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Cobra Urban Strike Team - Pre-order


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pictures please

There are no pictures. All we know is the name of the 2 packs, but nothing else.


Speculation was pretty strong on another thread about who was going to be IN either of the packs. But if they won't be available until August (according to Amazon), we probably won't know anything more definite until June.

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I really hope these are good, and maybe they will be good Rah re-paints, if not then let them be new Good, Sculpts!

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I hope their ARAH molds. I've pretty much swore off of New Sculpts for now. The name Anti-vemon makes me think that these might be New Sculpt packs.

The UST should be RAH figures, thankfully. Let's just hope the color scheme is good, some good choices and the molds, and that they come with their original gear. 'Cause heaven help us if Hasbro decides to improvise. @hammerhead#

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I HIGHLY doubt they will be new sculpt. Every 6-pack thus far has used RAH molds. And that is the point, isn't it?


Even the Cobra Infantry pack is designed to imitate RAH molds.


For example, the urban strike team might have Storm Shadow, Alley Viper and Night Creeper (as 8speed reminded us) and we know they still have the RAH molds for each of them, thus I would be VERY surprised to see JvC molds used (presuming those three ARE going to be in the pack).

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It won't be JvC junk, as the Poll was for RAH reissues anyway. Besides that, what would be the point? Why have Exclusive JvC repaints of figures that's gonna have repaints regardless?!? They gotta have buyers for the repaints of figures like SS, AV and NC for later in the year.

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I wonder why amazon is putting this on preorder so far in advance. Are they trying to capitilize on the Infantry Pack panic or just trying to guage how many need to make? Anyways, I hope they are cool figures like a 6 pack of Alley Vipers in Black/Grey Camo would be slick!


I see the comments about Storm Shadow etc. but Urban does not scream Ninja to me.

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Well, both the Night Creepers and Storm Shadow have engaged in urban combat, and mostly with each other [in the comics]. But since this'll likely be an all-Cobra pack, I guess there's no chance of this pack being a tribute to those engagements.

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Thing that ticks me off, is the possibility that they'll be sold out BEFORE we find out who's in the set/what they look like. 'and some of us don't have the income to buy things blindly. =/

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