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Night fighter guile?

Joe Boy

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Does any one Have ne of these? I heard that they make great snakeeyes customs. I saw One on ebay but am not sure if I want to get it or not. Does any one know what accessories he comes with?

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He does have good parts for a custom Snake-eyes considering that he's a black and grey reapaint of Snakes v4.


As for his accessories he comes with a bow&arrow missle launcher and gold versions of Snakes v4 submachine gun and sword.

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I have seen him a few times on ebay.. he can get expensive too if people get a chance to see the auction.


the only bad part is you have to paint the flesh on his chest..

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But at least its a small part that can easily be painted over with just a tiny amount of paint. And thats all you really need to do. Sometimes the customs with the least amount of painting can turn out the best

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