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  1. CRIMSON ASP CARDBACK I started out with the idea that all I would have to do is recolor my Resolute Baroness card art with just a few modifications, but ended up actually repainting the entire thing.
  2. I dont get it...i remember, look up, and spoon feed you a direct quote from the creator all this intellectual property to date, and you just keep going like you know better than even he does. Are you writing for the new films? Because it sounds like you know more about Star Wars than George Lucas and maybe 50% of all fandom. you don't get it because either you do not understand story and structure or are so confused by movies that you have no idea how to identify who the main characters are of a movie and a movie's plot unless you are told. the rest of the movie going public can go see a movie and identify by the events of the movie who the main character is and what the plot is. and when watching Star Wars Anakin Skywalker is not the protagonist of any of the movies and the plots of the movies are not about him. the Star Wars movies exist completely independent of anything George Lucas says. that is a fact. when you go to the theater and watch them, you aren't watching George Lucas' opinion, you are watching the events as they exist on film. what Lucas says is irrelevant, especially when what he says contradict the actual events of the movie. so, either you are conceding that you have never watched a movie and were able to identify the plot of the movie and who the main character and the antagonists were, or you are conceding you can watch a movie and identify the plot and main character without being told. and if you can do the latter, what the writer says about it is irrelevant. the movie itself dictates who the main characters are and what the story is about, not the writer's opinion of it. like I said, Lucas may have intended the moves to be about Anakin, but the actual movies he made are not. I don't get it. I made that point very clear and gave a simple example. it has nothing to do with knowing more about the property, it is simply about understanding what you have actually watched on screen. and the same ability it takes to watch Die Hard and know the plot is about terrorists taking over an office building and identifying that John McClane is the main character that the story is about, not Sgt. Powell, is the same ability that identifies that Anakin Skywalker is not the main character of Star Wars and who the story is about. I am talking about the movies. you can talk about Lucas' intent, but it is completely meaningless. or enlighten me. please explain what the plot of the three prequels are and how Anakin Skywalker is the protagonist of those films (who the films are about). go ahead. As much as I think Feat is overreacting over the announcement that Disney is buying Lucasarts, he is right in regards to the films being about Anakin Skywalker and Luke Skywalker. The original trilogy follows the Hero's (Luke) story where the Hero sets off to a journey to not only save the world, but to understand, and eventually save himself; Lucas used Joseph Campbell's monomyth, or the hero's journey, (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/The_hero%27s_journey#Freedom_to_Live) as the basis for the SW films. I watched an art history documentary about Star Wars and the Hero's Journey years ago. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/The_hero%27s_journey#George_Lucas_and_Star_Wars I can easily explain this. Anakin also fits in the Hero's Journey mold, abeit his stages are in different lengths than his son. For instance, his death and rebirth is quite obvious - his death and rebirth, which leads to his transformation is his "death" as Anakin and his "rebirth" as Vader. His return (where it comes to full circle) is when the emperor tries to kill Luke. In that moment, Vader returns as Anakin and saves Luke's live. The plot of the three prequel movies are Anakins call for adventure, the challenges and trials he faces as a jedi, and his transformation as Vader. Short story - the prequel films about Anakin becoming Vader; movie one is about Anakin's freedom of tatoonie and becoming a padawan. Movie two is his training as a Jedi, his little taste of the dark side, and trying to get in Padme's pants. Part 3 is his descent to the dark side and his transformation as Vader. That was the main reason behind the prequels; the films is basically an origin story of Darth Vader. Remember that Qui Gon was added to the Phantom Menace later in pre-development. Like it or not, The Prequel films were all about Anakin becoming Vader, not Qui Gon and Obi Wan. Obi Wan isn't the main protagonist in any of the films. His role in the films is merely being the mentor to the protagonist (Anakin.) The whole Jedi's pursuit of who is behind the trade dispute is a backdrop for Vader's story - Anakin isn't the subplot, but the Jedi's pursuit behind the trade dispute is. When I was a teen, I remember the number one reason everyone wanted to watch the prequel films was because the movies were about Vader slowly becoming Vader. Why else is Anakin the only character ages in the prequels? It is to see him grow as Vader. As for the trilogies, I have a feeling that they will be about Leia's and/or Luke's kids. There were rumors long ago when episodes 7,8, and 9 were films revolving around the Skywalker kids. Makes since it is continuing the Hero's Journey, but with new protagonist(s). I certainly appreciate your well thought out argument, but it suffers from one fatal flaw -- the hero's journey is not exclusive to just the main character of a story, even if it is predominantly used just for the main character. that is simply a choice of the storyteller. but if a story has a rich enough subplot for a supporting character, that supporting character can have his own hero's journey as well. the issue is that most stories do not create such rich subplots because the "space" for the story is limited and the focus is on the major conflict of the story. the Star Wars prequels, on the other hand, because it stretches over three films, has the space to do so, and it does. so the existence of the hero's journey does not define who the protagonist of the story is. beyond that, your assertion that the plot of the prequels is about a young slave that escapes