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G.I.Joe Comic 2-Pack Wave 6 Hi-Res Images

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I love "Datafrme" and Scrap-Iron. Glad to see we're getting them. Beachhead is nice even if he's just a repaint. Wild Bill is suck-tastic. Too bad he's packaged with such a nice figure. I'll definately skip Hard Master and SE. I'm not sure why they went with HM when there are a lot of comic based characters that people have been asking for for years now (Dr. Venom and Billy quickly come to mind).

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Don't you people see that the arrow fits in the Hard Master's chest? That's too cool!



yeah, i was wondering why hasbro would do that i mean it is a child's toy. i don't think some parents these days would appreciate their kids being able to stick arrows in their toys so they can make it look like they actually died... then again I used to put gi joe knives/toothpicks/ w/e in between the torso's and the crotches to make it look like my joes were stabbed or w/e @hmmm@


it looks kinda weird how its right in the middle of the X on his chest

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Loving Scrap Iron... that's about it. Wild Bill is ass. Much, much ass. The Flight suit worked in the greens and browns, cuz it looked military-correct. In blue and orange... he looks like a goofball.


Hard Master is awesome in spite of himself. A new head sculpt, which would've been better utilized/more appreciated on Cutter in the upcoming 3-pack. He also has an amazing sword rack, with what looks like candles, scrolls, and a wooden training sword. Lots of things that'd work nicely in a Storm Shadow diorama. He's also got a scroll of some kind on his leg. The blindfold, the mask... all great custom fodder. The Snake-Eyes is simple enough. Not offensive, but not really useful.


Finally, while Dataframe is a new character, he's so slavish to the 80s figure that he's laughable. A computer specialist walking around with a giant table-top portable? Floppy discs? Have mercy on us! Beachhead is kinda cool, but the first 25th version really looks good for the comic/realism crowd... this looks too cartoony, and the vest doesn't really improve him at all.


So in summation. #10 for the accessories, #11 for the comic, and #12 for the win!

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i am getting tired of snake eyes. one character with a dozen versions. whats the point? all we need now is a version of snake eyes asleep. and all this ninja crap is too much, in general. GI JOE, to me, is not about ninjas. its about whipping ass with guns'n'ammo.

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Loving Scrap Iron... that's about it. Wild Bill is ass. Much, much ass. The Flight suit worked in the greens and browns, cuz it looked military-correct. In blue and orange... he looks like a goofball.


Hard Master is awesome in spite of himself. A new head sculpt, which would've been better utilized/more appreciated on Cutter in the upcoming 3-pack. He also has an amazing sword rack, with what looks like candles, scrolls, and a wooden training sword. Lots of things that'd work nicely in a Storm Shadow diorama. He's also got a scroll of some kind on his leg. The blindfold, the mask... all great custom fodder. The Snake-Eyes is simple enough. Not offensive, but not really useful.


Finally, while Dataframe is a new character, he's so slavish to the 80s figure that he's laughable. A computer specialist walking around with a giant table-top portable? Floppy discs? Have mercy on us! Beachhead is kinda cool, but the first 25th version really looks good for the comic/realism crowd... this looks too cartoony, and the vest doesn't really improve him at all.


So in summation. #10 for the accessories, #11 for the comic, and #12 for the win!



I'm pretty sure, like most of the 25th figures, its tribute to the old mainframe figure. you can say the same about the troopers. "why do they have outdated dragonov SNIPER riffles?" because its what the old figure had and its a tribute. You might as well be saying "why doesn't duke have gray hair by now?" and "why doesn't cc come with a snake walking cane?"

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I'm pretty sure, like most of the 25th figures, its tribute to the old mainframe figure. you can say the same about the troopers. "why do they have outdated dragonov SNIPER riffles?" because its what the old figure had and its a tribute. You might as well be saying "why doesn't duke have gray hair by now?" and "why doesn't cc come with a snake walking cane?"


Oh, I get the "why", it's just a classic rifle can be understood, even excused. There's no way that thing at Dataframe's hip would be compatable with any modern computer. It's not that I'd expect Hasbro to give him updated accessories, it's just that he, above all others, stands out as an anachronism 25 years later.

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I quite like the new Mainframe (I'll never change what I call him) and the new Scrap Iron. Both must haves. As for Beachhead and Wild Bill, they look nice, but I prefer the first versions to these. SE and Hard master are OK, but the only thing that sells me on this pack are the accessories. I'll look at it in person but its a pass for me. right now



Oh, I get the "why", it's just a classic rifle can be understood, even excused. There's no way that thing at Dataframe's hip would be compatable with any modern computer. It's not that I'd expect Hasbro to give him updated accessories, it's just that he, above all others, stands out as an anachronism 25 years later.


