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Collection Pics/ My Joe Room


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ok, so heres the deal. my wife and i recently moved into a decent sized townhouse here in LA. its about 1800 sq feet, with a large attic that ive converted into the Joe Room. its in the process, but you get the idea. im a 22 year collector, so while ive got everything in the US line from 82-present, ive recently started going after the foreign stuff, since little of the new lines aside from RAH re-releases interest much. ive started breaking out a lot of stuff, and sadly the room started filling up waaaay too fast. im still in the process of painting the walls, and matching figures with parts to adorn more figures onto the shelves, but its time consuming to say the least. enjoy!

heres a pic of some shelves and MIB stuff: http://pinheadpins.com/john2/apra.jpg


this trunk is full of vehicle/playset parts for trades, completing, etc. boxes on top are for easy access to spare missiles. http://pinheadpins.com/john2/aprb.jpg


this shelf sports my customs oktober guard, and some heavy cobra artillery. http://pinheadpins.com/john2/aprc.jpg


More boxes of stuff http://pinheadpins.com/john2/aprd.jpg


i managed to get 10 of the infantry packs http://pinheadpins.com/john2/apre.jpg


some of the 20+ aircraft hanging http://pinheadpins.com/john2/aprf.jpg


ah, the customizing desk. http://pinheadpins.com/john2/aprg.jpg


not quite enough room for the entire Flagg,

but i squeezed some in! http://pinheadpins.com/john2/aprh.jpg


cobra base ive been working on forever. http://pinheadpins.com/john2/apri.jpg


yet more aircraft and a 3rd defiant. http://pinheadpins.com/john2/aprj.jpg


ive got more pics, let me know if you guys wanna see more!

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when I get out of college, I will finally be able to put out all the things I have in boxes and closets..


just one more year baby, then I will be free!

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