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So with mattels new attitude do you think...................

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That Faker,Keldor and Mossman will get a genera release in time , i certainly hpe so as a UK an i have had absoultely no access to these figres except on Ebay an as a father of 2 i cant afford to keep paying £50+ fr 1 figure

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I am by no means judging you or anything.... but as a father of two, shouldn't you be spending your pounds on your kids, and not luxury items like collectible action figures for yourself?


Did you really just ask that?


Sounds like you think just because someone becomes a father they cannot have a life.


If that were the case I dont think ANY guys would ever become dads. Im not a dad, but I can tell you for sure that Im not going to put my life on hold just because I have a kid. If anything my kid and I will collect/play with toys TOGETHER.

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Some people have no clue on life. I have 4 kids, you just have to work harder in life to get what you want. As for keldor,faker,and mossman since they cost to much, I just wait sooner or later someone will have to sell one for cheap. I collect MOTU with my son, and he knows we can't just go out and buy what we want.

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I have two boys, and we love collecting MOTH together. They know that we can't get every exclusive figure out there, but if we can afford it we'll get it. You have know your financial limits. If you can afford a $100+ figure and still provide for your family, then do it. If not, put your family needs first, it's very simple.


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"Did you really just ask that?"


Yep. But not of you... I believe I was addressing marvelite, not you...


"Sounds like you think just because someone becomes a father they cannot have a life."




"If that were the case I dont think ANY guys would ever become dads."


Yeah, because you can always easily plan things like that...


"Im not a dad, but I can tell you for sure that Im not going to put my life on hold just because I have a kid."


And the winner for absolute WORST future father EVER award is... If you, me, or anyone else suddenly becomes a parent, you drop EVERYTHING for your child. EVERYTHING.


"If anything my kid and I will collect/play with toys TOGETHER."


Which is cool. But would you, as a collector, be willing to play with your Keldor with your drooling, chewing, violent-towards-anything-he-can-get-his-hands-on child?


Now, next time, could you politely not answer for somebody else? That was kind of rude, if you ask me...

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Well, in all fairness, it was a bit of a loaded statement to begin with, and taken in the wrong context, could absolutely be seen as a slap in the face to any of the people on this board who ARE both fathers and collectors.


Not that I believe it was meant that way, but I can see where someone could TAKE it that way. Besides, you can't expect to say something on a message board and not have anyone respond to it...if you want to say something and have only one person answer, might I direct your attention to the Private Message section.


And for the record, as long as one remembers their priorities, there is no reason why you can't be both a dad and a collector. Marvelite sounds like he's got his priorities screwed on right, so let's leave the guy alone. (besides, £50 isn't quite as much as it sounds to us Americans...though it still ain't cheap)

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I am by no means judging you or anything.... but as a father of two, shouldn't you be spending your pounds on your kids, and not luxury items like collectible action figures for yourself?


Should a man who works hard for a living be able to buy some things for himself as well. Also he never said he wasn't buying the figures for his kids.

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Well id unno if any one said or remembers, but there was a disclaimer of sorts on the moss man ordering form or website. The disclaimer or "heads up" or what ever it was mentioned that this might not be the only moss man produced for the new line, but that there might be a new differently sculted mossman realeased to the public. Any one remember this>?

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Moss Man - We will prob definately see. A new sculpt like the cartoon but maybe not Mossy.


Faker - If hes in the new cartoon well prob see him.


Keldor - Maybe, but on general release will prob be Battle ballet shoes Keldor, rather than have the extra heads. I dont know if parents would approve of the skull screaming in agony head.



WTF?? Dont be ridiculous,

OF course he can be a Dad + spend money on figures. When im a Dad, i dont have to drop EVERYTHING for my kid. Sure hel be the centre of my life but ihew wont be my WHOLE life. Il still keep getting Toys for definate.. and my kids WONT be able to even touch them :D

(unless they get older and learn to respect them.. and learn that chewing their heads off isnt an exceptable way to play with them)

+He said he ISNT spending 100£ on a figure, if he couldnt afford to occasionally pay £7.99 on a figure, when we might posibly see them, I dont think he would do. When your actually out at work that isnt much for a figure. though 100 is still stupidly overpriced, you can buy about 12 normal figures for that.

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I am by no means judging you or anything.... but as a father of two, shouldn't you be spending your pounds on your kids, and not luxury items like collectible action figures for yourself?


hey, if I was a dad and had the cash the spend on stuff, you bet you behind I will buy these figures. Your statement is wrong because there's a lot of collectors that are parents and still enjoy collecting toys. cheers.

