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Dead End And Tracks


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This is NOT a discussion on whether Dead End should have been Sunstreaker or Tracks should have been blue.


This was my first real look at them, getting real bored with all the "discussion" on the problems associated with them.


Interesting that Tracks doesn't come with a handgun.


I like Dead End's vehicle mode. Sure it is the same as Side Swipe's but I think it looks just different enough. What, with Side Swipe being open top and Dead End having a roof. I was thinking it might have been nice if there was a few more remolds to the robot form, perhaps. But there probably wasn't anything that could be done to make changes (other than the head). I don't think it would have been TO difficult to incoporate parts of Menasor into the figure, would it?

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This is NOT a discussion on whether Dead End should have been Sunstreaker or Tracks should have been blue.


This was my first real look at them, getting real bored with all the "discussion" on the problems associated with them.


Interesting that Tracks doesn't come with a handgun.


I like Dead End's vehicle mode. Sure it is the same as Side Swipe's but I think it looks just different enough. What, with Side Swipe being open top and Dead End having a roof. I was thinking it might have been nice if there was a few more remolds to the robot form, perhaps. But there probably wasn't anything that could be done to make changes (other than the head). I don't think it would have been TO difficult to incoporate parts of Menasor into the figure, would it?

Interesting that Tracks doesn't come with a handgun.


He isn't pictured with one. All the Alternators/BTs have an engine (realistic replica, y'know), and I don't think I see an engine split in two on the backs of his legs. And the hood does appear to be hinged..



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Originally it was implied that all Alternators would have their engines turn into their guns.

We've seen Track's engine gun on other posts of him... he does have it.

Hound however I realized does not.

So I guess Engine Guns are no longer a staple of this line.

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I am so tempted to get both, then put Dead End's head on Tracks, and vice-versa.

I think you would have to paint the heads a little though. A black head on a such a yellow body would look weird. And a white head on a black body provides a lot of contrast. Good idea though for someone with some paint savvy.

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Tracks is ok, but I hate the white head/red face thing. It looked daft enough on G1, I thought that was the one part of his colour scheme they would change

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