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About PhoenixSword

  • Birthday 09/18/1989

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    United States
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  1. conspiracy theories eh? this guy has a radio show every saturday night which is fairly entertaining I don't believe most of what he says, but it is really interesting. he covers pretty much every conspiracy theory you've ever heard of http://thefreemanperspective.blogspot.com/2009_02_01_archive.html he also has some vidoes. my favorites are the ones where he goes to different cities and shows different architecture and his take on its meaning unrelated to freeman: you guys see the pictures of the vandalized Georgia guidstones? http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EODmUo6hfqQ I dunno why some people get into the hand gesture thing so much. I probably make the same gestures every day when I'm talking and don't even realize it... doesn't make me a member of the Illuminati.
  2. If you really want to know more about it. . . http://www.regent.edu/about_us/ I'll be majoring in Cinema and Television and minoring History.
  3. Thanks! I've never written any type of formal letter until recently. Most of the writing we did in high school was to prepare us for the state tests.(mostly all essay writing.) We did have some short story and article writing at one point, but that didn't last very long.
  4. Thanks Arrow! That's what I was looking for. I wasn't sure how to word it. I always make these kind of things harder then they need to be. You should have seen how long it took me to write a transcript request letter (the actual writing took me 5 seconds. It was the day of "is this how I should write it?" thinking that took the longest)
  5. I got accepted to Regent University starting in the fall (woo yay for me) anyway... I was already registered at another college for classes in the fall. I was on the phone all day today with people from the financial aid office, admissions office, and the registration office (UGHHH) I got everything cleared up except for the financial aid. They said I need to fax them a letter to cancel my financial aid. I know I had a state grant and everything else was just federal loans. What exactly should I put in this letter? The financial aid office wasn't very helpful. And really, what 20 year old prospective student even has a fax machine???? I have no idea what to put in the letter. They just kept telling me to make sure it was dated and signed so here it is??? 06/12/2010 Cancel my financial aid Jimmy the whole process seems silly and unnecessary. Looking around online, other colleges just cancel everything for you as long as you don't withdraw a few weeks into the semester. I hate how all the people at this particular college talk to you like you should know everything >.<
  6. that game was loads of fun. I can't wait for the new one
  7. "You can't do that to a jellyfish! I'm calling the authorities. You dirty jelly molester" lol these are all great http://www.sleeptalkinman.com/audio.html this guy is messed up
  8. I almost want to buy this game again and give it another go... It just reminded me too much of KOTOR which then made me think of how much better it would be with lightsabers...
  9. It looks entertaining/funny, but also looks like a big slap in the face to Johnathan Swift lol
  10. I got around to making an account the other night to stay in touch with people when I go away to college. I really don't see whats so great about it, other than an easy way to stay in touch with people you otherwise wouldn't talk to that much...
  11. who's next? we need one more to get 3
  12. I didn't like the ending for the flash forwards(?) one bit.... oooh we're all in a purgatory type place but didn't know it.... paaalease that's too much like the old I just woke up from a dream and none of the story you just read/watched has any real meaning whatsoever. I wish they would have went a more scifi route- like the h-bomb Idea really worked and the flash forwards were set up as them as they would have been had the plane crash not occurred but noooo we get some confusing full circle religious mumbojumbo thrown at us The actual end of the series wasn't surprising, but it was decently satisfying. Again, I think they could have made the story a lot better. Every question they answered still led to more questions = annoying. It's the end of the series! Wrap it up!! They never explained why the polar bear from Hugo's comic book was on the island - or was the polar bear from dharma and it was just a coincidence that the polar bear was in the comic book? and what about walt and his supernatural abilities? come to think of it ... why wasn't walt summoned back to the island with everyone else? The last time he was in the show was before his dad went to work on the boat for Witmore
  13. my top 3 favorites of all time 1. Seinfeld 2. Big Bang Theory 3. Everybody Loves Raymond Southpark does their fair share of bashing everything and everyone for any reason. Got to give them props for that
  14. hot shots part deux will always have a special place in my heart
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