The computer does sort of stand out, but it doesn't have to. The floppy drives could be updated to be CD/DVD drives, and the bulkyness could be excused because it has huge ram and satelite hook-ups or something. Its not great, but I don't really think a laptop would have looked better either.








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To be honest, I think some people woul've gotten angry if they had given Mainframe a laptop instead of his original accesories. It's kind of a no win situation for Hasbro. Personally, I'm just happy we're getting him. Both he and Scraps are awesome. That Wild Bill on the otherhand... @hmmm@ .

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Scrap Iron is pretty nice, the others blow.


Mainframe is almost good, but he is a bit too much Shipwreck... the collar is just way too open @lol@ Couldn't they have used Duke's torso with the different arms or something?? c'mon man, get creative or something.



The Ninjas make me barf.


Beachhead is almost the exact same figure as before...


And WildBill sucked the first time, the second time, and will suck this time too.. that Ace/WildBill body needs to be sent away to India or something

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Scrap Iron is cool, although I'm not sure about all his facial scars and the Cobra Trooper parts.


Wild Bill, what's up with that? It looked much better at SDCC.


I could care less about the rest of them.

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That Mainframe & Beachhead comic takes place in the old Marvel run like the other exclusive comics did. Therefore Mainframe's computer makes perfect sense.

I love Wild Bill! It is a tribute to his cartoon version. http://www.joetoonarchive.com/displayimage...m=21&pos=91

I could care less for ninjas especially ninjas that wear bright red.

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Definitely gonna snarfle up that Data...frame.... and Beachead pack. Probably gonna pass on the rest. Scrap-Iron would be cool to add to my Cobra forces... we'll see if I'm kung-fu-gripping an extra $10 when I run across that pack.

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Don't you people see that the arrow fits in the Hard Master's chest? That's too cool!

It could be but that torso was used on the v3 Snake Eyes and the hole on him was just for his butterfly knives.



if you look at the arrow the head looks like its kinda squared so it would fit. but idk

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Don't you people see that the arrow fits in the Hard Master's chest? That's too cool!

It could be but that torso was used on the v3 Snake Eyes and the hole on him was just for his butterfly knives.


Yeah... but it totally needs to be displayed with an arrow in his chest.


Does Data...darn it... MAINFRAME come with floppy disks? I just noticed them in the packaged photo. How 1992.

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Beach Head: It makes me wonder how "loose" the head are if you keep changing them. Might just need to get TWO. Beach Head was always a favorite.


Mainframe: It makes me wonder how they decide who gets removable helmets and who doesn't. Other than that, He looks pretty good, but it woulda been nice, given they've had HOW much time, to fix that damn waist.


Hard Master: Meh. The character means nothing to me, not really. It is nice we are getting a unique AND a comci-only character. Plus his gear might be worth the getting.


Snake Eyes: I didn't pick up that "waste of space" black Storm Shadow, so do we REALLY need a grey one?


Scrap Iron: Looking closer, he's kinda generic, but the mold seems to work. Does the gun fit in that knife sheath on his leg you think? It make sme wonder that some guys get such "classic" looks, even for comic packs (the Dreadnoks, for example), yet some don't, even when they have relatively generic bodies to begin with. Is it REALLY that bad to mold just parts (as opposed to the whole mold)?


Wild Bill: I don't mind him. We've seen worse repaints. The helmet is pointless and doesn't fit since he has molded sunglasses.

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Hard Master and Snake Eyes look great and have a ton of cool accessories. I'm not as jazzed about this pack as some of the others, but I welcome it. If nothing else, Hard Master will stand in for Night Creeper Leader (although leading Red Ninjas rather than NCs), and Snake Eyes could be Kamakura as far as I'm concerned.


Beachhead doesn't impress me, but I know there are BH fans out there who didn't think the first version was as accurate as it could be. Plus, there are certainly worse things possible than getting a second Beachhead (like Duke #16, for example). Mainframe looks great; I hope his mic actually plugs into something. I also wish that Hasbro would start making 'mistakes' on the stands of all these characters who they can't/won't use the original names on. They did it with Breaker (the one with the RAM), why not on all the others?


Scrap-Iron is so freakin' sweet. I hope Hasbro doesn't cheap out and leave the knife sheath empty (or claim it's a holster when it obviously isn't). Wild Bill is great for the cartoon fans, although too inaccurate to please me.


Mostly winners here, but for different and more obscure reasons than Hasbro intended. Win some, lose some...

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