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New Tiger Force FIREFLY not FIREFLY????????


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Tigerforce is gay anyway. I don't have a problem with the WRECKAGE repaint of Firefly because it's a nice nod to the un-produced Sabretooth figure.


Repainting some figure molds and making new characters can work sometimes. And Mr. Outback is the best figure from that set IMO. :):):)

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But the weapons are not the issue. You stated you couldnt accept a mold being used to make more than one character..

actually my statement wasn't just to the mold. i said i don't like repainted characters being passed of as diffrent figures but to give him the exact same weapons makes it even worse. if it was just a reissued mold with diffrent weapons it would make a big diffrence to me because it would show me that Hasbro actually took a little time to make this a new character by selecting specefic weapons for him and not just splashing some paint on him and pulling out the same old weapons and giving him a new name. were is the creativity in that? you of all people DOC should understand why i would want them to show a little "care " when introducing a new figure. they obviously took little effort and thought when making this figure.....


The only people who SHOULD have a problem telling Wreckage and Firefly apart are blind people.


c'mon DOC, if someone just posted this picture of this guy with those same weapons you would automaticaly assume "this isn't Fire Fly, it must be some new joe that has a cool sounding name like WRECKAGE" :lol: :wink:

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c'mon DOC, if someone just posted this picture of this guy with those same weapons you would automaticaly assume "this isn't Fire Fly, it must be some new joe that has a cool sounding name like WRECKAGE"



I wouldnt assume it was Firefly right away, especially if it didnt have a name given it right then and there. Id recognize it as Firefly's mold. But there are enough precedents in Joe history to make the notion of a repainted figure being a new character not one to eliminate right away. So no, if I saw that figure I wouldnt rule out it being a new guy right away. One must ALWAYS keep the possibilities in mind


But lets look at Wreckage in particular. Youd have to be a booger eating MORON to look at a picture of the Tiger force lineup and assume Firefly would ditch Cobra and join Tiger Force. Thus the only logical conclusion would be that that is a different character. It CAN happen, it HAS happened, and it WILL happen again. As long as the character's bio has a distinctly different personality, it shouldnt be an issue.


And they may get the exact same weapons again. BIG SMEGGIN' DEAL. Dig out some of your OTHER weapons and re-equip them. THERE. Problem solved. At least this is ONE mistake Hasbro made that you can fix easily.

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It CAN happen, it HAS happened, and it WILL happen again. As long as the character's bio has a distinctly different personality, it shouldnt be an issue.




The TRU Snowcat's Frostbite uses the ENTIRE Snow Job mold, yet is still Frostbite. More future customizing for me, I guess....




Anyway... I like Wreckage.... I don't have any versions of the Firefly mold.... and I like his weapons. Pretty neat all-around. Wreckage and Jinx are the main reasons why I bought this baby... and now I've even added Stalker to my ranks.


Some could even use the weapons to replace their disarmed vintage Firefly... another option. Like Doc said, maybe some swapping of weapons could work, assuming you find some you like and want to arm him with it.


Wreckage's accessories are pretty good, ALOT better than what everyone else got in the set (next to Jinx). Be glad for that at least. I've already given away his radio to Lifeline (RAHC 2002).


Too bad the backpack didn't come with it's cover.

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Now granted, Im not saying its a PERFECT scenario. I can ACCEPT a repainted figure being someone else, but its gonna take a pretty substantially different paint job. And some figures DO indeed fail miserably. At least change their hair colors. I *MIGHT* have been able to accept Flint being used as Rock & Roll in the HQ re-release had they at least made his hair blonde, albeit grudgingly. Same with Side Track. (Or is it Sidetrack? Boy THERE was another bright idea) I wish his hair was red or blonde to differentiate him from Ambush. I would have preferred they use White-Out (Or Better yet, Snow-Job) instead of Frostbite for the new Snowcat. He already got his vehicle.


I can ACCEPT what theyre SUPPOSED to be. I do admit sometimes it isnt pulled off too well. But I think it worked with Wreckage well enough. But it IS something that ought to be used sparingly

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The only figure that has been repainted as someone else that I actually liked was Vypra.


Ahh... yes... the exception that disproves the rule. :wink:


That was an awesome paint job on that mold.



Which goes to show that the Jinx mold is kick-@ss.

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