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ADC Forum Guidelines


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Just a friendly reminder to all the TF fans that we do have guidelines for being on this forum that everyone should be on their best behavior. This includes not insulting or flaming as well as tampering into other members' accounts. Please also ensure that appropriate language is being used and that threads are non-offensive. I know that most of the time, we are all pretty good here so just make sure it stays that way :) There have been some incidences of all the things I mentioned in the past few days on other forums so that is why I am just posting this friendly reminder. Thanks and enjoy :)

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Side Note: Prowl was your post count always that low ?!


Prowl tampered with someone's account so JayC set his post count back to zero @-@ or it could have something to do with becoming a mod

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way to lay down the law prowl! :)


yeah i think because he became a mod his post count was reset

weird tho, u can't just rename someone to mod and keep the post count?

apparently not @*-

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JayC had to reset my post count because my old account was started before he did a changeover of the board so that is why my post count had to be re-set :) I was at like 3,200 posts before being reset - no matter, post counts don't matter anyway that much

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For some reason you have to have registered after May of 2002 (when we updated the forums) to be set as a mod. So people like Prowl and myself had to make new accounts and delete our old ones. Even Jay had to make a new account.


Edit: Oops Prowl beat me to it.

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  • 2 months later...

Since I'm a mod on other forums, is it okay if I'm bad here? 8) :lol: @-@

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Since I'm a mod on other forums, is it okay if I'm bad here? 8)  :lol:  @-@


Only if I can be bad on yours :P


Well, considering the mood on the GI Joe boards, and your own personality, you'd have to go pretty all out to even come close to offending anyone over there. :wink: :lol: The TF board seems to be a lot more relaxed and more mindful of other people's opinions and feelings. :wink:

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