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I am by no means judging you or anything.... but as a father of two, shouldn't you be spending your pounds on your kids, and not luxury items like collectible action figures for yourself?


I'm a step-father and I collect action figures. My brother, who is a father of 4, collects PS2 games and DVDs. Now, with the avverage price of a PS2 game being £40 and a DVD being £20, is he more irresponsible for getting them each month than me buying a couple of figures?


As long as the cash you spend on figures, or WHATEVER you collect, is not taking food out of your children's mouth or keeping them from getting clothes, heating etc etc etc, why SHOULDN'T you spend it on what your enjoy? After all, it was YOU that earned it!

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Sorry didnt mean to start a flame wr or anything, i can understand 1337r8's concern there are a lot of parents who put there own priorities before there kids but rest assured i DO have a very well paid job and never see my kid do without but i DO have the cash and the time to collect figures ,hell my daughter loves coming to TRU as she ALWAYS gets a new toy which usually cost as twice as much as what i spend on whatever i get if i get something.But anyway the point is EVERYONE has a right to live there life they want and mine just so happens to go with collecting figures .

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"Did you really just ask that?"


Yep.  But not of you... I believe I was addressing marvelite, not you...


"Sounds like you think just because someone becomes a father they cannot have a life."




"If that were the case I dont think ANY guys would ever become dads."


Yeah, because you can always easily plan things like that...


"Im not a dad, but I can tell you for sure that Im not going to put my life on hold just because I have a kid."


And the winner for absolute WORST future father EVER award is...  If you, me, or anyone else suddenly becomes a parent, you drop EVERYTHING for your child.  EVERYTHING.


"If anything my kid and I will collect/play with toys TOGETHER."


Which is cool.  But would you, as a collector, be willing to play with your Keldor with your drooling, chewing, violent-towards-anything-he-can-get-his-hands-on child?


Now, next time, could you politely not answer for somebody else?  That was kind of rude, if you ask me...


Okay, this is a P U B L I C forum first of all, so if you dont want me to answer what you say to others either 1) Pm them , or 2) Address it more directly to them. You didnt call him out by name, just mentioned "as a father of 2" and yes, I am not a father but I plan to be someday so I have the right to answer this.




"Im not a dad, but I can tell you for sure that Im not going to put my life on hold just because I have a kid."


And the winner for absolute WORST future father EVER award is...  If you, me, or anyone else suddenly becomes a parent, you drop EVERYTHING for your child.  EVERYTHING.


I think you read me wrong here, if you are in fact calling me out for a bad "future father award" (since you know me SO WELL and everything :roll: )--see first off you DO NOT have to drop everything to be a father--are you telling me you are going to quit your job and stop driving and stop mowing the lawn and stop seeing your freinds PERMANANTLY just because you have some offspring? IF thats YOUR perogative then go at it bud, but as for me yes I will probably drop a lot of things to focus on giving my child what they deserve, but not EVERYTHING.


"If that were the case I dont think ANY guys would ever become dads."


Yeah, because you can always easily plan things like that...


Actually believe it or not you CAN plan things like that. There is an innovative "new" invention out called Birth Control, if you can believe that, and it comes in all different varieties and forms for men and women. :roll:


It's unfortunate for these deadbeats out there who dont ever think about consequences of their actions and dont take PRECAUTIONS before they go and do some stupid act like that.


As far as my kid drooling and chewing all over my toys, well obviously Im not going to be giving them the stuff in the cradle or the crib, but when they are mature enough yes we will collect together.

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Awww come on guys...


anyone has the right to answer anything on a public message board. There's really no need to argue about anything.


Also this thread is drifting far away from it's MOTU or Mattel topic...I'll let it slide though cuz you guys can carry out an intelligent convo and there is always the chance of the topic drifting back to normal. :)

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Well said Marzo i never intended this to start a war of words , but like you say wth mattels new attitude do you think future cases will be released with more chances of getting the support characters we all seem to have trouble getting

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I certainly hope Mattel is able to kick up the amount of cases it ships out soon.


I'm hoping with the holiday shopping season approaching we will see more quantities get put out there. I hoped for the same thing last year but it still seemed to take forever. But maybe this time since MOTU is established it wont take as long.

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I'm glad you guys have MOTU there finally---I just dont understand why it takes mattel so long to send it there...

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