collect them so I get enough for everybody. If you don't need the extra sets, you could always sell your extras. At the prices I paid for my cases, my series 4 came out to $5.83 each, and series 5 was $5.42. Sure beats $6.99 or $7.99 at the comic book store.

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I bought a case of series 4 and 5 from toynk.com. They have a flat shipping rate of $4.99, so I ended up paying $69.98 for series 4 and $64.98 for series 5. I don't know why series 5 was $5 cheaper, but I'm not complaining. :)


It's a good way for me to buy minimates because my kids also collect them so I get enough for everybody. If you don't need the extra sets, you could always sell your extras. At the prices I paid for my cases, my series 4 came out to $5.83 each, and series 5 was $5.42. Sure beats $6.99 or $7.99 at the comic book store.

You also get the variants in those cases too, right?

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Yeah, if you buy a case you will get the variant. Just make sure that whoever you are buying from is selling you a sealed case. I was originally going to preorder my cases from AFX, but they told me that they were selling them as 4 complete sets (which is what you get in a sealed case) but that they would be opening all the cases to put the sets together and you may or may not get the variant. WTF??? I don't understand why they would do it like that, but that's what they told me.


I'll probably always buy by the case from here on out. I collect Minimates loose and sealed in the packages, so I need at least two sets anyway. Two sets including the variants at comic store prices ($7-8 ea) would cost me $56-64 before taxes, so a case is a pretty good deal. All I really ever have to hunt is the second copy of the variant for each series, which I've been fortunate enough to keep up with so far. :)

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