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I Am Back Buying Transformers But I Have A Mission


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I had stopped buying Transformers for a few weeks due to the fact that I am the only one that still plays with them but I am back now and I have a mission. I want to have a huge army of Sea-going Transformers so I am trying to compile a list of all them. Here are the ones I am already aware of:




Cybershark TM2

Sharp Edge



Tidal Wave

Tidal Wave 2

The Seacons

Depth Charge

Universe Depth Charge





Any help would be greatly appciated.







Note: I have already bought some of these and I have various places picked out for the others so please don't offer to sell or trade me any of them.

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There also the Sea Team minicons and its repaints, as well as Micron Legend Shockwave.

Yeah, there are like 6 versions of the Sea team out there, although a few are exclusives and not worth the effort to track down.



Good luck with Hellscream. That piece took me a while to get myself.


Also, do they need to be fish? Because there are also crabs and turtles in Beast Wars....and a lobster.



..........and a squid.

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What is hellscream? Ya I'm rather liking all the seabased things there doing with energon & armada my self These ships are sorta starting to become regular "seekers" :) I would just stick with energon tidlewave though!


If anything Get takaras armada shockwave which is just tidlewave but purple those two would look nice next to each other :) Armada shockwave though.. just so blah! Theres allso a few other g1 ships & boats & such I think... That tripple changer broadside? Is his name...



Oh & if you get everything be sure to post pics & remember, theres allways titanicbot once you have all those @loll@ @loll@

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I have given up on buying a few of them but here is the prices I have found so far for the Items I need.


BW Depth Charge - $19.95

BW2 Hellscream - $19.95

BWN Sharp Edge - $18.99 It is the two pack with Hardhead

BWN Dead End - $5.99

BWN Rockbuster - $3.99

RID Skybyte - $8.99

Sea Team - $3.99

BWN Break - $3.99

BWN Scuba - $14.99

G1 Broadside Knock-off - $6.99

E-Mirage - Unknown

E-Sharkticon - $9.99

BW Transmetals 2 Cybershark - $14.99

Tidal Wave - $24.99



Are these Goods Prices? If you notice a few items missing it is because I already own them or I couldn't find them for sale.


Thanks for any possible help.

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I have given up on buying a few of them but here is the prices I have found so far for the Items I need.


BW Depth Charge - $19.95

BW2 Hellscream - $19.95

BWN Sharp Edge - $18.99 It is the two pack with Hardhead

BWN Dead End - $5.99

BWN Rockbuster - $3.99

RID Skybyte - $8.99

Sea Team - $3.99

BWN Break - $3.99

BWN Scuba - $14.99

G1 Broadside Knock-off - $6.99

E-Mirage - Unknown

E-Sharkticon - $9.99

BW Transmetals 2 Cybershark - $14.99

Tidal Wave - $24.99



Are these Goods Prices? If you notice a few items missing it is because I already own them or I couldn't find them for sale.


Thanks for any possible help.

Those are some good prices, especially on the old BW Depthcharge and the BW2 Hellscream.


TF: Energon Mirage should be out within the next few weeks, his pricepoint is $19.99 (he is a mega)

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Definately don't forget Diver and Scuba from BW2.And the squid w/ the shell,forgot his name.

dead end vs break ! :)

penguin vs shelldood :P

It's an ammonite, an extinct cephalopod.




I don't know what the "Hammerhead" you listed is, but there is a Beast Machines Hammerstrike. It looks ugly beyond belief in robot mode, but beast mode looks good.


The Beast Wars Fuzors Torca and Air Hammer should be looked into, as they're half-orca and half-shark (respectively). Beast Wars has Claw Jaw, Razorclaw, Sea Clamp (or whatever the name is, he's part of Tripredacus), and Rampage.


And of course, you mustn't forget the Seacons! Either Piranacon or God Neptune won't be easy to find, and I'm not letting go of my GN! :P


Oh, I also remembered the Micromaster Flattop.

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