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Why No Pictures Of The Comic Book 3-packs Yet?


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From what has been stated about these, we're looking at reprints of the first Joe issues from 1982 along with the "star" characters as figures packed along with the comic.


So we're looking at:


Cobra Commander, Baroness, Cobra Trooper - sounds like Joe #1 to me


Snake Eyes, Scarlett, Tracker Kwinn - Joe #2


General Abernathy, Double Clutch, Sgt Stalker - that really could be any of the early comics, but just as easily could be #3.


The case assortment looks like the following:


(According to Entertainment Earth.com) G.I. Joe Entertainment 3-Pack Assortment. Includes 8 individually packaged 3 3/4 inch figure 3-packs each with a comic-book. 3x Cobra Commander, Trooper and Baroness with Comic Book #1 (NEW), 3x Snake Eyes, Scarlet and Kwinn with Comic Book #2 (NEW), 2x General Abrnthy, Double Clutch and Sgt. Stalker with Comic Book #3 (NEW) (subject to change).


An entire case of 8 packs is $99.99 or about $12.50 a set. Cost average of $4.16 a figure.

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From what has been stated about these, we're looking at reprints of the first Joe issues from 1982 along with the "star" characters as figures packed along with the comic.


So we're looking at:


Cobra Commander, Baroness, Cobra Trooper - sounds like Joe #1 to me


Snake Eyes, Scarlett, Tracker Kwinn - Joe #2


General Abernathy, Double Clutch, Sgt Stalker - that really could be any of the early comics, but just as easily could be #3.


The case assortment looks like the following:


(According to Entertainment Earth.com) G.I. Joe Entertainment 3-Pack Assortment. Includes 8 individually packaged 3 3/4 inch figure 3-packs each with a comic-book. 3x Cobra Commander, Trooper and Baroness with Comic Book #1 (NEW), 3x Snake Eyes, Scarlet and Kwinn with Comic Book #2 (NEW), 2x General Abrnthy, Double Clutch and Sgt. Stalker with Comic Book #3 (NEW) (subject to change).


An entire case of 8 packs is $99.99 or about $12.50 a set. Cost average of $4.16 a figure.

Thats cool, I just hope mastercollector carries them, it will interesting tracking down KWINN and the others.

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