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Manga Spidey fixed!

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As angel10 pointed out a while back, while the Manga Spidey is accurate to Kaare Andrews' proportions, the figure itself is all wrong in regards to color scheme and other details. So disappointed by these errors, I went and totally repainted the figure. I left the shoes in tact, since they were the only things that were correctly painted.


I brightened the greys on Spidey's pants/upper torso, and deepened the reds ever so slightly. I put some more tan into the bandages, and taking advantage of the glove's original colors, made a worn leather effect on the gloves with quick and erratic paint apps. I also hand painted the spider logo on his backpack. I kinda wish I could go back and straigthen it out, but the colors I mixed dried out on me >.<


You'll have to forgive the pics. I don't have a digicam, so I had to scan them along with socks ;;




Special thanks to Lowe of Lowe's Customs for linking the picture for me.

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Excellent job Preventer! I already liked that figure, but you made it look 100 times better!!! Your color scheme looks so much better on him!

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Thanks Mando. I just hope that if any more Mangaverse figures come out, I don't have to make fix-ups like this :D


As for the unpainted Manga Spidey there, he's not staying like that for very long. Once I locate my brush (I dunno why I threw it back into that deadly abyss that is my room ;; ), He's going to turn into the Symbiote version of Spidey.


The biggest problem with that one will be the blood. I want it to look splattered, but I really don't know how to get it on a figure that's so small to begin with >.< Any ideas?

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I'm not real familiar with the Manga Spidey seires. Do you have a pic of the symbiote version so I can see how it looks?

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I look for some pics, but in the meantime I can give a description.


Just take the outfit he has right now. Color it black (with the exception of the backpack, gloves, and sneakers, since they remain unchanged), and increase the size of the spider logo on his chest a la venom style and make it white. That's basically what he looks like.


I asked about the blood because unlike the original symbiote Spidey, whose control of the symbiote diminished with prolonged use of its abilities, Manga Spidey has no control the minute he taps into it. His perception changes entirely, and he just goes off on a killing spree. I wanted to fleck his gloves with some blood, just to reflect his more wild nature when he's in this form.

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Definatly sounds cool. Not sure about the blood splats. Only thing I can think of is flicking the brush. That may work. Other than that, I don't really know. Sorry.

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I love the Spider-Clan series... I love the costume design and just the overall stories... I want to get the Manga Spidey so bad but after seeing yours, I was wondering how much would it cost for you to make one for me? Thatnks man, it looks awesome.


By the way, are you doing anymore redesign projects? I loved the first one.

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Wow, I really don't know what to say. It's great to see someone express such interest in the figure, but I'm not about to let this particular Spidey go. There's a couple of small boo boos that didn't show up when this was scanned that I wouldn't feel comfortable sending the figure too.


If you really want, maybe you can send down another figure and I'll paint that one and send it back to you. PM me and I'll work out the details with yah.

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