and becomes an evil Sith Lord is incorrect. First you have to look at the films individually for their individual plots, and then identify who is the main character within those plots that is seeking to solve the problem. you have started with a character in mind as the protagonist and then simply stated his journey is the plot of the films. you have it backwards. The Phantom Menace's plot is not about a slave boy that is rescued, which is Anakin's story in the movie. The plot is the Jedi's investigation of the trade dispute that leads them to the discovery of the Sith. And it is that plot that grows throughout all three films, culminating in the Sith's plan to destroy the Jedi. the protagonist of that plot in TPM is Qui Gon, not Anakin. Anakin is a supporting character in this movie whose story is just a subplot. Attack of the Clones is about the further investigation of the events of the first film which leads to the discovery of the Clones of the title. The protagonist of that story is Obi Won. Anakin's role in the film is to protect Padme, who he in turn falls in love with, which is, again, just the subplot of the actual conflict -- the Jedi's versus the separatist. plots are defined by the conflicts of the story, and although Anakin has internal conflict as a character it is not the actual conflict of the story being told. Revenge of the Sith's plot is about the Jedi's continued fight with the Separatists, which culminates with Palpatine finally unveiling his master plan and destroying the Jedi. again, Obi Won is the protagonist of this story, with Anakin's journey to the dark side a subplot of it. now, it is a major subplot, but a subplot none the less. The plot of the prequels are not Anakin's journey. no description of any of the prequels plots actually discuss primarily any element of Aankin's hero journey, it is always about the Jedi's and the conflict of the Separatists, and then Anakin's subplot is mentioned. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Plot_(narrative) Plot is the series of events that occur in a cause and effect pattern, with rising action and a climax. that is the Jedi versus Separatist conflict in the prequels. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Subplot Subplots are side stories that exist alongside the main plot, and even connect to it. that is Anakin's journey in the prequels. Specifically: "Subplots are distinguished from the main plot by taking up less of the action, having less significant events occur, with less impact on the 'world' of the work, and occurring to less important characters. the main action of the prequels is not Anakin's journey. that takes up far less of the movies than the Jedi's investigation and conflict with the Separatists, thus is inherently the subplot. this is why you have to start with identifying the plots, not simply the concept of the Hero's Journey, because the main plot involves the main character, which is not Anakin. Sideous did not need Anakin to execute Order 66 and execute the Jedi's. he had everyone in place before hand and the majority of the Jedi's were not executed by or because of Anakin. you can eliminate Anakin ever becoming Vader in ROTS and still have the rest of the events occur, further proof of the lack of significance to the overall plot and why it is the subplot and thus Anakin not the protagonist. beyond that, the easiest way to determine who the main character is which character's journey reveals the conflict and the plot to the audience. In the prequels it is not Anakin, because his journey only reveals to the audience his personal journey, not the plot and the conflict of the Separatits vs the Jedi. this is in complete contrast to the original prequels, in which the audience discovers the plot about the Rebels vs the Empire through Luke Skywalker. again, good discussion.
  3. I dont get it...i remember, look up, and spoon feed you a direct quote from the creator all this intellectual property to date, and you just keep going like you know better than even he does. Are you writing for the new films? Because it sounds like you know more about Star Wars than George Lucas and maybe 50% of all fandom. you don't get it because either you do not understand story and structure or are so confused by movies that you have no idea how to identify who the main characters are of a movie and a movie's plot unless you are told. the rest of the movie going public can go see a movie and identify by the events of the movie who the main character is and what the plot is. and when watching Star Wars Anakin Skywalker is not the protagonist of any of the movies and the plots of the movies are not about him. the Star Wars movies exist completely independent of anything George Lucas says. that is a fact. when you go to the theater and watch them, you aren't watching George Lucas' opinion, you are watching the events as they exist on film. what Lucas says is irrelevant, especially when what he says contradict the actual events of the movie. so, either you are conceding that you have never watched a movie and were able to identify the plot of the movie and who the main character and the antagonists were, or you are conceding you can watch a movie and identify the plot and main character without being told. and if you can do the latter, what the writer says about it is irrelevant. the movie itself dictates who the main characters are and what the story is about, not the writer's opinion of it. like I said, Lucas may have intended the moves to be about Anakin, but the actual movies he made are not. I don't get it. I made that point very clear and gave a simple example. it has nothing to do with knowing more about the property, it is simply about understanding what you have actually watched on screen. and the same ability it takes to watch Die Hard and know the plot is about terrorists taking over an office building and identifying that John McClane is the main character that the story is about, not Sgt. Powell, is the same ability that identifies that Anakin Skywalker is not the main character of Star Wars and who the story is about. I am talking about the movies. you can talk about Lucas' intent, but it is completely meaningless. or enlighten me. please explain what the plot of the three prequels are and how Anakin Skywalker is the protagonist of those films (who the films are about). go ahead.
  4. "I get asked all the time, 'What happens after "Return of the Jedi"?,' and there really is no answer for that," he said. "The movies were the story of Anakin Skywalker and Luke Skywalker, and when Luke saves the galaxy and redeems his father, that's where that story ends." - George Lucas, LA Times 2008 http://articles.latimes.com/2008/may/07/entertainment/et-lucas7 the movies are also the story of Han Solo, Princess Leia and Yoda, but that isn't the same as those characters being the main characters of the movies who the plots are about. and who the main characters that the plots are about aren't a matter of opinion, not even Lucas', they are based on the specifics of what the stories are and how they are told in regards to plot, protagonists, antagonists, etc. a writer can intend a character to be the main character but fail in writing him as it. and Lucas did not write a single Star Wars film with Anakin Skywalker as the protagonist of the plot, so his claim that the story is about Anakin has no validity to it. Anakin certainly has a story within the films, but if that was Lucas' intent he failed.
  5. except Star Wars isn't about Anakin's story, so his story arc being complete is irrelevant to any new movies. Luke Skywalker is the protagonist of the original trilogy and that is who the OT's story is about. Just because Anakin is redeemed at the end of ROTJ doesn't make the story of the OT or the entire series about him. His redemption isn't even a sub plot that is pursued throughout the OT; it is a subplot of ROTJ only. And Anakin isn't even the protagonist of the prequels. he is a supporting character like Han Solo in the OT. The protagonist propels the story, and the story of the prequels is about the Jedi's pursuit of who is behind the trade dispute which turns into a much larger and more deadly conflict. Qui Gon is the protagonist of TPM, and Obi Won is the protagonist of the next two films, as he is the character actively pursuing the plot. Anakin is merely a sub plot of both films. sure, his story arc stretches across the prequels and the OT, but only as a sub plot (and not even a sub plot of the OT but just of ROTJ). a 7th film doesn't need to have anything to do with Anakin. I do agree that it has to have something to do with Luke Skywalker, though, even if he is relegated just as a subplot that bridges episode 7 to the rest of the series.
  6. BIG LOB modified from the GIJCC's art, but I wasn't a fan of the face or pose that they had painted.
  8. Since giving up customizing figures, I have been trying to find the time to redo my site to switch the focus to custom cardart, especially classic cards as opposed to the modern cardbacks I had been creating. CLAYMORE CROSS-COUNTRY ROCKY STARDUSTER
  9. Stalker is a cool design, although kind of plain. But in modern form there is enough to work with to make him stand out. Neo-Viper Commander differs slightly from my Neo-Viper custom. I know what you are thinking -- Sand Viper was part of wave 6 during Spy Troops. But I had no interest in making the Desert CLAWS, and Beach Head will be coming in wave 3 with Dr. Mindbender so that would leave Sand Viper with no one to be paired with, so it made sense to bump him up and attach him to Dusty. Nothing terribly spectacular about Dusty, but Sand Viper is probably my favorite of all of these.
  10. NUNCHUK vs FIREFLY My favorite of the two packs from wave 2. both of the original figures were actually well done, even though they didn't quite mimic the illustrations, but the greater appeal of this set is that the character illustrations are fantastic and great ideas for modern updates. The Nunchuk art differs far more from the figure than Firefly -- the pant legs are different plus, the sash on his torso straps, and most importantly the face is just more rugged. Firefly, on the other hand, simply benefits from the update. I've always been a big fan of the JvC Zartan design, including the strange armored arms, as well as a fan of the JvC Scarlett.
  11. yeah, I'm not a fan of ROC Snake Eyes head either, but the JvC Snake Eyes had a sculpted mouth so it worked to replicate that.
  12. ON-CALL And last but not least, everyone's favorite horribly frankensteined mail-away G.I. Joe Reservist appropriately code named ON-Call. wave 2 coming soon.
  13. DUKE vs COBRA COMMANDER The art for Duke is nearly flawless as a 2001 update for the character. Then there was the awful figure. the JvC wave 4 Duke was never needed, Hasbro should have resculpted this design in o-ring construction as far as I am concerned. Cobra Commander suffers the same fate. maybe not as fantastic a design as the rest, but the figure didn't do much with it, even though it was corrected somewhat in wave 3. GUNG-HO vs DESTRO I have always loved this Gung Ho design, and the t-crotch figure is the best of the bunch, especially the art accurate clean shaven version. off all of the wave 1 figures, Gung Ho was the best done. again, why this kick-ass design didn't get an o-ring redo is ridiculous. But then you have Destro. even though the art is dynamic looking, there really isn't anything memorable about the concept.
  14. HEAVY-DUTY vs COBRA C.L.A.W.S. While the design for Heavy Duty doesn't particularly capture Heavy Duty, it is still a really great modern take on a soldier. Gas mask is removable and fits over his head. None of the CLAWS figures ever came close to capturing how great the card art is. If Hasbro ever made the figure to match, it would be one of the great Cobra troops of all time. SNAKE EYES vs STORM SHADOW Who really needs more of these two? I do if they are based on kick-ass designs, and this version of Storm Shadow is fantastic; too bad the figures never came close to capturing this design. Favorite part: removable nunchuks on the left leg for SS.
  15. Should be my favorite, as Frostbite is a perfect rendition of the art, and arctic figures are my favorite, but it loses out on the basis of Cobra Moray being more interesting to me than the Neo-Viper
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